RV Getting a Divorce?
Tapped Out Quest Information
RV Getting a Divorce? is a questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in The Van Houtens content update. It requires Grandma Van Houten to be obtained.
After tapping on Grandma Van Houten's exclamation mark
Hey, so listen... I was thinking that you and I might get away for the weekend.
We've both been so busy lately, I think it would be great just to spend some quality time together.
Are you talking to your RV again?!
What? Uh, no!
You talk to that thing more than you talk to me!
Well, at least the RV doesn't care when I walk around without a shirt!
Then why don't you spend all night without a shirt!
Task: "Make Grandma Van Houten Kick Out Grandpa Van Houten". The job takes place at the Van Houten House or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. If Grandpa Van Houten is owned: Task: "Make Grandpa Van Houten Sleep in His RV". The job takes place at Grandpa Van Houten's RV or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Grandma Van Houten's exclamation mark
Thanks for coming over, Kirk. I don't know who else to talk to.
It's no problem, Mom. But we have to make it quick. I'm supposed to meet Dad in the RV in five minutes. He wants me to show him how to microwave Salisbury steak. Shirtless.
Ugh, that's the problem!
Salisbury steak is the problem?
No, the RV! That's all he ever talks about. You know, the last time we took a trip in that thing he forgot me at a gas station!
Yeah, he mentioned that. At least he came back for you.
On the return trip! For four days I had to ask for the gas station bathroom key tied to a hub cap.
Hmm...that gives me an idea...
Task: "Make Grandma Van Houten Steal the Keys to the RV". The job takes place at the Van Houten House or a Brown House and takes 8 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Grandma Van Houten's exclamation mark
You know, since it's such a beautiful day, why don't you take the RV out? By yourself.
Really? You wouldn't mind?
Not at all. You just tell me all about it when you get back. I'll be here yelling at the whippersnappers.
Hot diggity!
Task: "Make Grandma Van Houten Yell at the Whippersnappers". The job takes 4 hours.
Grandma, call the cops! The RV is missing! Someone must have stolen it!
Heavens to Betsy. I'll get Chief Wiggum on the phone for you right away.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Grandma Van Houten's exclamation mark
Chief Wiggum? I'd like to report a theft. Of my RV!
Really? That's a pretty big thing to steal. Cops usually get called for smaller things like bikes or diamond rings or cell phones.
Which reminds me. Lou, have you seen my cellphone?
You're talking on it, Chief!
It was taken right from my driveway in broad daylight!
Yeah, that doesn't sound like a job for ordinary cops. Maybe you should call Manacek.
Task: "Make Grandma Van Houten Quietly Chuckle". The job takes place at the Van Houten House or a Brown House and takes 12 hours.
Cheer up, honey. I'm sure it'll turn up soon. I mean, how long can something like that stay hidden?
How can you expect me to cheer up when the only thing I love in this world is missing?!
The only thing you love in this world, huh? Well, I always suspected as much, but it's nice to finally hear you admit it.
I moved your RV around the corner to teach you a lesson. Here are the keys.
Oh, thank goodness.
But I warn you — if you step one foot out that door, we're through.
*door slam*
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Grandma Van Houten's exclamation mark
Let's face it. We've been growing apart for a long time. I think it's time we—
No. Don't say it.
— get a divorce.
Oh, yeah, sure. A divorce.
Wait, what did you think I was gonna say?
Sell the RV.
I'm calling my lawyer.
Me too.
Task: "Make Grandma Van Houten File for Divorce". The job takes place at the Town Hall or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. If Grandpa Van Houten is owned: Task: "Make Grandpa Van Houten File for Divorce". The job takes place at the Town Hall or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
I guess this is it. Are you sure you're going to be okay?
I have no idea. I think I'll just hit the road and see where it takes me.
Don't forget your bee allergy medicine or it'll take you to the emergency room.
Quest reward: 200 and 20