Damage Control
Tapped Out Quest Information
Damage Control is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in The Van Houtens content update. It requires Secretary Van Houten to be obtained.
After tapping on Secretary Van Houten's exclamation mark
Madam President, the latest approval numbers are in.
You don't have to keep calling me Madam President. We've known each other since we were in diapers.
Perhaps not as long ago as we'd like to admit.
Anyway, about your approval rating — it's twice as high as any president in the last thirty-five years. A whopping 51%!
I'm glad to hear it. Though, it's concerning that so few Americans have been satisfied with their president in such a long time.
Well, the rise of the Civil Unrest Party caused the Global Dominators to kill off the New Feudalists and opened the door for the We the Party People party.
I'm well aware of our nation's history, Milhouse. Now, was there anything else?
I was thinking you might want to show your gratitude with an address to the nation.
Good idea. Let's fit it in between golfing with the Sino-Soviet trade delegation and parasailing with the ambassador to the Magic Kingdom.
Task: "Make Secretary Van Houten Prepare Lisa's Speech". The job takes place at the U.S. Capitol Building, Town Hall, or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. If President Lisa is owned: Task: "Make President Lisa Prepare for Her Speech". The job takes place at the U.S. Capitol Building, Town Hall, or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Secretary Van Houten's exclamation mark
Secretary Van Houten. May I have a moment?
Who are you?
A nameless lackey with ties to the deep state.
But the deep state doesn't exist.
And if you want to keep it that way, you'll listen to what I have to say. Our oppo research has revealed that you have a thing for the president.
What — No! Who told you that?
Relax, I'm only here to help. Now, here's the proposition...
Task: "Make Secretary Van Houten Listen to the Proposition". The job takes place at the U.S. Capitol Building, Town Hall, or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
You really think that would work?
Absolutely. My source has assured me that the president is extremely fond of public displays of affection during nationally televised speeches.
That seems like an awfully specific piece of intelligence. Who is your source?
I could tell you that, but then I'd have to kill you.
Oh, God please no, don't tell me, don't tell me!
Uh...that was just an expression. Anyway, we just want to see the president "happy".
Well, when you put it in oddly menacing quotation marks...it sounds like a great idea!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Secretary Van Houten's exclamation mark
My fellow Americans, you honor me and my administration with your historic high marks and praise.
I'd like to particularly thank the donors who gave the maximum amount below what is required for public disclosure.
Madam President, we have a situation.
Not now, Milhouse, can't you see I'm in the middle of a speech?
Exactly. *lifts boombox over his head* President Lisa, I love you. Will you marry me?
Are you insane?
Is that a yes?!
Ugh, it's a hard no! Not in a million years!
Ahem. Apologies for the interruption. Now where was I?
Oh yes, when I took over the presidency, America was a global embarrassment. I felt that pain then, and I REALLY feel it right now...
Task: "Make Secretary Van Houten Wallow in Shame". The job takes place at the U.S. Capitol Building, Town Hall, or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. If President Lisa is owned: Task: "Make President Lisa Be Embarrassed". The job takes place at the U.S. Capitol Building, Town Hall, or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Milhouse! What has gotten into you? How could you embarrass me like that on national television?
I'm sorry, Lisa. I got some bad intel. What can I do to help?
Call a cabinet meeting. I need the Secretary of Social Media and the Deputy Director for Trending Hashtags to advise me on #omgshebmean.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Secretary Van Houten's exclamation mark
Walking briskly down long hallways in the West Wing is the perfect place to think...
I need to do something. I got Lisa into this situation, so it's up to me to bail her out... I've got it!
Task: "Make Secretary Van Houten Twirl His Sign". The job takes 8 hours.
It's no use. This sign twirling gets less attention than climate change.
Hey you! You're the guy who told me to propose to Lisa on camera!
Easy there, guy. I never told you to propose.
Although it was absolutely hilarious the way she turned you down. I haven't laughed that hard since the day we shot that Go-Go Ray at Skinner.
Bart?! Is that you?
Took ya long enough to guess. You're more gullible than CIA Director Ralph Wiggum.
How could you do that to me? I humiliated myself in front of the whole country.
More importantly, you humiliated Lisa. I just needed her taken down a peg. Mom's been going on and on about her since those approval ratings came in.
I couldn't get her to make me a quesadilla last night. She wanted ME to do it so she could watch Lisa's stupid speech. Can you believe that?
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Secretary Van Houten's exclamation mark
You put Milhouse up to this? Bart, do you understand the ramifications of what you've done?!
Relax, Lis. This'll all blow over by the next news cycle. Which is in three...two...one...
*panting* Lisa...you're not...going to...believe it...
What now?
Your approval rating...shot up...to 78%!
That's higher than the day President Gaga pushed Jeff Zuckerberg out of Air Force One. How is that possible?
Probably because you turned down a lame-o like Milhouse.
It's true! All of the pundits attribute your approval increase to everyone's disapproval of me! Isn't that great? I fixed it!
So, since your approval rating is now the highest in history, how about a kiss?
Well, we wouldn't want to upset the voters, would we, Milhouse?
Uh, right. Okay. I'll just go sit in the Situation Room and listen to the rest of that song on my boombox.
Task: "Make Secretary Van Houten Listen to His Boombox". The job takes place at Marine One or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 200 and 20