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Sidekicked Aside
Tapped Out Quest Information
Sidekicked Aside is an event-exclusive questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in The Van Houtens content update.
Pt. 1
Between August 21, 2020 and September 16, 2020
Whoa. Is that…Van Houten? With a girl?
She’s pretty.
And so mature looking.
Wait, which one of you said which part of that?
I said she’s pretty.
And I said she’s mature looking.
It looks like my plan is working. Everyone is smitten with envy at the sight of such a power couple.
Fine. Just don’t touch me.
Yes, milady!
That includes with your eyes.
Task: "Collect Sunglasses" (x115). Task: "Make Milhouse Parade Annika Through School". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. If Annika is owned: Task: "Make Annika Begrudgingly Play Along". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Hey, Annika, Apu hasn’t picked up the Squishee machine from my party. Wanna lick the rotors?
Milhouse, if I’m going to pretend to be with you, we should do what I want to do.
Okay, what do you want to do?
Not be with you.
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Milhouse Squishee Machine
Pt. 2
After completing Pt. 1
C’mon Milhouse, we were supposed to go birdwatching this afternoon.
Sorry, Lisa, you go without me.
But the Springfield Swallow is especially drawn to the smell of your asthma medicine.
Here, let them mate with my inhaler. Annika and I are going to get gelato.
You’re passing up an afternoon with me to get ice cream with your cousin?
Not ice cream. GEL-AH-TO.
I have a card that says, “Buy 98, Get the 99th Free”.
How many more do you have to go?
Task: "Collect Sunglasses" (x115). Task: "Make Milhouse Take Annika Out for Gelato". The job takes place at Springfield Mall or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. If Annika is owned: Task: "Make Annika Eat Gelato With Milhouse". The job takes place at Springfield Mall or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Gelato Stand
Pt. 3
After completing Pt. 2
Hey Milhouse, I’ve got two hurling bricks. I’ll give you first chuck!
Milhouse is busy, Simpson.
Oh. Time for his daily beating, huh?
No. We’re playing Sjoelbak.
You’re doing what now?!
Sjoelbak! I was the Aberdeen champ! Lemme show ya how it’s done!
*frustrated moan*
Task: "Collect Sunglasses" (x115). Task: "Make Milhouse Play Sjoelbak With Nelson". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Bart Try to Pronounce Sjoelbak". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. If Nelson is owned: Task: "Make Nelson Play Sjoelbak With Milhouse". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. If Willie is owned: Task: "Make Willie "Show 'em How it's Done"". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Hey, Bart, you look like you just lost your best friend. Figuratively and literally.
I don’t know what either of those words mean but, in context, you seem right.
Milhouse being popular has taught us both interesting lessons.
That bricks make terrible Sjoelbak discs?
Sure…and that friends you take for granted are the ones you miss the most.
Save the lessons for Week Four. Now’s the time to hatch a plan…
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Sjoelbak Table
Pt. 4
After completing Pt. 3
So, d’you guys ever notice that Milhouse and Annika look so much alike?
Lisa’s right! This calls for a cool kids conference.
Hey Milhouse, how come you guys look so much alike?
Uh, us? Well, uh. Uh, uh.
I’ll tell you why. We’re into twinning. And it’s cool to be into twinning.
Yeah. It’s cool to be into twinning.
No argument from us.
Wow. That makes a lot of sense. And it makes even more sense that Lisa wouldn’t know that. Cool kids conference adjourned.
*whispering* Looks like Plan A didn’t work.
*whispering* Switching to Plan B.
Ye can stop whispering. They all left when the conference ended.
Task: "Collect Sunglasses" (x155). Task: "Make Milhouse Sigh in Relief". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Lisa Abandon “Plan A”". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Bart Switch to “Plan B”". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 5
After completing Pt. 4
Hey Milhouse, do you see all those cool kids laughing over there? Do you know why they’re laughing?
I assume because they watched you aim your Go-Go Ray at the mirrored disco ball in the teachers lounge.
Let me tell you something Lisa always says, “Correlation does not imply causation”.
I don’t know what that means.
Neither do I but she told me to say it because what those kids are REALLY laughing at is you.
Me? Why?
Because they know your relationship with Annika is a joke.
It is?
Yes. And if those teachers ever stop doing the mambo, they would tell you that you need to break up with her.
But I've still got seventy-three gelatos to go!
Task: "Collect Sunglasses" (x195). Task: "Make Milhouse Publicly Break Up With Annika". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. If Annika is owned: Task: "Make Annika Not Care". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Whoa, did Milhouse just break up with Annika?
He totally did.
And she was way hotter than him!
And way older!
Wait, which one of you said which—
Never mind that! I hereby declare Milhouse the coolest kid in Springfield Elementary!
Bart, why are you dancing for joy?
I’m not dancing for joy! I got despondent and put the Go-Go Ray to my head!
Quest reward: 200 and 20 Cool Milhouse