Of Hosses and Hookers
Tapped Out Quest Information
Of Hosses and Hookers is an event-exclusive questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Simpsons Wrestling content update.
Between April 26, 2020 and May 13, 2020
Just give that double A-hole the deed to the power plant so those SEW wrestlers will leave!
Handing over the plant would be like killing one of my own children.
Don't look that up.
Task: "Collect Foam Fingers" (x200). Task: "Make Springfielders Threaten Mr. Burns" (x5). The jobs take place at Burns Manor or a Brown House and take 4 hours. Task: "Make Burns Give Springfielders the Slip". The job takes place at Burns Manor or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Town Hall Trashed by Partying
After completing Pt. 1
Captain Flag! You Golden Ring Wrestlers have to do something about these SEW jerks!
I wish we could, son, but SEW took most of us for their own. There's just a handful of us left.
And now all we do are low-paying backyard wrestling matches.
I got a backyard and a coupon for chicken wings.
You just got yourself a wrestling match!
Task: "Collect Foam Fingers" (x100). Task: "Make Bart Pay for Backyard Wrestling". The job takes place at the Backyard Wrestling Ring or a Brown House and takes 8 hours. If Captain Flag is owned: Task: "Make Captain Flag Backyard Wrestle". The job takes place at the Backyard Wrestling Ring or a Brown House and takes 8 hours.
And that's another victory for Truth, Chokeholds, and the American Way!
God bless America and smart phones! I'm putting that right on ViewTube.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After completing Pt. 2
We gotta do something about these SEW wrestlers!
I thought they were your new heroes.
They were until I went to get Iron Yuppie's autograph. He put Puppy Goo-Goo in a Hangman's Choke and stuffing came out of her ears.
I know someone who can put the stuffing back in your Goo-Goo -- our old, retired wrestling hero, Dr. Bonebreak!
Task: "Collect Foam Fingers" (x175). Task: "Make Bart Try to Talk Dr. Bonebreak Out of Retirement". The job takes place at the Town Hall or a Brown House and takes 2 hours.
Dr. Bonebreak! We need you to come out of retirement and beat up these SEW guys!
"Thousands of candles can be lit from one happy candle."
Yeah, yeah, we can light a buncha candle fires later. Right now we need Headscissors and Hammerlocks!
I can't help. I'm a Buddhist now. Also, call me Dr. Peacenik.
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Backyard Wrestling Ring
After completing Pt. 3
A Buddhist?! But Dr. Bone—er... I mean Peacenik, how can you let a bunch of thugs ruin our town?
AND squeeze the stuffing out of my plushie!
What we should do is meditate on this together.
Simpson! Are you turning your back on the SEW?
I never had my back any other way! It was all Milhouse.
To be fair, I'm going to beat you both up!
That IS fair.
Task: "Collect Foam Fingers" (x150). Task: "Make Bart Get Beat Up". The job takes place at the Backyard Wrestling Ring or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Milhouse Get Beat Up". The job takes place at the Backyard Wrestling Ring or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
I'm sorry you got beat up on my account.
Maybe your Buddha has some words that would make me feel better?
... Nah, he's got nothing.
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Party Limo
After completing Pt. 4
But wait, Dr. Peacenik. Didn't Buddha say, "If you speak always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind"?
He said that?
He also said, "Do today what must be done. Who knows? Tomorrow, death comes."
Boy, this guy sure wouldn't stop talking.
Task: "Collect Foam Fingers" (x150). Task: "Make Bart Convince Dr. Bonebreak to Return to Wrestling". The job takes place at Springfield Buddhist Temple, Springfield Wrestling Pavilion, or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
You have moved me!
With the words of Buddha?
No. With the beating you took at the hands of those bullies.
Does that mean you're going to help us?
Well let's just say...IT'S BONEBREAKING TIME! WOO!
Quest reward: 200 and 20 Dr. Bonebreak
Currency-earning jobs[edit]
Gather Foam Fingers
Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, Grampa, Moe, Smithers, Mr. Burns
Springfield Wrestling Pavilion, Brown House
5, 45
Search Stadium Parking Lots for Foam Fingers
The Beefy Bishop, Rumbleina, Professor Werner von Brawn
Stadium Entrance, Duff Stadium, Basketball Stadium, Sumo Stadium, Brown House
8, 70