Knit Fits
Tapped Out Quest Information
Knit Fits is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the A Simpsons Christmas Special content update. It requires Kathy from Personnel to be obtained.
After tapping on Kathy from Personnel's exclamation mark
Hello, I'm here for the introductory knitting class?
Please come in. I'll be your instructor. My name is---
Kathy from Personnel!
Waylon Smithers. This here yarn store isn't big enough for the two of us.
You don't scare me, yarnslinger. I came here for one reason -- to make ugly scarves no one wants as slowly as possible. And I reckon to.
You'll be begging for mercy before the first purl stitch.
We'll just see about that. Icy silence, then?
Icy silence it is.
Task: "Make Kathy Politely Ignore Smithers". The job takes place at Yarn Barn and takes 4 hours. If Smithers is owned: Task: "Make Smithers Glare at Kathy". The job takes place at Yarn Barn and takes 4 hours.
Hey, hey! Let's knit, ladies!
Krusty the Clown?! You're a needle jockey?
Nah. I heard the hipsters were into knitting, so I figured: there's my next desperate attempt to stay relevant.
Hey, what's with the weird tension in the room?
Those two hate each other. It happens whenever a brash young thread-man saunters into town. There's bound to be a knit-down.
You just can't avoid crazy in this town, can you?
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Kathy from Personnel's exclamation mark
And knit, and purl, and knit, and purl. Very good, Krusty!
What are you seeing that I'm not, lady? I just sewed my arm to a tea cozy.
Now, now. You're making progress. Which is more than I can say for poor Waylon.
I'm... not... giving up! Knit! Purl! Aaaugh!
Is that a warp, or a weft? I honestly can't tell!
Those are parallel wales and courses, and you know it, you old bag!
My, my, Krusty. It appears Mr. Smithers is losing his patience, doesn't it?
Any time you want to turn tail, Waylon, there's the door.
I am INSANELY attracted to you right now. That says something awful about my mental health, doesn't it?
Task: "Make Kathy Demonstrate Knitting Technique". The job takes place at Yarn Barn and takes 4 hours. If Krusty is owned: Task: "Make Krusty Tie His Yarn in Knots". The job takes place at Yarn Barn and takes 4 hours.
Very good, students. With the exception of Mr. Smithers, I see a room full of budding mittenists and sweateristos.
Really, old timer? Because I just smocked a slip-stitch and half-clustered an entire row of Fair-Isle.
*biggest gasp ever*
That's... that's impossible! I've never seen such raw talent!
I don't understand a word, yet I can't tear my eyes off you glorious freaks!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Kathy from Personnel's exclamation mark
Mr. Smithers! This lesson is for beginners only. I know a seasoned garter-stitcher when I see one.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I've never clacked needles before today. It looks like human resources isn't the only field in which you're second-rate.
Oh, the enmity! It's manna from heaven for my damaged soul!
Hey crazies -- stop turning me on this instant! You're all so bats, I don't know who to fall in love with first!
I'm going to step outside for a tea break. When I come back, Waylon, we will settle this the old-fashioned way. Cable knit sweaters at twenty paces.
Task: "Make Kathy Take a Tea Break". The job takes 8 hours.
I challenge you to a duel, Mr. Smithers!
Challenge accepted. Choose... your... pattern.
Cable-knit crew necks. Size: extra-large.
Extra-large?! That's too much! They can't possibly survive!
Very well. What color?
No! There's not enough contrast! They'll die for sure! Heavens! *faints*
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Kathy from Personnel's exclamation mark
Having trouble attaching your sleeves, Waylon? Looks like you cast off a little early? Or did you drop a half-slip on your basketweave cast on?
Are you blind? I'm pulling left into a quarter-cluster on a mock-smocking stockinette Bainsley tiedown re-cross.
But... that's impossible!
Anyone have the slightest clue who's winning?
They're knitting at a level I've only seen in the movies!
I will not lose to this man! Eat my Farnsworth Reverse Studsley purl hitch-pull weekender moss-loop!
Task: "Make Kathy Pitch a Knit Fit". The job takes 24 hours.
I... I don't believe it. Two perfect sweaters, in under five minutes.
I think they're dead. They gave their lives for clothing no one will ever wear. Because they're homemade. And who wants that?
Wait... I'm getting a pulse. Somehow, they're both alive!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Kathy from Personnel's exclamation mark
We could have died, Waylon. Is our rivalry really worth that?
Logically, no. But a body needs a workplace enemy. For better or for worse, you're mine.
My god, you're right. If I didn't have you to loathe, I wouldn't be so close with all my other coworkers. I suppose I should thank you.
And I you.
*stares meaningfully into his eyes*
*returns her gaze with manly directness*
Task: "Make Kathy Passionately Embrace Smithers". The job takes place at Yarn Barn and takes 8 hours. If Smithers is owned: Task: "Make Smithers Be Swept Away in the Moment". The job takes place at Yarn Barn and takes 8 hours.
What the hell just happened?
I... don't know. I have to tell you, I'm gay.
Me too. And proud of it.
I guess when two people really, truly despise one another, the attraction is irresistible.
That makes zero sense. Dumbest thing I ever heard.
Go to hell, Smithers.
Quest reward: 200 and 20