Non-Alcoholic Whine
Tapped Out Quest Information
Non-Alcoholic Whine is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the A Simpsons Christmas Special content update. It requires Young Barney to be obtained.
Pt. 1
After tapping on Young Barney's exclamation mark
Welcome to my uncle's chalet, Homer! Isn't it great?
The word "chalet" implies a hot tub and girls who ski in bikini tops for some wonderful reason I can't fathom. THIS is an ice fishing shack.
Well, sure, but if you like ice fishing--
Gonna stop you right there. I don't. I don't even like REGULAR fishing.
Listen, my philosophy is: "whatever makes you happy is great. Except fishing, which is dumb and you're dumb for liking it, ya dummy."
Just pass me a beer.
We don't have any. Being drunk would impair our fishing skills, and we can't have that!
I'm going to die out here.
Task: "Make Young Barney Prepare Ice Fishing". The job takes place at the Ice Fishing Shack and takes 4 hours. If Teenage Homer is owned: Task: "Make Young Homer Freeze His Butt Off". The job takes place at the Ice Fishing Shack and takes 4 hours.
We're all set to fish! Hey, you okay, Homer? You're turning kind of blue.
J-j-just t-t-trying not to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d... freeze to death.
You'll feel better once you go completely numb.
Know what? You can go f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f... buzz off.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on Young Barney's exclamation mark
You just need to discover the peace of fishing. Now grab one of these worms and impale its still-living form on your razor-sharp hook.
I'm not going to kill some poor worm over fishing.
It's already as good as dead. Nothing can survive in this cold.
What do we need beer for when we've got friendship?
That's a false premise. Your actual options are A) beer AND friendship both; or B) no beer and pure animal hatred.
Task: "Make Young Barney Excel at Fishing". The job takes place at the Ice Fishing Shack and takes 12 hours. If Teenage Homer is owned: Task: "Make Young Homer Fish for an Escape". The job takes place at the Ice Fishing Shack and takes 4 hours.
Having fun yet, Homer?
*cracks open a beer* Sure am, Barn!
Hey! Where'd you find that?!
Dunno, but I have a theory. I think the universe just sort of wants me to be a drunk.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After tapping on Young Barney's exclamation mark
I was really hoping to get away from all the peer pressure around drinking for a few days.
Hey, don't be sore, pal. You don't have to drink. Unless you want to be cool.
Why would I turn myself into a pudgy, belching, idiot? I've got enough trouble getting girls as it is.
If it's girls you want, you came to the right man. Let me teach you the basics of scoring with super-hot babes.
Task: "Make Young Barney Admire Young Homer". The job takes place at the Ice Fishing Shack and takes 60 minutes. If Teenage Homer is owned: Task: "Make Young Homer Ramble Nonsensically About Women". The job takes place at the Ice Fishing Shack and takes 8 hours.
The most important thing to remember is that women and men are exactly the same.
*pulls out tiny pad of paper and pencil* Uh huh. Uh huh. Go on.
So when you talk to a girl, remember that she's interested in sports, babes, and your personal ranking of the various guitar gods.
And if she disagrees with you, tell her she couldn't be more wrong, and that she should feel terrible about that.
All these years I've been trying to figure out what girls like. When it was right in front of my stupid face.
But the most important thing is to let them know, right up front, that you're a chick magnet and women find you irresistible.
*writes in tiny pad of paper* Be a chick magnet.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 4
After tapping on Young Barney's exclamation mark
I've clearly got a lot of work to do on myself before girls will like me.
Well, that's certainly true. But you'll feel better about it after a beer.
Where did THAT beer come from?
No idea. I just reach down my hand, like this, and-- hey! There's another one! Drink up, pal!
My Uncle says you should never bow to peer pressure.
A wise man. Now shut up and drink, or else.
Task: "Make Young Barney Try to Fit In". The job takes 4 hours.
Ew, beer is gross.
*hic* Keep at it pal. You'll come around. *hic* I never want to drink anything else ever again. I hope my blood turns into beer.
That way, if I get in a car accident, it's like: "Quick, give this man a beer transfusion!" Boom! I'm drunker than ever.
Homer, I think you might have a problem.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 5
After tapping on Young Barney's exclamation mark
Come on Homer, let's get you home. I think all this beer is damaging your brain.
*hic* Not the beer. Beer good. Cold bad. Homer still have toes?
Your toes? Yeah, they're right there in your shoes.
*hic* What about fingers?
Actually, they're a little blue. I think you're getting hypothermia.
*belch* No chance. Homer nice and toasty warm now.
What I'm about to say to you goes with us to our graves - for your own safety, take off your clothes and hold me.
Task: "Make Young Barney Cuddle for Warmth". The job takes place at the Ice Fishing Shack and takes 12 hours. If Teenage Homer is owned: Task: "Make Young Homer Be Cuddled for Warmth". The job takes place at the Ice Fishing Shack and takes 12 hours.
Feeling any better, Homer?
Oh, god. How did it come to this? I swear, I am never drinking again. EVER.
*cracks a beer*
Eh, the universe wants what it wants.
Quest reward: 200 and 20