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The Simpsons: Tapped Out Stunt Cannon content update was released on July 26th, 2017, and is the one hundred and fifty-third content update. It is a teaser to the next event. It added 1 decoration. The update ends on July 31st at 8am GMT.
Item Origins
A Gut-Bustin' Good Time
A Gut-Bustin' Good Time Pt. 1
After the user logs in on July 26th:
Dad, Lisa, come quick! I've found something amazing!
The closet where Mom hid all the things she doesn't want us playing with.
My old safety blanket!
The samurai sword Grampa gave me!
My cannon from when I was a stunt performer at the Hullabalooza festival!
No. Not the cannon. Don't you dare place that!
Task: Build Stunt Cannon
Oh, that's just great.
Stabbity stab stab.
Bwanky, I'll never leave you again.
Hello, cannon...
System Message
Play through the questline to unlock a special animated job for Homer!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
A Gut-Bustin' Good Time Pt. 2
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark:
Homer, please tell me you're not going to repeat your Hullabalooza cannon performance.
As the great playwright Chekhov wrote…
“If a cannon appears in Part 2, then by Part 5 it must have shot someone in the stomach”.
Chekhov never said that.
Don't you have a ragged blanket to obsess over?
I sure do!
Task: Make Homer Polish the Cannon (4h, Simpson House) Task: Make Lisa Suck Her Thumb and Hug Her Blanket (4h, Simpson House)
I knew I should've put a lock on that closet where I hide things.
Is it Part 5 yet? I want to shoot this thing.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
A Gut-Bustin' Good Time Pt. 3
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark:
Homer, the last time you shot cannonballs into your stomach for Hullabalooza, you nearly died.
You're exactly right. And the only solution is padding.
By which I mean a beer belly the size of a waterbed.
Task: Make Homer Guzzle Beers (1h, Simpson House) Quest reward: 100 and 10
A Gut-Bustin' Good Time Pt. 4
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark:
I think I'm ready for the cannon.
Homer, be responsible, and remember the slogan.
“Don't drink and shoot cannonballs into your stomach”.
Only one way to sober up. Eat forty pizzas.
Task: Make Homer Eat Many Pizzas (3h, Simpson House)
System Message
Homer's stomach is ready, even if you're not.
System Message
You've been awarded Homer's “Stunt Cannon Performance” animated job!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
A Gut-Bustin' Good Time Pt. 5
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark:
Kids, prepare for the coolest thing you've ever seen:
A dinosaur with machine guns for arms?
A fairy unicorn?
A bloated fat man being blasted in the stomach with a ten-pound iron ball.
Task: Make Homer Do Stunt Cannon Performance (4h, Stunt Cannon)
Pretty awesome, right kids?
Eh, next time aim at your skull.
Brain, eh? Intriguing!
Quest reward: 200 and 20
Conform-o-meter impact
Building or Item
Stunt Cannon
Other changes made
July 26th Update ("4_27_StuntCannon")
- In Two Minutes of Hate Pt. 5, Homer's dialogue "Walls of amazing guitars that I will never bother to play in a million years." was changed to "Walls of amazing guitars that I will never be able to play in a million years.".
- If an user attempts to buy a skin for a building, the dialogue "You must build [building name] before you can use this façade." was changed to "You must build [building name] before you can purchase this façade.".
- The job Go To Guitar Central Third Tiresome Time was changed to Go To Guitar Central a Third Tiresome Time.
- Dr. Colossus' Mope job was added back and no longer requires the quest Hector Von Colossus to be started.
- A glitch making Pride Crosswalk upgradable in other people's town was fixed.
- Timers for the items in the Superheroes Return store panel was added.
- The quest Fallout Boys Rise From the Shadows Pt. 1 now expires once the Superheroes Return update is over.