The Springfield Flimflam
Tapped Out Quest Information
The Springfield Flimflam is an event-exclusive questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Simpsons Wrestling content update.
Pt. 1
Between April 17, 2020 and May 13, 2020
With the undercards complete, it’s time for the main event: SEW’s Iron Yuppie vs. Springfield’s own… Captain Flag!
I’m going to burn that American Flag!
That’s “Captain” Flag to you, hippie!
The two men are grappling… ooo, there’s a Powerbomb… a Camel Clutch… and a Brainbuster…!
As expected, Captain Flag is putting the finishing touches on the villainous Masked Yuppie -- but wait…
What’s happening?! No-no-no-NOOOOOOOOO!
Task: "Collect Folding Chairs" (x225). If Captain Flag is owned: Task: "Make Captain Flag Lose to The Iron Yuppie". The job takes place at Springfield Wrestling Pavilion, Golden Ring Wrestling Headquarters, or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Burns Cry Out in Disbelief". The job takes place at Springfield Wrestling Pavilion, Golden Ring Wrestling Headquarters, or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Holy Half-Nelson! Iron Yuppie has defeated Captain Flag!
This isn’t the ruse we agreed to! I’ve been flimflammed!
Mwahaha! Burnsy, your golden statue is mine!
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Golden Ring Wrestling Headquarters
Pt. 2
After completing Pt. 1
Following the now-infamous “Springfield Flimflam”, Springfield Elite Wrestling is more popular than ever!
I’m a proud SEW fan! I loved when Iron Yuppie planted his flag through the heart of Captain Flag!
It was Iwo Jima all over again! Winning isn’t everything -- but it sure beats losing!
It’s a double-cross! I’m stewing in my own juices!
You don’t have many juices to stew, sir.
I demand a new title match! This time there will be no backstabbing!
Task: "Collect Folding Chairs" (x100). Task: "Make Burns Try to Talk Wrestlers Into a Rematch". The job takes place at Springfield Wrestling Pavilion, Golden Ring Wrestling Headquarters, or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Forget it, General Burns. Your wrestlers have all screwed the pooch and joined SEW.
Even Rasputin the Friendly Russian has defected to Springfield Elite!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After completing Pt. 2
Those SEW guys think they own the town.
But if we let ‘em celebrate their victory, maybe they’ll share victory cake with us! ‘Cause I like cake.
Er-ah… Mister Iron Yuppie, you seem to be sitting at my desk.
This is my desk now, jobber! Unless you want to fight for it!
Task: "Collect Folding Chairs" (x150). Task: "Make Bart Sulk Over the SEW Takeover". The job takes place at the Simpson House or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
No need to fight. I’ll just take my mayoral sash and sit on the steps of City Hall.
EEEAAHH! Trash the Sash Suplex!
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Fancy Wrestling Ring
Pt. 4
After completing Pt. 3
I don’t like these new wrestlers running roughshod all over town!
You never complained when Bart was running roughshod. I’m good with them.
And you're good with them drinkin’ me out of booze and smashin’ what they didn’t drink?!
WAAAAAH! I’ll kill them!
Task: "Collect Folding Chairs" (x150). Task: "Make Springfielders Become Upset at SEW Wrestlers" (x5). The jobs take place at the Town Hall or a Brown House and take 60 minutes.
These SEW guys are ruining our town.
We need trained professionals to bring them in line.
Isn’t that your job?
But they’re big and sweaty. And I’m big but I NEVER break a sweat.
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Golden Wrestler Statue
Pt. 5
After completing Pt. 4
My fellow Springfieldians, these are the dastardly deeds of Aristotle Amadopolis!
And the wrestlers all work for Amadopolis!
We need our Mayor to confront these terrors with some kind of civic resolution!
Er… my resolution is for me to step aside and declare mob rule! Go get ‘em, citizens!
Task: "Collect Folding Chairs" (x150). Task: "Make Springfielders Threaten Amadopolis" (x5). The jobs take place at Springfield Wrestling Pavilion or a Brown House and take 60 minutes.
All right, Amadopolis! Either you man-handle your man-handlers or we’ll throw you into a Spinning Toehold…
…then drop you into a Kneeling Figure-Four Leglock… then bend you into a Crossface Chickenwing…
Just saying all that made me exhausted.
Hey, fatso, why don’t you and me go a few rounds!
There’s no need for that. I’m willing to give the good people what they want… if I get what I want!
Name your price, you unwelcome rakefire!
All I want is the deed to the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant!
*gasp* Never!
Quest reward: 200 and 20 Honest Abe
Currency-earning jobs
Unstack Folding Chairs
Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, Grampa, Moe, Smithers, Mr. Burns
Springfield Wrestling Pavilion or Brown House
5, 45
Stockpile Folding Chairs
Rumbleina, Professor Werner von Brawn
8, 70