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Cut the Beef
Tapped Out Quest Information
Cut the Beef is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Simpsons Wrestling content update. It requires The Beefy Bishop to be obtained.
Pt. 1
After tapping on Grampa's exclamation mark
Why won't you get back in the ring?
My wrestling days are long over, much like your hairline. Now leave me.
But I want to gossip about our peers and see you lose your temper.
I haven't lost my temper in three hours. That's a new record for me.
*walking toward the door* I forgot my wallet. I'll need to take this haircut on credit.
Pay or your hair isn't the only thing getting cut!
Three hours and one second. Record broken!
Task: "Make Beefy Bishop Lose His Temper". The job takes place at Beefy Bishop's Barbershop or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Moe Get Thrown Out". The job takes place at Beefy Bishop's Barbershop or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
So much for not getting mad.
I’m getting madder hearing you say that!
I mighta overstayed my welcome.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on The Beefy Bishop's exclamation mark
Hey, Ned. You want the usual?
Not this time, barber-ino! I need a new look. Something that says "I love the Lord more than you do".
I've got just the thing.
Task: "Make Beefy Bishop Give Ned a Bad Haircut". The job takes Beefy Bishop's Barbershop or Jake's Unisex Hair Palace.
What do you think of that haircut?
I’m not sure. Does it look a little Seventeenth Century Mohican?
The Seventeenth Century is back again. Now you can reach the troubled youth of today.
You’re not only a beefy barber, you’re a brilliant barber!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After tapping on The Beefy Bishop's exclamation mark
Eat my shorts, borscht breath!
You’re going down!
This is a Barbershop of God, not some backyard brawl!
I get worked up when brats insult me.
He’s just a kid!
Not just any kid. He's Beautiful Bart! He caused me to lose my championship match!
I don't know what this gulag gasbag is talking about.
Young Bart is a saint and I won't have you bad mouth him.
*punches Rasputin*
Task: "Make Beefy Bishop Have a Barbershop Brawl". The job takes place at Beefy Bishop's Barbershop and takes 8 hours.
You messed up my fresh haircut!
The barber trimmed too close to your brain, potato head!
What was that?
Uh, I said, "barbers ain't what they used to be".
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 4
After tapping on The Beefy Bishop's exclamation mark
My barbershop is a mess!
Yeah, it’s a bigger dump than my bar.
I thought I kicked you outta here?
You did. But you didn't say for how long.
Permanently if you don't get the hell outta here now!
Yeesh, keep your mitre on, padre.
Task: "Make Beefy Bishop Repair Barbershop Window". The job takes place at Beefy Bishop's Barbershop and takes 60 minutes.
Pardon me, sir. Have you heard the good news?
No, but here’s some news for you: no pets allowed!
Sorry, Azzlan. Wait outside. You can use a tree for a scratching post.
Religious types are the worst.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 5
After tapping on The Beefy Bishop's exclamation mark
That lion really creeped me out.
And he was handing out pamphlets. Who does that when you can clog people’s mailboxes with spam?
I need to get his bad aura out of my shop.
Yeah, super retro.
Task: "Make Beefy Bishop Bless the Barbershop". The job takes place at Beefy Bishop's Barbershop and takes 4 hours.
Much better. Now, I can only feel the aura of washed up wrestlers and… booze slingers?
Just like it should be.
How do you keep getting back in here?!!
Quest reward: 200 and 20