Lori Spivak
Lori Spivak
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Character Information
Dr. Lori Spivak is a nuclear engineer who works at the Kevät Kenttä Nuclear Power Plant.
When Homer was offered the opportunity to apply for a job at the Kevät Kenttä Nuclear Power Plant, he joined a Zoom call with Onni Korhonen and Dr. Spivak, not realizing that Dr. Spivak was conducting her interview at the time. Onni Korhonen told Dr. Spivak to get off the call while he quickly interviewed Homer, not expecting the interview to last too long. However, Homer received help from Professor Frink and performed exceptionally well in the interview, getting the job over Dr. Spivak. This greatly angered Dr. Spivak, as she felt that she was the more qualified candidate.
Dr. Spivak was also hired by the Kevät Kenttä Nuclear Power Plant, but as Homer's assistant. Dr. Spivak became very suspicious of Homer and accused him of using a chatbot to get answers to everything. When she realized that this wasn't the case, she called in Lenny and Carl to discuss Homer's performance at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. She learned from them that Homer was terrible at his job, so she went snooping in Homer's office and found the earpiece he had been using to communicate with Professor Frink. Dr. Spivak confronted Frink over the earpiece, and he decided to stop helping Homer because he had crossed the line.
When the Kevät Kenttä Nuclear Power Plant employees went on a work trip to Yikes Peak Ski Lodge, Dr. Spivak hacked into the earpiece and told Homer that she was now the one in his head. As Homer and Marge entered a cable car to the top of the mountain, Dr. Spivak joined them in the car and introduced herself to Marge. She made Marge realize that Homer couldn't get away with being a fraud in his job, as it had taken the position away from her, someone who deserved it more than Homer did. Marge decided to give up her more lavish lifestyle and told Homer to admit the truth to everyone.
Dr. Spivak is very hardworking and intelligent. She has two university degrees, one from Stanford University and one from University of Chicago. However, she also seems to get angry easily, as seen when she destroys her friend's laptop after losing out on the job to Homer. Dr. Spivak is also vengeful, as she works to find out how Homer tricks his way into getting the job over her, then works to make sure he loses the job.
[show] Doctors
[show] The Simpsons characters