
I, (Annoyed Grunt)-bot/Quotes

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Season 15 Episode Quotes
321 "Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens and Gays"
"I, (Annoyed Grunt)-bot"
"Diatribe of a Mad Housewife" 323

Bart: Flame decal for the chain guard, Marine Corps tassels... bullet-proof seat... and a rub-on tattoo for that "special someone".
Milhouse: That's me! [applies tattoo then reads it] Biker chick? [moans]

Homer: A ten-speed bike?! What did your mother say?
Bart: She said yes.
Marge: [from the other room] I said no!
Homer: I'm confused! Which is it?
Marge: It's no! His old bike is fine!
Homer: Yeah, the kitchen lady's right—no new bike while your old one still works.

Homer: Hey, boy, what do you say we build a robot?
Bart: Face it, you're not the most mechanical guy in the world. But you're good at other things: like... eating while driving. That's somethin'... and nobody gets madder at the news.

Lisa: Mom, I'm not sure I'm ready for a new cat.
Marge: When Bad Things Happen To Cute Children says that a new pet will pull you out of your sorrow cycle.
Lisa: That book doesn't know how I feel.
Marge: Oh, it's very wise. It's written by a rabbi—who surfs!

Homer: There's nothing worse than the look on a boy's face when he says "Dad I don't think you can build a fully-functional robot."

Krusty alarm clock: It's Tuesday the first. If you live in Krusty Brand low income housing, your rent is due.

Marge: Oh, Lisa. Honey, it's okay. You're a Buddhist, so you know your cats are now reincarnated as a higher form of life.
Homer: Like a dog. Or a snowman!
Bart: Ashes to ashes... dust to dust... we've gotta go fight some robots.

Robot Rumble announcer 2: Can robots feel pain? If so, we are horrible, horrible people.
Robot Rumble announcer 1: He's killing him softly with his saw!
Robot Rumble announcer 2: Killing him softly?
Robot Rumble announcer 1: With his saw!

Homer: Doin' it for the boy... doin' it for the boy... pain is love... to bleed is to care...

Lisa: Mom, I'm not sure if I'm ready to open my heart again, but this kitten's name is Coltrane. Maybe it's a sign?
Marge: Coltrane? Lisa, I'm glad you're ready to love again. But a kitty needs a proper name, like Whiskers. Or Paws Scaggs.
Lisa: Well, I think it's only fair I get to name him. You got to name me.
Marge: You should be glad I did. Your father wanted to call you Bartzeena!

Robot Rumble announcer 1: Well, if you ever want to see a mailbox shoot a boy, that's about as close as you're gonna get.

Marge: My job was to keep Lisa's hope alive. But instead, she's really depressed.
Homer: You think you've got problems, look what I just pulled out of my arm! That's what we in the business call "a biggie."
Marge: Business, what business?
Homer: The business of being a Dad. Can you hand me that magnet?

Lisa: I'm keeping you! You're Snowball Five, but to save money on a new dish, we'll just call you Snowball Two and pretend this whole thing never happened.
Principal Skinner: That's really a cheat, isn't it?
Lisa: I guess you're right, Principal Tamzarian.
Skinner: I'll just be moving along, Lisa. Snowball II.

Homer: Bart, I'm sorry—I could never build a robot this awesome. I'm a fraud.
Bart: So, you fought all those robots?
Homer: Affirmative.
Bart: That is so cool
Homer: You really think so?
Bart: Yeah! Any Poindexter can throw some nuts and bolts together—you risked your own life, even though you're the sole provider for a family of five! I am the luckiest kid in the world.

Homer: Son, did you ever suspect it was me?
Bart: Well, you did disappear a lot, but I have gone whole summers without seeing you.
Homer: [chuckles] Yeah, I'm pretty unreliable.
Homer: I like you, son.
Bart: I like you too, Dad.
Season 15 Quotes
Treehouse of Horror XIV My Mother the Carjacker The President Wore Pearls The Regina Monologues The Fat and the Furriest Today I Am a Clown 'Tis the Fifteenth Season Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens and Gays I, (Annoyed Grunt)-bot Diatribe of a Mad Housewife Margical History Tour Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore Smart and Smarter The Ziff Who Came to Dinner Co-Dependent's Day The Wandering Juvie My Big Fat Geek Wedding Catch 'Em If You Can Simple Simpson The Way We Weren't Bart-Mangled Banner Fraudcast News