Scholarly Abuse
Tapped Out Quest Information
Scholarly Abuse is a questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Abe's in Toyland content update. It requires Orville to be obtained.
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
Grampa's in town!
You mean, he got on the wrong bus and ended up downtown instead of at Swim-er-cize?
No, not your grampa. My grampa. Grampa Orville Simpson! Although your grampa did that.
Wow. My great-grampa is here? Wasn't he a professional child disciplinarian?
Yeah, but that was years ago. I'm sure he's mellowed by now.
Homer! Get over here! You're due for a salutary whipping!
Task: "Make Orville Surprise the Simpsons". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Orville's exclamation mark
So, this is my great-grandson. Is his spirit properly broken into obedience yet?
Not likely, wrinklepuss.
You dare talk back to your elder?! Homer, inflict corporal punishment on your boy.
My dad doesn't believe in corporal punishment.
I don't believe in anything that requires me to get up off the couch.
*grits teeth*
Task: "Make Orville Patent New Techniques". The job takes 12 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Orville's exclamation mark
Eureka, a breakthrough in parenting!
Are you giving up on being a strict disciplinarian?
No, I've engineered a new move. It's a strangle, a scorn gaze, followed by a stern talk.
That's terrible! Great-Grampa, no one believes in those methods.
Oh really? This fellow does.
I gots fifty-eight young'uns. Spare the rod and spoil the child-uncle.
Task: "Make Orville Demonstrate Proper Parenting". The job takes 4 hours.
Sir, corporal punishment of children is not allowed in this city.
Just let them grow up, and let us start tasing them.
You know, I taught your father, Patrick Wiggum. Tried to beat the fatness out of him, but it never took.
Maybe you should learn something from that.
Quest reward: 200 and 20