The Krusty Book/Appearances
The Beatles (mentioned)
Big Ole Li'l Pup (mentioned)
Glen Campbell (mentioned)
Cornelius (mentioned)
The Cuomos (mentioned)
Harvey Fierstein (mentioned)
Janeane Garofalo (mentioned)
Jason Hervey (mentioned)
Alfred Hitchcock (mentioned)
Bob Hope (mentioned)
Saddam Hussein (mentioned)
Mr. Johansson (mentioned)
Klickity Klack (mentioned)
Edna Krabappel (mentioned)
The Lasordas (mentioned)
John Lennon (mentioned)
Lenny Leonard (mentioned)
Timothy Lovejoy, Jr. (mentioned)
Lunchlady Dora (mentioned)
Yoko Ono (mentioned)
Handsome Pete (mentioned)
Cecil Terwilliger (mentioned)
The Travoltas (mentioned)
Vicki Valentine (mentioned)
Kirk Van Houten (mentioned)
Mr. Wembley (mentioned)
Mr. Wise (mentioned)
Adult Education Annex (mentioned)
Campbell's Chunky Soup Maximum Security Prison (mentioned)
Capital City (mentioned)
Cornell University (mentioned)
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Eatie Gourmet's Health Food Store (mentioned)
France (mentioned)
Gulp 'N' Blow (mentioned)
IRS Burger (mentioned)
Kidstown Juvenile Correction Farm (mentioned)
Kidstown USA (mentioned)
Lake Springfield (mentioned)
Lard Lad Donuts (mentioned)
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Lower East Side (mentioned)
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Mr. Burns' Casino (mentioned)
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New York (mentioned)
Noiseland Arcade (mentioned)
The Pimento Grove (mentioned)
Springfield International Airport (mentioned)
Springfield Penitentiary (mentioned)
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Springfield War Memorial Stadium (mentioned)
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Springfield Wax Museum (mentioned)
Springfield City Zoo (mentioned)
Temple Beth Springfield (mentioned)
U.S. Air Force Base (mentioned)
I'm On-A-Rolla Gay (mentioned)
Channel 6 (Channel 7 on SpringCast and Channel 129 in Hi-Def.)
Channel Ocho (mentioned)
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The Gabbo Show (mentioned)
The Itchy and Scratchy Show (mentioned)
The Springfield Squares (mentioned)
We're Sending Our Love Down the Well (mentioned)
The Worker & Parasite Show (mentioned)
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Mensa International (mentioned)
Stonecutters (mentioned)