This is a list of frequently asked questions about using and contributing to Wikisimpsons. If your question is not answered on this page, browse the other help pages or for more detailed questions, see Wikipedia:FAQ Index.
What is Wikisimpsons?[edit]
Wikisimpsons is a is an online free-content encyclopedia about The Simpsons that you can edit and contribute to. Wikisimpsons exists to bring knowledge about The Simpsons to everyone who seeks it.
Who owns Wikisimpsons?[edit]
The articles hosted on this site are released by and can be edited by anybody who has a user id on wiki. Their authors under the CC-BY-SA license (and in most cases, also the GNU Free Documentation License), so the articles are free content and may be reproduced freely under the same license. See Wikisimpsons:Copyrights for information on how you can use Wikisimpsons content.
The website domain is managed by a user called Jake, as well as the other projects, Wikisimpsons Answers and The Swedish Wikisimpsons.
Who is responsible for the articles on Wikisimpsons?[edit]
You are! Actually, you can even edit this very FAQ, so long as each edit is helpful. This is a collaborative effort. All you need is to know how to edit a page, and have some Simpsons knowledge, which you would like to share.
You can learn who is responsible for the most recent versions of any given page by clicking on the "Page history" link. Nevertheless, if you spot an error in the latest revision of an article, you are highly encouraged to be bold and correct it. This practice is one of the basic review mechanisms that maintains the reliability of the encyclopedia. As a result, Wikisimpsons has become one of the most extensive Simpsons information libraries available on the Internet.
Should I create an account? Can't I just edit articles anonymously?[edit]
Editors with user names enjoy several benefits. Among them is the positive reputation that goes with quality work. Editors with an established history are respected. In addition, editors sometimes find collaborating with anonymous users frustrating, because it is more difficult to contact them with questions, concerns, or suggestions. This is not to say there is a Wikisimpsons hierarchy per se. Although there are editors with administrative abilities (see Wikisimpsons:Administrators), these are approved by the community.
Editors with user names are, in a sense, more anonymous than contributors that do not log in. That is, while anyone can see the IP address of a user who did not log in when he/she edited, only a few, especially trusted people are able to view the IP address of a logged-in user (and this is rarely done). Therefore, if you are concerned about privacy and anonymity, you may prefer to create a user name for yourself in order to hide your IP address.
However, editing as an unregistered user is acceptable. Although some pages are protected from editing by unregistered users in order to prevent Vandalism.
I've seen another Simpsons Wiki though. Why?[edit]
There are many wikis about The Simpsons in many different languages, ranging from Swedish to Simplified Chinese.
There are two Simpsons Wikis in English, this one and one on Wikia. This wiki split from Wikia due to a dispute over the new skin. This wiki remained Wikisimpsons while the other wiki changed to Simpsons Wiki. This wiki is fierce rivals with the one on Wikia because all of the people who disagreed with Wikia moved with this wiki.