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Website Information
Wikisimpsons is an encyclopedic wiki that is centered around the animated television series The Simpsons and founded on September 24, 2005.
The wiki was created on September 24, 2005 by PostBagBoy on Wikia. He never edited here, apart from one edit on his user page stating how amazed he felt that the wiki he had created had turned out to be successful (in 2007).
Later on, Wikia co-founder Angela appointed M Johnson with sysop rights.[1]
Staff member Sannse granted M Johnson with Bureaucratic rights and Thai420 with Admin rights.[1]
Wikisimpsons received a lot of criticism on its quality. Unregistered contributors regularly claimed that Wikipedia had better articles on The Simpsons.[2]
Angela changed rights for Basel17 from none to Administrator.[1]
Wikisimpsons received more criticism on its usefulness.
ToughPigs changed rights of Brian McClure from normal user straight to Bureaucrat. Shortly later, Brian McClure changed rights for Dr. Ralph Wiggum to admin. Later on Brian McClure changed rights for Sgtcook from none to Admin temporarily so he could delete images, Sgtcook later kept the powers and put them to good use. Brian changed Kingcjc's rights to admin.[1]
On March 10, Sgtcook founded Project Images to help sort out images on the wiki.[3] On March 16, Kingcjc created Project Locations to help sort out location articles.[4]
In early February, Brian made Joeyaa an admin.
Smiley12 started Project Characters, a project that helped improve character articles on Wikisimpsons.
Wikisimpsons passed 3,000, 4,000, 5,000, and 6,000 articles.
In January, The Golden Homer Award started as an award for project Characters members,[5] it later became for the whole wiki.
Solar Dragon passed requests for Adminship and Sgtcook passed requests for Bureaucratship and adopts the wiki. Smiley12 became a Rollback and then an Admin without having to pass any requests. JaffaCakeLover, Jasonbres and Ldude893 all became Rollbacks. Effluvium and TheHomer become rollback then admin after passing requests. Dohayecarumbadoh passes Rollback Request. Gran2 and Mythigator were both granted Rollback rights without having to pass the request.[1]
Other websites[edit]
Wikisimpsons created its own IRC Channel as well as the YouTube account and Twitter account.
Sgtcook created Project Episodes to help with episode articles. Solar Dragon created Project Appearances, Mythigator created Project Self Voicers, Effluvium created Project Grammar and Doh5678 created Project Guest Stars
Wikisimpsons enabled achievements. The achievements system encouraged a lot of activity as well as a lot of spam. The Golden Bart Award was created for the achievements system. This was stopped upon the move to ShoutWiki.
Wikisimpsons prepares to requests a Spotlight. The wiki requests a spotlight and later on the wiki passes the request. The spotlight becomes visible after a long wait. Wikisimpsons later requested a second spotlight with a premade spotlight image this time, created by Smiley12.
Wikisimpsons requested a new skin. The skin was implemented and improved by JaffaCakeLover. After the New Wikia Look was implemented Wikisimpsons requested another new skin and wordmark to work with the New Look.
Article Comments[edit]
A suggestion for articles comments to be enabled was brought up but quickly turned down.[6]
A bot was created for Wikisimpsons although quickly became inactive due to problems. Manyman used Manybot to help out on Wikisimpsons.
Wikisimpsons celebrated its fifth birthday. Smiley12 designed a new mainpage layout especially for the event.
Simpsons Font[edit]
Smiley12 introduced 'easy to insert Simpsons Font'. Simpsons Font was used for important headers on the mainpage and sometimes sitenotice.
Wikia Staff announced that a new skin was on its way. Admins of Wikisimpsons signed up for beta testing with high expectations. The skin turned out to be a huge disappointment and not fully compatible with Wikisimpsons' article layouts. Admins of Wikisimpsons argued with the staff and Smiley12 and Solar Dragon were blocked as a result. Wikisimpsons eventually moved to ShoutWiki and the old Wikisimpsons became Simpsons Wiki.
The Infosphere and The Simpsons Forums Site became affiliates with Wikisimpsons. Later, NIWA, Bart - The One and Only and IWatchTheSimpsonsOnline.com also became affiliates with Wikisimpsons.
Simpsons Fanon[edit]
Simpsons Fanon was created.
The Springfield Shopper[edit]
The Springfield Shopper became the third member of the Simpsons Wiki Network.
Smiley12's leaving[edit]
Smiley12 announced that he would leave the wiki on January 1 after decreasing in activity.[7] No one took his place as admin as Wikisimpsons already has enough. He will still make some graphics on request though.
Platinum and Crystal Homer Awards[edit]
The Platinum and Crystal Homer Awards were awarded for 2010. Mr. Blackadder, Josegiraffio, Effluvium and TheHomer all picked up the Crystal awards while Mythigator gained the Platinum award.
DeviantArt Group[edit]
Smiley12 made a DeviantArt Group before leaving Wikisimpsons for good.
Another departure[edit]
Josegiraffio announced that he was leaving the wiki as well, very soon after Smiley12's departure.[8] He was a great user and rollback who won multiple Homer awards in his time here.
Jeff created UnSimpsons Wiki in early January. He later had his powers removed and Solar Dragon and Will k were promoted in his place.
User rights[edit]
In January, Will k, AleWi, and FatHomer became rollbacks. Sgtcook returned to the wiki and had his admin rights returned to him.
TheUnderfaker created Project Comics, Doh5678 created Project Crew and Solar Dragon created Project Re-Watch.
Wikisimpsons reached and passed the 7,000 article mark in February.
Three Returnees[edit]
In late February Smiley12, returned after leaving in early January. His user rights were returned as well as the Project Characters leadership. Josegiraffo returned, although on a less active basis. Dohayecarumbadoh also returned after taking a break.
When he returned, Smiley12 created Simptionary, a Simpsons dictionary.
On February 25, Solar Dragon stated that he would be doing a competition for the wiki. This would give prizes to users for improving the wiki. The competition started on 1 March but has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
Shout Wiki outage[edit]
A database problem caused Shout Wiki to be down for over two months. This affected Wikisimpsons, causing it to lose data from 6 March to the first day of the outage.
Thanks to Jake, Wikisimpsons moved from ShoutWiki to a new server and got a new domain, simpsonswiki.net.
April Fools![edit]
On April Fools' Day (April 1), Wikisimpsons turned into Family Guy Wiki for the occasion. WikiHead Solar Dragon received many questions as to why it was a Family Guy Wiki.
User rights[edit]
On February 20, Frederick and Nick97 became rollbacks.
Server move[edit]
In late July–early August, Wikisimpsons was moved to a newer server and was re-located at "simpsonswiki.com" as apposed to the previous ".net".
25,000 articles[edit]
On September 8, Wikisimpsons reached 25,000 articles.
User rights[edit]
In September 24, AleWi became an admin.
Halloween 2013[edit]
In October, Wikisimpsons' main page became Halloween-themed to celebrate the occasion.
On February 17, the wiki's question-answer site, Wikisimpsons Answers, was launched.
User rights[edit]
On May 26, Loco87 became an admin.
30,000 articles[edit]
In early October, Wikisimpsons reached 30,000 articles.
User rights[edit]
On September 17, Randomno became a rollback.
User rights[edit]
On November 28, Frederick became an admin.
The Springfield Shopper[edit]
On January 17, the wiki's news blog, The Springfield Shopper, was launched.
In late January, Simpsonspedia, a German language wiki, joined the Simpsons Wiki Network.
User rights[edit]
On September 29, LetsPlayNintendoITA became a rollback.
40,000 articles[edit]
In late March, Wikisimpsons reached 40,000 articles.
45,000 articles[edit]
In July, Wikisimpsons reached 45,000 articles.
Sister wikis[edit]
Wikisimpsons has had several sister wikis, with many going inactive: