The Last Temptation of Homer/References
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[hide]Debut appearances[edit]
Cultural references[edit]
- The Last Temptation of Christ: Punned in the episode title.
- Homer imagines Mindy in the style of Botticelli's The Birth of Venus.
- The Nutty Professor: Bart's nerd voice and look resembles Jerry Lewis in the 1963 film.
- When Homer is stuck in the elevator with Mindy and tells himself to "Think unsexy thoughts", one of the mental images he gets is of Barney wearing a bikini while dancing and drunkenly scat singing the theme from I Dream of Jeannie.
- "Mandy": The song that Homer sings about Mindy and Marge at the end is to the tune of this song.
- "Big Apple": Capital City is nicknamed the "Windy Apple", a reference to New York City's nickname the "Big Apple" and Chicago's nickname the "Windy City".
- Mr Burns keeps a number of the winged monkeys in a cage, to unleash on people who charge room service to the company. When Homer and Mindy do so, Burns sends them off to attack with the infamous line "Fly, my pretties! Fly!". Unfortunately, because the monkeys can't actually fly, they all plummet to their deaths. Burns groans at this, then tells Smithers to "continue the research". The winged monkeys are characters from The Wizard of Oz.
- In the ending scene, when Homer and Marge get together in Homer's Capital City hotel room, the music playing is "Can't Get Enough of Your Love, Babe" by Barry White.
- Lisa barely appears in this episode, while Maggie appears only in a deleted scene.
- The deleted scene also mentions the events of "Marge Gets a Job".
- Werner Klemperer who voices Colonel Klink in this episode did not use Klink's real voice. He instead used the director's imitation of Klink, as he forgot how Klink talked after Hogan's Heroes was canceled.
- The duck who works at the nuclear power plant is named Stewart.
- Smilin' Joe Fission from "Homer's Odyssey" appears on the sign behind Homer and Mindy in the energy convention.
- The sign at the hotel says 'Capital City Plaza Hotel: Legionnaire's Disease-free since 1990'.
- Barry White's song "Can't Get Enough of You Babe" was last heard in "Whacking Day".
- The trees in Homer's vision of Marge living in the white house look just like her hair.
- The man with the very large hand is voiced by Dan Castellaneta and Dan actually uses his regular voice.
- The guy in the radiation suit in the beginning looks just like Homer when he is wearing it in the opening titles.
- Capital City was last featured in "Dancin' Homer". A few bars from Tony Bennett's song "Capital City" play when the Capital City skyline is shown in this episode.
- Menachem Begin, the famous Israeli politician, was mentioned in this episode. The eye doctor referenced it when Bart is given glasses similar to Begin's glasses.
- One of the shows is called National Ringworm Association, the other NRA.
- Mr. Burns' autobiography Will There Ever Be a Rainbow? is shown on the information desk at the energy convention.
- When Bart laughs at the teachers, Miss Hoover has Mrs. Krabappel's colors.
- The boy with shades has the buck-toothed boy's colors.