My Octopus and a Teacher/Quotes
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724 "My Octopus and a Teacher"
- Marge: I don't like you hanging out with sharks. You should have land friends.
- Lisa: Noted.
- Principal Skinner: Um... obviously, we're meeting with other applicants...
- Rayshelle Peyton: Of course, and I'm meeting with other schools.
- Superintendent Chalmers: No! You're hired, you're hired. Here's a ninety, uh, three dollar signing bonus. And you can have his parking spot.
- Principal Skinner: I'll park at the yogurt place. They-they know me there.
- Principal Skinner: This is Nelson, Milhouse and... w-who is that behind that locker?
- Bart: Just me. Bart. Bart. Bart. You know, like a seal?
- Ms. Peyton: You look familiar. Have we met?
- Bart: No! [robotic] You are a stranger. Stranger, stranger, overheating alert, alert, alert. Shutting down. Self-destruct. [imitates explosion and whistles]
- Milhouse Van Houten: Bart had Skittles with milk for breakfast.
- Nelson Muntz: I told him he couldn't handle the rainbow.
- Marge: Oh, Lisa, your movie was so sad and beautiful.
- Homer: That poor octomapus. Your movie really makes you think about the wondrous creature beneath the batter and the marinara sauce and the... [drools] Mmm, Lisa's friend.
- Elizabeth Hoover: I'm second grade. What are we making?
- Ms. Peyton: Chichen Itza.
- Miss Hoover: Great. I'll start by finding out what that is.
- Ms. Peyton: That's a lot of glue. How is that part of your self-portrait?
- Bart: Uh, um, uh... Because, you know, uh... m-my-my face always has, u-uh, glue on it.
- Ms. Peyton: Oh. Really?
- Nelson: You don't seem in control. We can't laugh at your clowning if we're concerned about you.
- Milhouse: Why are you messing with Ms. Peyton? She's nice.
- Bart: [yelling] I don't know why I do stuff, okay? I don't know why I'm yelling now!
- Nelson: I'm not gonna noogie you, but when you think about your actions today, I hope you noogie yourself.
- Milhouse: I lost my fingerprints gluing that. We had to go to urgent care. I saw a drug addict!
- Homer: Come on, boy, open up to me. I get it. I was in love with my school nurse. I would hurt myself on purpose just to see her. I'd fall off the monkey bars, bash my head into a wall, and sometimes I'd even fall off the monkey bars.
- Bart: I've met her before.
- Homer: So? I've met people. Lisa, Maggie. Uh... you!
- Homer: What if you told her the... whatchamacallit?
- Bart: The truth?
- Homer: Yeah, that thing.
- Bart: Wow, you actually helped.
- Homer: I did. You know what? I think I'm finally ready to be a dad. I'm gonna tell my wife!
- Homer: Look, sometimes there are awesome things in this world that aren't meant to be your awesome thing. You got to let it go. Trust me, there's other fish in the sea.
- Lisa: [to Molly] He's right. And you should also be in the sea. Hunting and killing those fish.
- Bart: Ms. Peyton? I'm sorry I ruined everything. You probably won't believe this, but I had an octopus stuck to my face.
- Ms. Peyton: I believe you.
- Bart: You do?
- Ms. Peyton: Yes, because I know, deep down, you want to be good. Also, your face is covered in tentacle hickeys.
- Ms. Peyton: You're angry drowning boy. Oh, I-I'm so sorry. That's what I call you in my head.