E4 No Access Pass
Tapped Out Quest Information
E4 No Access Pass is an event-exclusive questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Game of Games content update.
After completing Game of Games Pt. 2
Did you hear? There's a contest at E4 this year to see which esports team is the best in the world!
We have to enter our team!
I can't go. My idiot father lost our E4 passes.
No problem. We'll just beat up some nerds and take their passes.
Nelson, you do realize that if you're going to E4, that makes *you* a nerd.
Maybe. But there's nothing that says a nerd can't be a bully. You ever read social media?
Task: "Collect VIP Passes" (x200). If Bart is owned: Task: "Make Bart Attempt to Steal VIP Passes". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10 E4 Convention Center
After completing Pt. 1
We still have a chance! There is a scavenger hunt challenge at Android's Dungeon and the winner gets E4 passes!
Comic Book Guy is probably going to make us hunt for Skittles he dropped on the floor.
Fine by me. One floor Skittle for him, one floor Skittle for me. That's dinner.
Task: "Reach Level 13 and Build Android's Dungeon". Task: "Collect VIP Passes" (x300). Task: "Make Bart Enter Scavenger Hunt Challenge". The job takes place at the Android's Dungeon or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Welcome to my scavenger hunt extraordinaire! Please hold your applause until I explain the rules.
No one is clapping.
Security, escort this man off the premises.
Right away, sir.
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Blockoland
After completing Pt. 2
If you complete a series of challenges, you will earn E4 passes.
Also, your photo will appear on my wall of legends, right next to the picture of an entire cheesecake I once ate in order to win a free cheesecake.
The first challenge: bring me the Golden Blocko!
Can do!
Can't do. This challenge is just for our esports team, the Evergreen Terrors.
But Dad lost my pass too. How will I get into E4?
Don't worry, Lisa! I'll find the Golden Blocko and win your pass back for you!
Task: "Collect VIP Passes" (x250). Task: "Make Milhouse Find the Golden Blocko". The job takes place at the Android's Dungeon or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
If the Golden Blocko you seek, show me you are a true fan.
There are one hundred and forty two step ladders at Sheepshank Academy for the Maginical Arts.
Your nerd-dom is unmatched! Take the Golden Blocko and the door will be unlatched.
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Earthland Realms Blocko Dragon
After completing Pt. 3
I found the Golden Blocko. I can do anything for you, Lisa.
Fine! It is but the first of many challenges in my scavenger hunt.
At least, that was my intent. In the end, however, I could only think up one more challenge.
To complete the second and final challenge, you must slay a dragon!
Can I use a bazooka?
No, but if you like, I have Bazooka Gum for sale.
Task: "Collect VIP Passes" (x200). Task: "Make Bart Slay a Dragon". The job takes place at the Android's Dungeon or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Why are the puzzle pieces always so small? It's hard to grip them in my large claws.
You're the mighty dragon I'm supposed to slay?
Who's talking? I can't see when I'm wearing my reading glasses.
I should've known the dragon would be lame.
I am not lame! I'm scary and terrifying! And lame in one foot.
Quest reward: 100 and 10 Flower Cart of Love
After completing Pt. 4
Hey Lis, we have an extra pass to E4 if you want to come with us.
I knew I could count on my brother.
No, you can count on mom. She said no dessert unless I took you.
Hey, no kids in the VIP room unless they're 8-year-old ViewTube influencers.
We have VIP passes.
All underage minors need to have an adult with them.
Everyone grab free gift bags and run!
Task: "Collect VIP Passes" (x400). Task: "Make Bart Hide From Security". The job takes place at the E4 Convention Center and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Lisa Hide From Security". The job takes place at the E4 Convention Center and takes 4 hours.
I think we lost him.
Where are we going to find an adult capable of supervising us?
In fact, in this town, where are we going to find an adult?
We could take my dad's trench coat and stand on each other's shoulders!
Your dad's trench coat smells like loser.
I have a better idea.
Quest reward: 100 and 10 The Detonator
After completing E4 No Access Pass Pt. 5:
What are we doing at a tile store?
Looking for the Detonator!
General Splattin'! What are you doing here?
There is an esports tournament at E4 and we have an opening for an adult chaperone.
Sorry kid. I sell tile now. The only openings I fill are with grout.
There's super-caffeinated soda in it.
I'm in!
Task: "Make The Detonator Get His Gaming Edge Back". The job takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 200 and 20
Currency-earning jobs[edit]
Collect VIP Passes
Homer, Lisa, Bart, Milhouse, Martin, Nelson, Ralph, Marge
E4 Convention Center, Springfield Elementary, or Brown House
8, 45
Sophie Krustofsky
10, 70
Steal VIP Passes from Nerds
Blocko Angelica Button
12, 70