
Dead Putting Society/Quotes

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Season 2 Episode Quotes
018 "Dancin' Homer"
"Dead Putting Society"
"Bart vs. Thanksgiving" 020

Ned Flanders: Hey there, neighbor. The Lord's certainly given us a beautiful day today, huh?
Homer: Hello, Flanders.
Ned: Doing a little yard work, huh?
Homer: Who told? Marge, beer me!

Ned Flanders: Just a minute. Loser is such a harsh word. Couldn't we just say, 'The boy who doesn't win'?

Homer: That shot is impossible! Jack Nicholson himself couldn't make it!

Homer: All right, knock it off!!
Ned Flanders: Knock what off, Simpson?
Homer: You've been rubbing it in my nose since I got here! Your family is better than my family, your beer comes from farther away than my beer, you and your son like each other, your wife's butt is higher than my wife's butt! You make me sick!
Ned: Simpson, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I hope you understand!
Homer: I wouldn't stay on a bet!
[Homer wolfs down several nachos before he departs Flanders residence.]
Homer: One for the road.

Homer: Come on, Bart! Remember what Vince Lombardi said: If you lose, you're out of the family! audio clip

Homer: What are you doing! That putter is to you what a bat is to a baseball player! What a violin is... to the... the guy that... the violin guy! Now c'mon! Give your putter a name.
Bart: What?
Homer: C'mon, give it a name.
Bart: Mister Putter.
Homer: D'oh... You wanna try a little harder son? C'mon give it a girl's name.
Bart: Mom.
Homer: Your putter's name is Charlene!
Bart: Why?
Homer: It just is, that's why! Now this, is a picture of your enemy, Todd Flanders. Every day, I want you to spend fifteen minutes staring at it. And concentrating on how much you hate him, and how glorious it will be when you and Charlene annihilate him!
Bart: Who's Charlene?
Homer: [raises the putter, about to wallop Bart with it] I'll show you who Charlene is! Now start hating! audio clip

Homer: Marge, where's the Duff!?!
Marge: Ohh, uh, we're all out, Homer.
Homer: D'oh!
Marge: Would you like some fruit juice?
Homer: Don't toy with me, woman!

Marge: [grumbling] Uhhh... My best dress.
Lisa: Why do I get the feeling that one day I'll be describing this to a psychiatrist?
Homer: Listen to 'em laughing. This is so humiliating. I'm never going to live this down. Damn Flanders!
Flanders: [laughing] You know, Simpson, I feel kinda silly but, what the hey, you know. It kinda reminds me of my good old fraternity days.
Homer: D'oh! Oh my God, he's enjoying it!
Season 2 Quotes
Bart Gets an "F" Simpson and Delilah Treehouse of Horror Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish Dancin' Homer Dead Putting Society Bart vs. Thanksgiving Bart the Daredevil Itchy & Scratchy & Marge Bart Gets Hit by a Car One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish The Way We Was Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment Principal Charming Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? Bart's Dog Gets an "F" Old Money Brush with Greatness Lisa's Substitute The War of the Simpsons Three Men and a Comic Book Blood Feud