Mutiny on the High Suburbs
Tapped Out Quest Information
Mutiny on the High Suburbs is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Game of Games The Sequel content update. It requires Pirate Nelson to be obtained.
Pt. 1
After tapping on Pirate Nelson's exclamation mark
Alright, hand over the booty! And by "booty," I mean lunch money.
But I don't have any lunch money! And my mom says I shouldn't show my booty to anyone except my doctor.
Yaarrrr! A pirate doesn't care for a scallywag's excuses.
Hold on. Nelson, are you dressed up as your character from Chunky Island?
Aye. The life of a pirate suits me. Pillagin' and plunderin' and the like.
Seems a lot like your normal life.
Aye. Just with an eyepatch. And less depth perception. *walks into post*
Task: "Make Pirate Nelson Loot the Kids' Lunch Money". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and takes 2 hours. Task: "Make Kids Hide Booty From Pirate Nelson" (x5). The jobs take place at Springfield Elementary or a Brown House and take 2 hours.
Nelson! Did you steal the flamingoes from Mother's yard?
Steal? Nay. I PLUNDERED 'em!
*gasp* A maritime technicality! The bane of all principals. *sighs* You're free to go.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on Pirate Nelson's exclamation mark
Where should my next hornswagglin' be, ya scurvy seadogs?
Shiver me timbers! I've never heard such good piratin' from a landlubber.
Who says I'm a landlubber? I've sailed the seven seas as long as any... At least virtually...
My, my. I can see ye're no average swilldrinker. Ye know, I've got an opening on my crew. Five doubloons a fortnight. What say ye?
Sink me! That's no small bounty.
Yar. I'll just need ye to show me that ye know how to handle yerself as a buccaneer.
Task: "Make Pirate Nelson Prove His Pirating Skills". The job takes 2 hours. Task: "Make Sea Captain Sing an Approving Shanty". The job takes place at the Squidport Entrance or a Brown House and takes 2 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After tapping on Pirate Nelson's exclamation mark:
Ahoy! Here we are, ye powder monkey.
This is a houseboat.
Aye. Fastest in the briny deep. You'll start by swabbin' the deck.
Swabbing the deck?! I thought I was your first mate?
Yar, ye've got to start at the bottom and work yer way up.
Blimey, how long is that gonna take?
A few hours, if'n ye know what ye're doing. Start at the bottom deck and work yer way up to the top. Proper swabbin' order, that is.
Task: "Make Pirate Nelson Swab the Decks". The job takes place at the Houseboat, Muntz House, or a Brown House and takes 8 hours. Task: "Make Sea Captain Wax the Plank". The job takes place at the Squidport Entrance or a Brown House and takes 8 hours.
Heave ho, lad. Ye about finished up?
I'd rather be cleaved to the brisket.
Well ye've got yer terminology down, that's for sure. When ye're done, go ahead and batten down the hatches.
Be there a storm a-comin'?
My ex-wife. Same difference.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 4
After tapping on Pirate Nelson's exclamation mark
I've seen better swabbin' jobs. But it's only yer first day. I'm sure ye'll stop bilge-sucking in no time.
That's it. I'm sick of your "yars" and "ahoys" and "hang 'em from the yardarms". This ship is mine now! *pushes Sea Captain overboard*
*falling* Mutiny!
Task: "Make Pirate Nelson Commandeer the Houseboat". The job takes place at the Squidport Entrance or a Brown House and takes 60 minutes.
And this here be the galley... And over there, that's where I hang the jib.
Wow. So this place is all yours?
Aye, until next Wednesday.
What happens then?
The dockmaster comes around collecting mooring fees. I'll not be surrendering my copper to the likes of him!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 5
After tapping on Pirate Nelson's exclamation mark
So you're not worried about the Sea Captain coming to take his houseboat back?
There is NO WAY the Sea Captain is coming to take his houseboat back.
Task: "Make Sea Captain Come Take His Houseboat Back". The job takes place at the Squidport Entrance or a Brown House and takes 60 minutes.
Avast ye scurvy carouser!
You're really stretching for pirate terms you haven't used yet.
Unhand this ship, or else dead men will tell no tales.
That's not even what that means!
Okay, fine. Gimme my ship back and I won't tell your mom.
*grumbles* Fine.
Quest reward: 200 and 20