Roamin' Holiday
Tapped Out Quest Information
Roamin' Holiday is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Treehouse of Horror XXXI content update. It requires the Demon Technician to be obtained.
After tapping on Demon Technician's exclamation mark
Hey pal, great job, but HR says you have to use up some of your vacation days.
No time for that. Besides, screams of agony are my vacation.
Who would take a day off when one's job is to create so many horrifying pleas for mercy?
You do have it pretty sweet.
Task: "Make Demon Technician Fine Tune Torture Device". The job takes place at the Torture Conveyor Belt and takes 8 hours. If Old Scratch is owned: Task: "Make Old Scratch Worry About HR Violations". The job takes place at Hellscape or a Brown House and takes 8 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Demon Technician's exclamation mark
Excuse, sir. HR asked me to come down and speak with you.
Why doesn't HR come talk to me themselves?
Frankly, sir, they're afraid of you.
That's fair.
| 'bout taking a break and using up some of that vacation time?
Just as soon as I get my Eye-Poking Machine recalibrated. Can you help me out?
Uh, I'm not really — OW! It's missing my eye and picking my nose!
Damn...more recalibration is needed.
Task: "Make Demon Technician Perfect Eye-Poking Tech". The job takes place at the Torture Conveyor Belt or a Brown House and takes 60 minutes. If Hell Teacher is owned: Task: "Make Hell Teacher Leave in a Hurry". The job takes place at the Torture Conveyor Belt or a Brown House and takes 60 minutes.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Demon Technician's exclamation mark
Say, Sid, the boss has asked me to talk to you. You need to take a break, or you're gonna get us all in trouble.
Yeah, yeah, just as soon as I finish testing the new Gut Inverter.
Hey, you want to see it in action?
No guts, no gory!
AAAGGHHH! It works! It works!
Task: "Make Demon Technician Torture With Sadistic Glee". The job takes place at the Torture Conveyor Belt and takes 4 hours. If Torture Coach is owned: Task: "Make Torture Coach Watch the Master at Work". The job takes place at the Torture Conveyor Belt, Hellscape, or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Boy, with all the screaming, you'd think they wouldn't have the breath to ask for more coffee.
We do like to make our victims feel at home...and in pain.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Demon Technician's exclamation mark
Hey man, gonna need you to take a vacation.
You're the head of HR?
Nah. I was passing through and HR asked me to do them a favor.
Even God takes vacations. I've been off all year. Haven't you noticed the world has gone to Hell?
Wow, I guess I've been too busy to notice.
Take a day and come along with me to Krustyland. You can hear people scream my name in terror.
Task: "Make Demon Technician Tag Along to Krustyland". The job takes place at The Tooth Chipper, Krustyland Entrance, or a Brown House and takes 6 hours. If God is owned: Task: "Make God Ride the Tooth Chipper Over and Over". The job takes place at The Tooth Chipper, Krustyland Entrance, or a Brown House and takes 6 hours.
See, that was fun! And it's healthy to get your mind off work for a bit.
Are you kidding? I've got so many new ideas now. I can't wait to get back to the shop!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Demon Technician's exclamation mark
I'm back from my vacation! I didn't exactly relax, though.
Hey, whatever. I just needed HR off my back. Now I can tell them to go to He — uh, go to Here.
And look at this backlog of damned souls that need processing. I'm in Heaven! By which I mean Hell!
Task: "Make Demon Technician Do What He Does Best". The job takes place at the Torture Conveyor Belt and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 200 and 20
Behind the Laughter[edit]
The quest name is a reference to the romantic comedy film Roman Holiday.