Lady in Dread
Tapped Out Quest Information
Lady in Dread is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Game of Games The Sequel content update. It requires Lady Milhouse to be obtained.
Pt. 1
After tapping on Lady Milhouse's exclamation mark
Bart, how much longer before you undo this gender-swapping spell? I’ve been Lady Milhouse for months!
You will refer to me by my proper title, M’lady.
*sigh* Shadow Knight, SIR, how much longer before you undo this spell?
As I’ve explained before, fair maiden, the rules of the spell are such that one cannot simply “undo” it with the wave of a gauntlet. The magical edicts must be followed.
So what does the magical edict for this spell say?
It says you have to farm eight Vigorous Elixirs for me.
That sounds tedious…
If Shadow Knight is owned: Task: "Make Shadow Knight Proclaim the Magical Edicts". The job takes place at Shadow Knight's Throne or a Brown House and takes 2 hours. Task: "Make Lady Milhouse Farm Eight Vigorous Elixirs". The job takes place at the Van Houten House or a Brown House and takes 2 hours.
Okay, Bart- er, Shadow Knight, sir. I’ve retrieved the Vigorous Elixirs per the decree of the magical edict.
I see. And why are you bleeding all over?
Because the only place to get Vigorous Elixirs is in the Valley of Pestiferous Depravity!
Yes, well, it looks like your arms still work fine. More mead, please.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on Lady Milhouse's exclamation mark
Okay, I got your elixirs. Time for the old Milhouse to come back, right?
Not so fast. It’s a magical edict, not a pamphlet. There’s more to it.
Ugh, what do I have to do now?
*reading* Let’s see… Ah, yes. It says that in order to remove the spell, the spellbound – that’s you – must make a sacrificial journey.
I happen to be heading to Castle Equalia today, and to carry my belongings I’ll need a feeble squire such as yourself.
We should leave now to get in a few hours before dark. My things are over there.
Armor Wax? Hair Gel of Charisma?
You don’t get to the top by looking like a noob.
Task: "Make Lady Milhouse Carry Shadow Knight’s Things". The job takes place at the Van Houten House or a Brown House and takes 6 hours. If Shadow Knight is owned: Task: "Make Shadow Knight Travel With All His Beautification Supplies". The job takes place at Shadow Knight's Throne or a Brown House and takes 6 hours.
*panting* I can’t go any further…
You dropped my Amulet of Virile Handsomeness.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After tapping on Lady Milhouse's exclamation mark
*out of breath* We’re finally here. I’ll just…rest my eyes for a bit.
It appears that the next requirement from the magical edict is for the spellbound to “give of his or her hands in service”.
And my feet ARE quite sore from the journey…
You want me to rub your feet? Gross! I’m not touching those things.
They’re not real feet, Milhouse. Just move in front of me and press the F key.
Task: "Make Lady Milhouse Rub Shadow Knight’s Feet". The job takes place at the Van Houten House or a Brown House and takes 60 minutes. If Shadow Knight is owned: Task: "Make Shadow Knight Get a Foot Rub". The job takes place at Shadow Knight's Throne or a Brown House and takes 60 minutes.
I wanna see those magical edicts. I don’t think they say ANY of that stuff!
Oh no, no, no. The magical edicts are sacred. They explicitly state that only the worthy can read them.
And how does one become worthy?
You gotta be level twenty-five.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 4
After tapping on Lady Milhouse's exclamation mark
To get to level twenty-five, I’ll just need to buy the Warehouse of Gems and the Triple XP Multiplier.
Hopefully Dad doesn’t notice his credit card missing before I have time to put it back…
*reading* “Before you finalize your purchase, would you like to add the Earthland Realms season pass to earn double kill streak points for the next four hours?”
Would I ever!
Task: "Make Lady Milhouse Max Out Kirk’s Credit Card". The job takes place at the Van Houten House or a Brown House and takes 6 hours.
Whoa… Where did you get those high-level boots? And is that the Sword of Deathbringing?
You’re no longer looking at level four Lady Milhouse. This Lady is now level sixty!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 5
After tapping on Lady Milhouse's exclamation mark
Okay, Bart. Now that I’m level sixty, I’m finally worthy of reading the magical edicts. Hand it over! *grabs the scroll from Shadow Knight*
No, no, no, give it back!
*reading* Wait a second, this doesn’t say anything about bringing you elixirs, or carrying all your stuff, or rubbing your feet.
All it says is required to remove the spell is that the spellbound must defeat the spellcaster in combat.
Let us getteth it on!
Task: "Make Lady Milhouse Defeat Shadow Knight in Combat". The job takes place at the Van Houten House or a Brown House and takes 60 minutes. If Shadow Knight is owned: Task: "Make Shadow Knight Lose to Lady Milhouse in Combat". The job takes place at Shadow Knight's Throne or a Brown House and takes 60 minutes.
Hah! Take that! Let the spell be undone!
Why is nothing happening?
Oh, hey that was the wrong magical edict. Here’s the correct one.
It says that to remove the spell you must make a pilgrimage to the distant land of Ravenreach, match wits with the corpse orcs of Bix…
…and defeat the mighty Dragon Lord in a ten-day duel of fire and claw.
You know, I’m okay sitting here and tending to my embroidery.
That’s m’lady!
Quest reward: 200 and 20