The Simpsons Game/References
Wikisimpsons - The Simpsons Wiki
- 1 Cultural references
- 1.1 The Land of Chocolate
- 1.2 Bartman Begins
- 1.3 Around the World in 80 Bites
- 1.4 Lisa the Tree Hugger
- 1.5 Mob Rules
- 1.6 Enter the Cheatrix
- 1.7 The Day of the Dolphin
- 1.8 Shadow of the Colossal Donut
- 1.9 Invasion of the Yokel-Snatchers
- 1.10 Bargain Bin
- 1.11 The Game Engine
- 1.12 NeverQuest
- 1.13 Grand Theft Scratchy
- 1.14 Medal of Homer
- 1.15 Big Super Happy Fun Fun Game
- 1.16 Five Characters in Search of an Author
- 1.17 Game Over
- 1.18 Springfield
- 2 Trivia
- 3 Continuity
Cultural references
The Land of Chocolate
- When talking to the White Chocolate Rabbit, Homer starts talking about Alice in Wonderland. However, he confuses it with Snow White.
- In the first cutscene, Homer is eating Herschel Smooches, a parody of Hershey's Kisses.
Bartman Begins
- The title of this episode is a reference to the movie Batman Begins.
- Bartman's utility belt has a gamepad for a buckle, similar to the main character in Captain N: The Game Master.
- Where you locate one of Homer's Duff Bottlecaps, there is a skeletal hand trying to grab a fedora hat. This is a reference to Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.
- The trophy Bart collects in this level is the movie "Krusty Begins", another reference to Batman Begins.
Around the World in 80 Bites
- The name Around the World in 80 Bites is a reference to the book and film Around the World in Eighty Days.
- When lining up for the race, Comic Book Guy says that "With great hunger comes great responsibility." This is a reference to when Spider-Man's uncle says "With great power comes great responsibility."
- This level makes references to many different countries, namely China, Australia, Mexico, Germany, France, Scotland, Italy and America, in that order.
- All of the countries (excluding Germany and Mexico) have their own national landmarks.
- At the end of the level, Groundskeeper Willie makes a reference to Planet of the Apes. Comic Book Guy even says it is a reference.
Lisa the Tree Hugger
- Bart's collectible trophy in this level is a poster showing Krusty the Clown saying "Only you can prevent Forest Fires", a reference to Smokey the Bear.
Mob Rules
- The game store sign 'Sequel Stop' is a reference to the store chain GameStop.
- Marge makes reference to DC superheroes Aquaman and Hawkman.
- At the end of the level, Kang and Kodos use the word 'space' to replace certain words, a reference to how The Smurfs would say 'smurf' instead of some nouns and verbs.
- Flanders acts very violent, though he usually isn't.
- Seymour Skinner is in front of the Museum when you get him to join the mob.
- One of the children who wear Itchy and Scratchy masks says that their previous "babysitter" was the game Big Mutha Truckers.
- The real name of the EA Executive is never revealed. In fact, at one point, when his name would be normally addressed, his name is instead bleeped out.
- In the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions, Lisa brings together a cube, a sphere, and a triangle, the arrangement of EA Games' original logo.
- The trophy Marge collects in this level is Hair Street Blues Hairspray, referencing the TV show Hill Street Blues.
- The Clock Tower in the Town Square reads 10:04, a reference to Back to the Future.
Enter the Cheatrix
- The name of this episode is a reference to Enter the Matrix, a video game from the Matrix franchise.
- When Bart first gets the grappling hook and uses it, he will sometimes say he is like "Spider-Man in a Batman costume".
- The boss at the end of the level is Nintendo character Donkey Kong (or maybe his grandfather, Cranky Kong, based on first appearance and game).
- There is also Fatality graffiti on the walls, used in Mortal Kombat games when the player successfully completes a finishing move called a Fatality.
- Also, Donkey Kong forming a thumbs up while sinking into the green liquid bears a heavily resemblance to the T-800's death in Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
- There are many posters of game publishers EA in this level.
- All of the portal pipes are a reference to the Warp Pipes in the Mario games. In fact, the sound that Bart and Lisa make when going down one of these pipes is the same as the sound that is heard when Mario goes down a Warp Pipe.
- The enemy football players can be heard chanting "4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42, HIKE!", a reference to "the numbers" in the TV show Lost.
- Sonic the Hedgehog, the main character from Dig Dug, and Mario can be seen on treadmills powering the machines.
- Sonic can be heard saying, "I can't spin anymore! My back!".
- Bart will sometimes say, "I hope we get to meet Zelda! ZELDA!" referring to Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda game series.
- At the end of the level, it is revealed that Prof. Frink married a Koopa Troopa.
The Day of the Dolphin
- The name of this level may be a reference to the movie of the same name, though it's most likely based on the "Treehouse of Horror XI" story "Night of the Dolphins".
Shadow of the Colossal Donut
- The name of this level is a reference to the PlayStation 2 game Shadow of the Colossus.
- When Bart and Homer succeed in defeating the Lard Lad Donuts mascot statue, Kang says "Shazbot!", the common expletive of the character Mork from Mork & Mindy and used just as popularly in the FPS series Tribes.
Invasion of the Yokel-Snatchers
- The name of this level is a reference to the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
- One of the Rigellians says that he likes the kids from High School Musical.
Bargain Bin
- A 'Bargain Bin' is usually a box full of old things from video games to DVDs.
- Will Wright's green diamond is a reference to the plumbobs in The Sims, which he created.
- Will Wright makes many references to EA.
- There is a poster for Sim Kitty, which is a reference of Sim City (also created by Will Wright)
- There are also posters for Sim Sandwich, mocking the wide range of games in the Sim franchise.
- The chasm death cliché is a reference to Wile E. Coyote.
The Game Engine
- On the very edge of the cliff behind Frink's desk, you can see parts of the level Bargain Bin.
- The Shining - If you walk into one of the elevators, Sherri and Terri say Come and play.
- "Escape From Krusty Island" is a pun on Escape From Monkey Island.
- There are posters scattered around The Game Engine, referring to popular games and game series. These are:
- "Snore" is a parody of Spore.
- "Sitar Hero" is a parody of the Guitar Hero series.
- "Need for Speedo" is a parody of the Need for Speed series.
- "Mega Moleman X" is a parody of Mega Man X'.
- "Commando and Conquer" is a parody of Command and Conquer.
- "Moral Kombat" is a parody of Mortal Kombat.
- "Zero-Life" is a parody of Half-Life.
- "Project Shelbyville Racing" is a parody of Project Gotham Racing.
- "Dead Waste" is a parody of Dead Space.
- The name NeverQuest is a reference to the online MMORPG game EverQuest, and possibly the game Neverwinter Nights.
- When Homer gets the keycard he says "My precious", which references Smeagol/Gollum from The Lord of the Rings.
- Homer's outfit is a reference to the character Link from The Legend of Zelda.
- Marge's outfit is a reference to Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda.
- The chests which contain different items are references to MMORPGs, along with fantasy games such as The Legend of Zelda.
- Homer refers to Marge as being "a sexy MILF", which Marge corrects by saying that the word is "elf".
- The Mobbits are parodies of the Hobbits from The Lord of the Rings. Marge will sometimes refer to them as "hairy toddlers", a sort of pun on the fantasy character name Harry Potter from the titular book series.
- One of the Mobbits sometimes says that he prefers Narnia, the fictional land of the C.S. Lewis The Chronicles Of Narnia book series. It's either the Rod or Todd Flanders Mobbit that says this, since C.S. Lewis is a Christian book author.
- Some of the characters and their costumes are from Earthland Realms, an online game in the Simpsons universe which parodies online MMORPGs.
- Upon entering the maze area, Marge notices the camera switching to overhead POV (point-of-view). Homer states that this is just like his favorite old sword-and-sorcery game, Dig Dug - which is neither a sword-and-sorcery game nor even set in overhead POV, at least not until the sequel, Dig Dug II.
- He possibly meant The Tower of Druaga, a fantasy adventure game also made by Namco, or more likely Gauntlet by Atari Games, due to the similarity of how its "narrator" points out things like not shooting the food.
- Sometimes, in the final part of the level where Homer, Marge, and the Mobbits confront the Dragon, Marge asks "Which one of you is gay again?"
Grand Theft Scratchy
- The name Grand Theft Scratchy is a reference to the action-adventure game Grand Theft Auto.
- Marge sometimes says "Extreme Makeover, Marge edition!", referring to the show Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.
- Poochie wears a shirt with a logo in the style of Rockstar Games' logo, the maker of the Grand Theft Auto series.
- The billboard between the gym/yoga studio and the jetty reads "Piping Hot Coffee", a reference to the infamous Hot Coffee mod. Also, Hillary Clinton shows up in the final cutscene.
- The game being reenacted in the third stage is Missile Command.
- Marge changes the strip club into Little Vicky's Dance Studio.
- The billboard opposite the garage references notorious GTA critic Jack Thompson (activist).
Medal of Homer
- The name Medal of Homer is a reference to the Medal of Honor video game series.
- In the background people can be heard yelling "We shall surrender like we've never surrendered before!" and "I have surrendered, therefore I am!". They are presumably Cheese-eating surrender monkeys.
- Upon entering the church, Homer will sometimes say that he prefers "Castle Smurfenstein", possibly a reference to the computer game Castle Wolfenstein. The interior of the church resembles the decor of Wolfenstein 3D, an FPS predecessor of Doom.
- The trophy Bart collects in this level is the movie "Saving Krusty's Privates", a parody of Saving Private Ryan.
Big Super Happy Fun Fun Game
- The title refers to the Super Happy Smile Time Family Wish Show, the Japanese game show in the Simpsons episode "Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo".
- In the first cutscene, Homer states that he won't eat any sushi unless it's chocolate covered (and if there's no sushi in it). The only food in this level is sushi, and Homer still eats it.
- Milhouse is dressed as the King of All Cosmos from Katamari Damacy.
- A cliché references Dungeons and Dragons.
- The level makes some references to Pokémon with the game within a game "Sparklemon" featuring references such the "Sparklemon Capturing Ball" (a reference to Pokéballs).
- The Flying Boat has a figurehead resembling Hello Kitty.
- The Flying Boat seen in this level is a reference to the Flying Airship - a recurring feature in the Final Fantasy series.
- The statue of Santa's Little Helper is dressed like Amaterasu (from Ōkami) with a Keyblade (from Kingdom Hearts) in its mouth.
- The floating head talks to Homer and Lisa about the evil Rin Sha corporation, probably a reference to the Shin-ra Company of Final Fantasy VII.
- During the first Sparklemon battle, one of the options reads "Gummi" - a reference to the Gummi Ship from Kingdom Hearts
- The Comic Book Guy sumos make several references:
- One of the lines said by the fire sumos is "Only a flesh wound", a recycled line from Final Fantasy IX which is, in itself, a reference to the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The line is indicated as such with Comic Book Guy laughing at the fact the he is taking it from Final Fantasy IX and not Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
- They may also boast, "I burn like Cyndaquil!" Cyndaquil is one of the starter Pokémon in Pokémon Gold & Silver.
- Defeated fire sumos sometimes say "Every light must fade, every heart must return to darkness", a line from Kingdom Hearts.
- Occasionally sumos will shout "TETSUO!", a reference to the anime film AKIRA.
- During the ice part of the level Homer may say, "I'm cold and you're ugly, but tomorrow, I'll be warm", paraphrasing a famous Winston Churchill quote.
Five Characters in Search of an Author
- The title Five Characters In Search Of An Author is a reference to the stage play Six Characters in Search of an Author
- Upon noticing Matt's piles of money, Bart says that the creator is "like Richie Rich, except straight".
- In order to open Matt Groening's mansion door, the player has to do a Simon-type memory game, using floor pads that each play a different note. The song successfully pieced together is none other than "The Simpsons Theme", which plays as the door opens.
- Homer can say that he has an urge to sit on a couch, or has an urge to send money to Danny Elfman, who composed the Simpsons theme.
- Upon entering Matt's office, the Comic Book Guy points out the Evil Genius cliche as being "a rip-off of Lex Luthor," a constant adversary of Superman.
- Matt introduces himself to the Simpsons by saying that "Your creator is TV's most beloved animation visionary!". Homer replies with "Seth MacFarlane!?"; Seth is the creator of rival cartoon sitcom Family Guy.
- Matt's mansion has Futurama-like transportation tubes running along the ceiling.
- During the boss battle of the level, Homer and Bart will have to face several copies of Bender and Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama.
- While creating these "warriors of the future" Matt says "Say hello to my little friends!", a famous line from Scarface.
- Insults thrown at the pair include "You were just too weird for network television!" (referring to Futurama's cancellation) and "You're my least favorite Billy West character!".
- During the level's opening cutscene, all 5 members of the Simpson family are seen walking up the drive. When the gameplay starts, only Bart and Homer are present. Marge and Lisa reappear after that fight with Matt Groening, but Maggie doesn't.
- The trophy Bart collects in this level is the movie "Krusty Klownface", another reference to the movie Scarface.
Game Over
- In Bart's first level on the DS version when fighting Benjamin Franklin, Lisa uses Lightning on Franklin's kite referencing to a made up reason on how he died.
- At the beginning of the episode, the Moe-orc (his name being a pun on Mohawk) says "Oh, for the love of Sauron", another reference to Lord of The Rings.
- The bearded dwarf that jumps on the sofa and cries "Here we gooo!" is a parody of Mario, done in the same style as his voice actor Charles Martinet in Super Mario 64.
- At the beginning of the level, Lisa builds a "Stairway to Heaven", referencing the Led Zeppelin song.
- The fact that Lisa uses her Hand of Buddha to build a tower to Heaven may be referencing the Bibical story of the Tower of Babel.
- William Shakespeare is guarding the gates of Heaven. Bart complains about his "John Grisham fancy talk".
- Benjamin Franklin guards the gate to God's house.
- One of the houses is named "House of Hendrix".
- Another house features a large sign that says "Reserved For Elvis".
- The sign resembles the one seen when entering Las Vegas.
- Yet another house says "Maude Flanders".
- Rigellians are in Heaven.
- Skybucks is a reference to Starbucks.
- The trophy Bart collects in this level is the movie "The Passion of the Krust", a parody of The Passion of the Christ.
- The trophy Marge collects in this level is the Hairway to Heaven Hairspray, a second reference to the Led Zeppelin song.
- The showdown with God is based on Bemani games such as Dance Dance Revolution.
- When facing God, three games consoles appear:
- The PrayStation refers to prayer and the PlayStation. It resembles a bible, complete with bookmark.
- The Xodus Box refers to Exodus and the Xbox 360. The logo is the Jesus Fish.
- The Hii is a parody of the Wii.
- In the PlayStation2 version of the game, the Hii is called "I am", as in "I am He" (another way for God to say "that's me").
- In the final battle, the music playing is The Scorpions' "Rock You Like a Hurricane" done in a Dance Dance Revolution-style remix.
- When God is defeated, a "blue screen of death" with a bomb icon appears that Bart tears away.
- When God is pleading Bart not to destroy his save games (on the ∞Mb memory card), he pleads "I'm on the final boss fight of Oblivion, I can't start again from the beginning!". The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion has hundreds of hours of gameplay.
- Bart calls God "Birkenstocks", a maker of sandals.
- God says Planet Earth got a score of 96 on Meta-Metacritic.
- In the police station wanted posters featuring Fry and Zapp Brannigan from "Futurama" are seen.
- The Golden Gate Bridge is visible in the distance at the Squidport area.
- Throughout the game several characters share scream sound effects when attacked. Characters who share screams include:
- Smithers, Lenny, Principal Skinner, Mr. Largo, Eddie, Reverend Lovejoy and Ned Flanders (in the "Mob Rules" opening cutscene).
- Gil, Blue-haired lawyer, Charlie, Louie and Gareth Prince.
- Dr. Hibbert, Rainier Wolfcastle, Judge Snyder and Reverend Lovejoy (in "Mob Rules").
- Comic Book Guy and Dr. Nick.
- Jasper, Larry and Legs.
- Raphael, Old Jewish man and Kirk Van Houten.
- Disco Stu and Lou.
- Apu and Luigi
- Patty and Selma
- Agnes Skinner and Lunchlady Dora
- Sam and Groundskeeper Willie
- Miss Hoover and Bernice Hibbert
- Superintendent Chalmers and Moe
- Martin and Lewis
- Milhouse and Lewis look-alike
- Dr. Zoidberg and Rigellians
- In the Simpsons' house the Orange Station Wagon is colored pink like the Pink Sedan.
- In Springfield there can be two Squeaky-voiced teens, one walking around Springfield and the other in Krusty Burger.
- This is the first and so far only time the Lewis look-alike has ever spoken.
- In the level Shadow of the Colossal Donut the Rigellians and the EA Krusty dolls attack each other (even without Lisa's saxophone powers).
- Miss Hoover and Lunchlady Dora do not speak. They do however scream when attacked.
- A picture of Troy McClure can be seen on a magazine in the Kwik-E-Mart.
- The colors of Jasper's shirt and vest are switched.
- Rainier Wolfcastle is shorter than he should be and Kirk Van Houten is taller than he should be.
- SequelStop returns in "The Simpsons: Tapped Out".
- Several one-time buildings appear in Springfield.
- Junkytown Legal Clinic. ("The Springfield Connection")
- Cash-for-your-eyes. ("Old Yeller-Belly")
- The Spirograph Factory. ("Radioactive Man")
- Several of the characters quote or reference the show.