You Don't Make Friends With (Fruit) Salad
Tapped Out Quest Information
You Don't Make Friends With (Fruit) Salad is an event-exclusive quest in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Blargsgiving content update.
After starting the update
Homie, could you run to the store to pick up a few things for Thanksgiving dinner tonight?
But Marge, if I leave now, I won't know who wins the big game!
And going into the fourth quarter, the Shelbyville Sharks lead the Springfield Atoms fifty-six to zero. I think it's safe to say we know who will win the big game.
*sigh* I guess I'll just go pick up the ingredients for the fruit salad myself.
Fruit salad? Never! The only fruit I'll be eating this Thanksgiving will come in canned form.
Delectable cranberry sauce. The one time of year dessert comes with the main course instead of after.
I didn't buy any cranberry sauce this year. I told you, we're having fruit salad.
WHAT?! No Thanksgiving dinner is gonna get served without cranberry sauce on my watch! I'm heading to the store!
I thought you said you couldn't leave because you were watching the game?
That was before you threatened me with fruit salad. Also I don't really care about the game. I just didn't want to get off the couch.
If Marge is owned: Task: "Make Marge Grumble Under Her Breath". The job takes place at the Simpson House or a Brown House and takes 6 seconds. Task: "Make Homer Hunt for Cranberry Sauce". The job takes place at a Kwik-E-Mart, Springfield Grocery Store, CostMo, Try-N-Save, Quick & Fresh, Sconewall Bakery, or a Brown House and takes 6 seconds.
Okay. Don't panic. So what if they're sold out of cranberry sauce at Costmo, Try-N-Save, Quick & Fresh, Sconewall Bakery, Eatie-Gourmet's...
Sprawl-Mart, Li'l Valu-Mart, Kwik-E-Mart, Speed-E-Mart, Newfangled Kwik-E-Mart, andSpringfield Hunting Supplies? I'm sure I'll find some...somewhere.
I guess I could try Swapper Jack's, but that's a health food store...
But cranberries are in smoothies, which are healthy, and people drink smoothies after they exercise...
And exercise burns calories, and burning is what you do with tires, and...wait, where was I?
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Behind the Laughter[edit]
The quest name is a reference to the "You Don't Win Friends With Salad" song by Bart, Homer, and Marge in the season 7 episode "Lisa the Vegetarian".