Wikisimpsons:Editor meetings/March 10th 2012
Wikisimpsons - The Simpsons Wiki
[20:00] <Randomno> Now. [20:00] * Phinbart (5770b71f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikisimpsons [20:00] <Phinbart> Here for the meeting [20:00] <Randomno> Hi, Phinbart. [20:00] <Phinbart> Hi guys [20:00] <Randomno> Meeted JUST started. [20:00] <FatHomer> Hello! [20:00] <Randomno> About 20 seconds ago. [20:03] <FatHomer> Ok... [20:03] <Randomno> Okay, first things, first: Mobile site. [20:03] <Phinbart> I think we should have one. [20:03] <Randomno> Me too. [20:03] <Phinbart> And, who's doing the transcript? [20:03] <FatHomer> I like the idea [20:03] <Randomno> We need a whole site too, as we need to simplify templates. [20:03] <Randomno> *We'd [20:03] <FatHomer> Yes [20:03] <Randomno> Phinbart: What about transcripts? [20:03] <Phinbart> Who's doing the transcript for the meeting? [20:03] <Randomno> Oh, I can if you want. [20:03] <FatHomer> Good [20:03] <Phinbart> I was gonna suggest to do it, but meh [20:03] <Randomno> It's starts here: "[20:00] <Randomno> Now.". [20:03] <FatHomer> Where's AleWi? [20:03] <Randomno> Solar_Dragon ? [20:03] * Phinbart shrugs [20:03] <@Cook879> how would we do it? [20:03] <Phinbart> I don't think Solar's noticed that a meeting's on today. [20:03] <Randomno> He's drunk. [20:04] <@Cook879> He is cognizant [20:04] <Randomno> Literally. [20:04] <Phinbart> Cook, can you put on the sitenotice that the meeting's on now. [20:04] <Randomno> Okay, whatever. [20:04] <FatHomer> Solar is drunk? [20:04] <@Cook879> done [20:05] <Phinbart> Thanks [20:05] <Phinbart> It would take a while to put together a mobile site, but... [20:05] <Phinbart> m.simpsonswiki.net [20:05] <FatHomer> Yes [20:06] <FatHomer> We don't need m.simpsonswiki [20:06] <Randomno> We need a SITE. [20:06] <Phinbart> NO, m.simpsonswiki.net would be the address of the mobile site [20:06] <Randomno> I know. [20:06] <Randomno> Like WP. [20:06] <FatHomer> The simpsonswiki.net can see if the user is using a phone [20:06] <Randomno> We need to simplify templates. for it. [20:07] <Randomno> *template for [20:07] <FatHomer> Yes [20:07] <Phinbart> I think we should work on the mobile site second. [20:07] <FatHomer> . [20:07] <Phinbart> First, I dunno [20:07] <@Cook879> 17% of our viewers yesterday used a mobile device [20:07] <FatHomer> That is many [20:07] <Randomno> I can do templates. [20:07] <Randomno> Pretty simple. [20:08] <FatHomer> I think it's because of the Simpsons tapped out [20:08] * Doh5678 (4e94e929@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikisimpsons [20:08] <Randomno> We're not getting as simple as en.m.wikipedia.org, though. [20:08] <Randomno> Hi, Doh. [20:08] <FatHomer> Hi [20:08] <Doh5678> hello [20:08] <@Cook879> Since records began it sits at around 10% [20:08] <Doh5678> What are we discussing? [20:09] <FatHomer> Mobile site [20:09] <Phinbart> The mobile site [20:09] <Doh5678> We have a mobile site? [20:09] <Phinbart> To CREATE a mobile site [20:09] <Randomno> Not yet. [20:10] <Doh5678> Oh [20:11] <Phinbart> Well, how about we discuss it with Jake first. [20:11] <FatHomer> Yeah [20:11] <Randomno> We can discuss the technical stuff with Jake, we need to decide on actually doing it, though. [20:12] <Randomno> It's pretty much "Yes", though. [20:12] <Phinbart> First, we should work on a design to see if it would work on a mobile. [20:12] <@Cook879> Is there a mobile version of MediaWiki then? [20:12] * Phinbart shrugs [20:12] <Randomno> I have a mobile right next to me. [20:12] <FatHomer> Yes [20:12] <FatHomer> Ok [20:13] <Phinbart> It would be cool if Wikisimpsons automatically detected if the viewer is using a mobile or not. [20:13] <@Cook879> ok, so it would be just installing that then adjusting templates and what not? [20:13] <Phinbart> Then it would redirect straight away to the mobil site. [20:13] <Phinbart> *mobile [20:13] <@Cook879> We do - or at least PiWik does - It takes every screen size and device [20:14] <Randomno> I'm getting on to Wikisimpsons now on mobile. [20:14] <FatHomer> It's easy to detect if it's a mobile r not [20:14] <Randomno> The sidebar ends up a whole way down. [20:14] <Phinbart> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Mobile_browser_testing [20:14] <TuxBot> [LINK] Mobile browser testing - MediaWiki [20:14] <Phinbart> Uhhh! [20:14] <Randomno> I have Opera Mini on my phone. [20:14] <Phinbart> They should call it LinkBot instead of TuxBot [20:15] <Randomno> !wird [20:15] <Randomno> !word [20:15] <TuxBot> The word is Mexicali's [20:15] <FatHomer> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MobileFrontend used on Wikipedia [20:15] <TuxBot> [LINK] MobileFrontend - MediaWiki [20:15] <Randomno> Are we nearly done for mobile site? [20:16] <Phinbart> I think so [20:16] <Phinbart> Ok, Credit pages for issues of comics [20:16] <Doh5678> Wouldn't it cost more for a mobile site? [20:16] <Phinbart> Probably. [20:16] <FatHomer> No [20:16] <@Cook879> why Doh5678? [20:16] <Phinbart> I would have thought so [20:17] <@Cook879> Surely it's just using server space, like the sub wikis do [20:17] <Phinbart> How about we discuss it more next meeting [20:17] <Doh5678> Maybe [20:18] <FatHomer> Ok [20:18] <Phinbart> Credit pages for issues of comics [20:18] <FatHomer> Ok [20:18] <@Cook879> what about them? [20:19] <FatHomer> Who added it? [20:19] * Phinbart shrugs [20:19] <Phinbart> I don't think we should have them. [20:19] <@Cook879> wanna look at the history [20:20] <@Cook879> ? [20:20] <@Cook879> why not? [20:20] <FatHomer> I think we should [20:20] <Phinbart> Credits for comics are quite small [20:20] <@Cook879> So - longer then many of our articles [20:20] <Doh5678> It seems so pointless to have credits for comics if most of the people don't have articles [20:21] <FatHomer> We should still have them [20:21] <@Cook879> That's why we - this will shock you* make them! [20:21] <FatHomer> It's a wiki, someone will create the pages [20:21] <Doh5678> Good point [20:21] <@Cook879> and it's easy to make when we have complete credits [20:22] <FatHomer> Yes [20:22] <FatHomer> Next subject? [20:22] <Phinbart> New infobox for mobile/app games. [20:23] <Phinbart> I think we should have one. [20:23] <FatHomer> We should have that [20:23] <Randomno> I'm working on a mobile site design. [20:23] <FatHomer> Good :) [20:23] <Doh5678> Infobox for those [20:23] <@Cook879> How do they differ? [20:24] <Phinbart> We could have like a "hide/show" for the icon, the main screen, and the trailer. [20:24] <Phinbart> Just a suggestion. [20:25] <@Cook879> I'd say make one and see how it goes [20:25] <Phinbart> Maybe we should wait until more mobile games are released. [20:25] <FatHomer> No [20:26] <Doh5678> Make one now, seeing as we have articles for them [20:26] <FatHomer> Next subject? [20:26] <Phinbart> Improving The Simpsons: Tapped Out article. [20:26] <Phinbart> Expand gameplay, Extras, and References. Images for locations in Appearances need to be from the game. [20:26] <FatHomer> Yes, that is important [20:27] <Phinbart> Anyone have Tapped Out? [20:27] <@Cook879> I plan to steal cjc's iPod to help [20:27] <@Cook879> Might do it after i finish these credits [20:27] <FatHomer> I do on the iPad [20:27] <Doh5678> Nope [20:27] <Phinbart> I'm hoping to get an iPod touch to play it on [20:27] <Doh5678> Mainly because I have an android [20:27] <Randomno> I'm doing transcript. Lazily. [20:28] <Phinbart> Well, it's being released on Android in a few months. [20:28] <Phinbart> FatHomer, which country do you live in again... [20:28] <FatHomer> Sweden [20:28] <Doh5678> I'll get it then, if it's free [20:28] <Phinbart> Never mind then. I thought you lived in the US [20:28] <FatHomer> I want to [20:28] <FatHomer> ... [20:29] <Phinbart> Images for locations in the Appearances tab need to be from the game. [20:29] <Phinbart> Well, not NEED. [20:29] <Randomno> Wait, FatHomer and AAALLLEEVVVIII!!!!!!! both live in Sweden? [20:29] <FatHomer> Yes [20:29] <@Cook879> Yes Randomno, keep up [20:29] <Randomno> Meep meep. [20:29] <Phinbart> I didn't know FatHomer lived in Sweden. [20:29] <FatHomer> :) [20:29] <Randomno> I only joined January 22, 2012. [20:29] <Randomno> And made over 2,300 contributions. [20:29] <Phinbart> I joined over a year ago. [20:29] <Randomno> And you're behind me on contribs. :) [20:30] <@Cook879> I joined x years ago [20:30] <Phinbart> We need a game image for Lard Lad Donuts. [20:30] <FatHomer> I'm glad you joined this wiki [20:30] <Phinbart> Who? [20:30] <Phinbart> Me or the Wikia guy? [20:30] <@Cook879> Randomno [20:30] <Randomno> Hey... [20:30] <FatHomer> Wikia guy :) [20:30] <Randomno> Well, Wikia was going down the cliff. [20:30] <Doh5678> Bit-off topic: How did that moving over thing go? [20:31] <Phinbart> I liked your main page design though on your user page [20:31] <Randomno> http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Special:NewPages They create pages behind us. [20:31] <TuxBot> [LINK] New pages - Simpsons Wiki [20:31] <@Cook879> they only really trump 50 edits on the weekends [20:31] <Randomno> http://simpsons.wikia.com/index.php?title=Paula_Paul&redirect=no Amd have TOO MANY editors. [20:31] <TuxBot> [LINK] Paula Paul - Simpsons Wiki [20:31] <Randomno> Who create bad pages. [20:32] <@Cook879> You can't have too many editors though. [20:32] <Phinbart> They don't even have a page for Tapped Out yet. [20:32] <Phinbart> Neither does Wikipedia. [20:32] <Randomno> http://simpsons.wikia.com/index.php?title=Them,_Robot&redirect=no That looks like an EXACT copy of ours. [20:32] <@Cook879> I say, the sign of minor spammers means you're getting around [20:32] <TuxBot> [LINK] Them, Robot - Simpsons Wiki [20:32] <Randomno> The link is the same. [20:32] <Doh5678> WTF is that thing at the bottom? [20:33] <Phinbart> Right, let's get back on subject. [20:33] <Randomno> Yeah, okay. [20:33] <Phinbart> FatHomer, do you have Lard Lad Donuts in your Springfield yet, [20:33] <Phinbart> ? [20:34] <FatHomer> I havnt played that much yet... [20:34] <FatHomer> In which lvl do you get it? [20:34] <Phinbart> Level 10 I think [20:34] <FatHomer> Ok [20:35] <Phinbart> You could take photos of your town for us. [20:35] <FatHomer> I think I could add a pic soon [20:35] <Randomno> http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Springfield_Mayoral_Election,_1990. [20:35] <FatHomer> Should all images be from the game? [20:36] <FatHomer> ... [20:36] <Randomno> What? ... [20:36] <Phinbart> All images of locations [20:37] <FatHomer> Yes [20:37] <FatHomer> Next subject? [20:37] <Phinbart> http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/The_Simpsons:_Tapped_Out/Appearances#Locations [20:37] <TuxBot> [LINK] The Simpsons: Tapped Out/Appearances - Wikisimpsons, the Simpsons Wiki [20:37] <Phinbart> Putting {{scroll}} at the beginning and end of long tables. [20:38] <@Cook879> NOOOOO!!!!!!!!! [20:38] <@Cook879> Why?! [20:38] <FatHomer> I don't think so [20:38] <FatHomer> It's annoying [20:38] <Phinbart> Yeah, I was gonna say that. [20:38] <Randomno> Can't we make a scroll height? [20:38] <Doh5678> Per above [20:38] <Phinbart> Forgot to remove it. [20:38] <@Cook879> who suggested? [20:38] <Phinbart> Me [20:38] <Randomno> Or Solar can try hiding tables. [20:38] <Phinbart> I thought it was a good idea at first. [20:38] <Randomno> When he's not slightly wassailed. [20:39] <FatHomer> You still have to scroll so I don't get the point with it [20:40] <@Cook879> and ti still has to load [20:40] <@Cook879> *it [20:41] <FatHomer> Should we move on? [20:41] <Phinbart> Next editor meeting [20:42] <Randomno> April 1. [20:42] <Randomno> As an April Fools joke. [20:42] <Randomno> Then to April 2. [20:42] <Phinbart> March 24 [20:42] <Phinbart> April 1 is a Sunday and April 2 is a Monday. [20:42] <Randomno> By the way, what should we do for April 1? [20:42] <Phinbart> Solar's got someat planned. [20:42] <@Cook879> thta's Solar_Dragon's department. He's been planning for ages [20:43] <Randomno> Someat? [20:43] <Phinbart> Meh [20:43] <FatHomer> ? [20:43] <Phinbart> Someat is my word for something. [20:44] <Randomno> Oh. [20:44] <Phinbart> brb [20:44] <Randomno> Hokily-dokily. [20:44] <Phinbart> Back [20:45] <FatHomer> Yay [20:45] <Phinbart> Also, we need more info on the versions of Tapped Out. [20:46] <Randomno> I'll be useless. [20:47] * Shwido (~chatzilla@CPE-121-214-201-213.lns6.fli.bigpond.net.au) has joined #wikisimpsons
...some time later
[22:03] * WebkinzMania (~WebkinzMa@pool-96-250-248-172.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) has joined #wikisimpsons [22:03] <WebkinzMania> Editor meeting baby! [22:03] <@Cook879> Sorry man, that's over [22:03] <@Cook879> forgot it's still in the notice [22:03] <Shwido> aawwww XD [22:03] <Shwido> poor WebkinzMania [22:03] <WebkinzMania> ... :| [22:04] * WebkinzMania facepalms.