Wikisimpsons:Editor meetings/July 30th
Wikisimpsons - The Simpsons Wiki
[20:00] Phinbart Eight O'Clock! *Bangs gavel* Meeting to order! Subject: Animated Sitcom wiki Alliance! [20:00] Cook879 what about it? [20:00] Solar_Dragon Well, it's now up and running [20:01] Phinbart Meeting. [20:01] Solar_Dragon We need to discuss the wiki requirements, skin design and logo [20:01] Solar_Dragon On the forums, there are topics for all 3 [20:01] Clg Change the sitenotice [20:01] Cook879 i saw all that on the forums (message made redundant by Solar's last message) [20:02] -->| Mick_McCarthy (~cgiirc@cpc1-midd9-0-0-cust514.11-1.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #wikisimpsons [20:02] Solar_Dragon We'll also need people to persuade other wikis to move from Wikia to ShoutWiki or independence if they can in order to allow them to join [20:02] Solar_Dragon Hi Mick_McCarthy [20:02] Mick_McCarthy hello [20:02] AleWi Hi Mick_Mc_Carthy [20:02] Cook879 Shoutwiki's still down [20:02] Cook879 hi [20:02] Clg Hi former manager [20:03] Phinbart Hi Mick_McCarthy! [20:03] AleWi Shoutwiki has been closed for a month [20:03] Solar_Dragon Over a month [20:03] AleWi Longer than the last crash. [20:03] Phinbart Hi Mick_McCarthy [20:03] Solar_Dragon Although it should be up soon [20:03] Phinbart Hmmm....won't let me comment. [20:03] Mick_McCarthy When will it be up? [20:03] |<-- Phinbart has left irc.shoutwiki.com (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [20:03] -->| Phinbart (5773cf91@ircip1.mibbit.com) has joined #wikisimpsons [20:03] Phinbart Sorry about that. [20:03] Solar_Dragon I'm asking now [20:04] Phinbart Asking what? [20:04] Phinbart Missed part of it cause I had to log out cause it wouldn't let me comment. [20:04] Clg 099999999 [20:04] Phinbart Huh? [20:04] |<-- Clg has left irc.shoutwiki.com (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) [20:04] Solar_Dragon [20:03] Phinbart Hmmm....won't let me comment. [20:05] Solar_Dragon Lies Phinbart [20:05] Solar_Dragon [20:05] Solar_Dragon Where'd Clg go? [20:05] Phinbart My comments didn't appear on the comment list I'm viewing now. [20:05] Phinbart shrugs. [20:05] AleWi I see you comments Phinbart. [20:06] Phinbart No before I logged out. [20:06] Phinbart I couldn't see my comments. [20:06] -->| Clg (~cgiirc@94-192-183-217.zone6.bethere.co.uk) has joined #wikisimpsons [20:06] Solar_Dragon Where'd you go Clg? [20:06] Phinbart Hi again Clg. [20:07] Phinbart Clg? [20:07] Clg Cat was on the keyboard [20:07] Solar_Dragon [20:07] Phinbart Why was your cat on the keyboard? [20:08] Clg It does that [20:08] Phinbart Ya...right. [20:08] Clg So frst topic [20:08] Phinbart Let's get back to Animated Sitcom Wiki Alliance [20:08] Clg *first [20:09] Solar_Dragon We need people to go out and persuade Wikia wikis to move [20:09] Solar_Dragon Not an easy task [20:10] Clg What wikis are we aiming at? [20:10] Solar_Dragon Family Guy, South Park, American Dad [20:10] Phinbart Bob's Burgers! [20:10] Solar_Dragon Everything here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Animated_sitcoms [20:10] Solar_Dragon Bob's Burgers isn't ready yet [20:10] Cook879 May be easier to start with smaller shows from the list with smaller communities. [20:11] Phinbart Although, they don't have a wiki for Bob's Burgers on Wikia. [20:11] Phinbart Hmmm.... they do! http://bobsburgers.wikia.com/wiki/Bob%27s_Burgers_Wiki [20:11] Solar_Dragon Our Wikkii wiki is better though [20:11] AleWi Is there anyone who has not? [20:11] Mick_McCarthy indeed [20:11] Solar_Dragon And is an affiliate: http://aswanetwork.net/affiliates.html [20:12] Cook879 Phinbart - Fish Hooks is in the category [20:13] AleWi The topic of bobsburger are "Bob's Burgers Wiki is moving to ShoutWiki!!" [20:13] Solar_Dragon Yeah, that was the plan [20:13] AleWi at http://bobsburgers.wikkii.com/wiki/Main_Page [20:13] Phinbart Huh? "Fish Hooks"? [20:13] Solar_Dragon I plan on export, importing the articles over [20:13] Solar_Dragon Oh yeah, cool [20:14] Cook879 Its in the category [20:14] Phinbart On which wiki? [20:14] Solar_Dragon How many users do you have Phinbart? [20:14] Solar_Dragon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Animated_sitcoms [20:14] Solar_Dragon Phinbart ^ [20:14] Clg So bob's burger's is a wiki to be [20:15] Phinbart Erm....Registered users....Three? [20:15] Phinbart Not a popular wiki. [20:15] Mick_McCarthy tea [20:15] AleWi We also have not so many users. [20:15] |<-- Mick_McCarthy has left irc.shoutwiki.com (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) [20:15] Solar_Dragon I changed it to 5 active users needed to be part of the alliance [20:15] Phinbart Techinally, the other two vandalized the wiki a bit, so...just me! [20:15] Solar_Dragon Ah, right... [20:15] -->| cjc (~chatzilla@cpc1-slou2-2-0-cust202.haye.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #wikisimpsons [20:15] =-= Mode #wikisimpsons +o cjc by ChanServ [20:15] Solar_Dragon Hi cjc [20:16] Solar_Dragon A bit hate [20:16] Solar_Dragon *Late [20:16] AleWi Hi cjc [20:16] Phinbart Hi cjc [20:16] cjc hi [20:16] Phinbart Well, technically, Solar and Jack Phoenix are users as well. [20:16] Phinbart Just three registered-non-vandalizing users! [20:17] Cook879 i would say i'll go register and do something to make 4 but i can't [20:17] Solar_Dragon It has to be active though [20:17] Solar_Dragon We might we able to help out, make it more active [20:17] Solar_Dragon Even if it is minor edits [20:17] Phinbart It is active, but not right NOW. [20:17] Solar_Dragon Well, yeah [20:17] Phinbart ShoutWiki's down! [20:17] Solar_Dragon Read this page: http://aswanetwork.net/requirements.html [20:18] AleWi I have not followed the series and since it goes at Disney, it is probably not my type of series. [20:18] Solar_Dragon Same here. I don't like Bob's Burgers either and I am co-founder of that though [20:18] Solar_Dragon the wiki I mean [20:18] Cook879 Solar_Dragon: Should we use the cite web template or should i remove it? [20:19] Solar_Dragon I never bother with it [20:19] Solar_Dragon I don't know [20:19] Phinbart Yeah...I joined Bob's Burgers Wiki before I even watched the series! [20:19] Clg Does it link to anywhere? [20:19] Cook879 <ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.fox.com/programming/shows/?sh=the-simpsons |title=The Simpsons Season 23|author= |date=Unknown |publisher=Fox.com}}</ref> [20:19] AleWi I not use cite web often [20:19] -->| Simpsons88 (c873fdde@ircip4.mibbit.com) has joined #wikisimpsons [20:19] Cook879 i think i'll remove it [20:20] Cook879 <ref>[http://www.fox.com/programming/shows/?sh=the-simpsons The Simpsons Season 23 at Fox.com]</ref> [20:20] Clg Hi Simpsons 88 [20:20] AleWi Flintstones and Beavis and Butt-head are coming back too. [20:20] Simpsons88 hi [20:20] Cook879 hi [20:20] AleWi Hi Simpsons88 [20:20] Simpsons88 hey [20:21] Clg Anyone want to discuss any more about the ASWA? [20:22] Solar_Dragon Nope [20:22] Phinbart Silver + Bronze Homer Award. [20:22] Solar_Dragon Yeah, who added that? [20:23] Clg Me [20:23] Solar_Dragon What about them then? [20:23] Clg Has everyone voted? [20:23] Cook879 for once i did [20:24] AleWi Do it tomorrow [20:24] Solar_Dragon It ends tomorrow though [20:24] Solar_Dragon I'll update it as soon as I wake up [20:24] Phinbart Next topic? [20:24] Phinbart Getting more users. [20:25] Solar_Dragon Our views have gone up a lot [20:25] Solar_Dragon 412 a couple of days ago [20:25] Clg We need more people to edit though [20:25] -->| Mick_McCarthy (~cgiirc@cpc1-midd9-0-0-cust514.11-1.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #wikisimpsons [20:25] Cook879 just look, they ranged from 330-410 this week [20:26] Phinbart That's a LOT! [20:26] Solar_Dragon Best way to do that is to keep making articles, attracting people to us [20:26] AleWi We have received almost 1,000 more articles in a month [20:26] Solar_Dragon Exactly [20:26] Clg But Wikia probably bribe google [20:27] Phinbart That's 250 articles a week! [20:27] Solar_Dragon And each one of those articles will be inviting people who are searching for them to us, instead of Wikia [20:27] Phinbart Meaning 35 articles a day! [20:27] Solar_Dragon Really?! [20:28] Phinbart Or 36. [20:28] Phinbart Calculator had a decimal, so. [20:28] Clg Last month we got 500 articles [20:28] Solar_Dragon We could keep asking Wikia's editors to move [20:29] Clg Will they though? [20:29] Solar_Dragon Dunno [20:29] Solar_Dragon We could keep asking, that's all I know [20:29] Solar_Dragon It's worked for a couple of users [20:29] AleWi 18 June we have 8000 [20:30] Phinbart Ah! Can't see my comments again! [20:30] Phinbart ooh...can now! [20:30] Solar_Dragon I can see them [20:30] Phinbart Next topic? [20:30] Phinbart New Swedish wiki [20:30] Solar_Dragon It's growing quickly [20:31] Cook879 How's that going? Haven't checked it out recently. [20:31] Cook879 Cool [20:31] Solar_Dragon AleWi, do you know of any Swedish fan sites? [20:31] Cook879 How about Chinese? [20:31] AleWi No new users [20:31] Solar_Dragon We could ask them about affiliating with the wiki [20:31] AleWi Most Fathomer and me. [20:31] Solar_Dragon Chinese wiki hasn't set off yet [20:31] AleWi chinese works [20:31] AleWi http://zh.simpsonswiki.net/index.php?title=%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5 [20:32] Phinbart We have a Chinese Wiki! [20:32] Solar_Dragon Yes [20:33] Mick_McCarthy hy [20:33] Mick_McCarthy *why [20:34] Clg Smiley suggested it [20:34] Solar_Dragon He knows some Chinese [20:34] Cook879 For new language wikis we could try foreign wikipedias. If some users edit a lot of Simpsons they may want to make a whole wiki about it [20:34] Phinbart Zuh? [20:34] Cook879 Zh [20:34] AleWi I can not Chinese. Language Links and stuff can be easily fix by evreyone [20:35] AleWi In China, is The Simpsons banned on public-TV. [20:35] Solar_Dragon Don't know [20:35] AleWi zh=simple chinese [20:37] Clg So next topic [20:37] Phinbart What to fill the space on the main page where the poll was [20:38] Solar_Dragon Any ideas? [20:38] Clg Think everyone, think [20:38] AleWi In China, the Simpsons banned. [20:38] AleWi Do you know-ask? [20:38] Solar_Dragon No, why? [20:38] Phinbart Schedule feed? [20:38] Solar_Dragon Is it promoting Satanism or something? [20:40] AleWi In Swedish Wiki we have a TV schedule. Maybe one for Fox, Sky and Network1? [20:40] Phinbart Network1? [20:40] Clg somert to do with America [20:40] AleWi Think it's the TV channel in Australia. [20:40] Phinbart We could do a schedule for countries that speak English. [20:41] Solar_Dragon I don't feel too good, can't concentrate properly [20:41] Cook879 Fox is hard as they have many regional stations which i think broadcast many of their own schedules [20:41] Phinbart USA, UK, Canada. [20:41] Solar_Dragon I'm still here, just not fully taking part in the convo [20:41] Phinbart Any other ideas? [20:41] Clg Australia as well [20:41] Solar_Dragon TV schedule for English speakong countries would be too hard to keep up to date [20:42] Phinbart Well, we are English. [20:43] Clg there are US and Aussie users as well [20:43] AleWi It can be difficult to update, but it can go. [20:44] Phinbart Maybe it can have a trial for a bit, like my idea for the newsletter. [20:44] Clg http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/User:Smiley12/Holiday_Wikisimpsons_Themes/Easter [20:44] Phinbart Thought of something! [20:44] Phinbart Wiki updates! [20:44] Clg A featured cleanup section [20:44] Solar_Dragon How about the urm... what's it called? [20:44] Solar_Dragon Yes Clg [20:44] Solar_Dragon That's it [20:44] Solar_Dragon bring that back, although not as many tasks [20:45] Phinbart The featured cleanup section was on the wiki when I joined as an unregistered user. [20:45] Clg Will encourage more activity [20:45] Cook879 Problem with Fox is they have local programming so we may have to do one for all the stations [20:45] AleWi You can see at http://www.imdb.com/tvgrid/2011-07-30/2000/ [20:45] Cook879 of which there are 27 apparently [20:45] Clg So a vote then? [20:46] Mick_McCarthy featured cleanup [20:46] Phinbart Phinbart's mouth drops. [20:46] AleWi if programs are broadcast throughout the United States. [20:46] Phinbart 27 Fox stations! [20:46] Solar_Dragon Featured cleanup I think [20:46] Phinbart What about wiki updates? [20:47] Solar_Dragon We have too many a day [20:47] Phinbart Ok. Featured cleanup! [20:47] Clg all in favour of Featured Cleanup say I [20:47] Solar_Dragon i [20:47] Phinbart I [20:47] Phinbart all in favour of something else say I [20:47] Cook879 I [20:47] AleWi okey [20:47] Phinbart Never mind. [20:47] Phinbart Four I's so far. [20:48] Clg Mick Mcarthy said Featured cleanup [20:48] Phinbart Maybe we could have a vote on the wiki. [20:49] Solar_Dragon Yes [20:49] Clg Yeah that's better [20:50] Mick_McCarthy I [20:50] Cook879 The U.S. Copyright Records database has loads of fanon episodes in it [20:50] |<-- Mick_McCarthy has left irc.shoutwiki.com (Quit: CGI:IRC) [20:50] Cook879 http://cocatalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?v1=89&ti=76,89&Search_Arg=Simpsons&Search_Code=TALL&CNT=25&PID=bhk7yQB6RKxylnaK7jDs4QjMXc90&SEQ=20110730154858&SID=1 [20:52] Clg Next topic [20:52] Phinbart More language wikis. [20:52] Solar_Dragon Anyone speak any other languages/ [20:52] Solar_Dragon ? [20:52] Clg French, German [20:53] Solar_Dragon How good are you with them? [20:53] Cook879 Earlier on: <Cook879>: For new language wikis we could try foreign wikipedias. If some users edit a lot of Simpsons they may want to make a whole wiki about it [20:53] Clg French Quite good. German OK to very bad [20:54] Solar_Dragon So Clg, would you be willing to start a French wiki? [20:54] Clg Yeah [20:54] Solar_Dragon Cool [20:54] |<-- Simpsons88 has left irc.shoutwiki.com (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [20:55] Solar_Dragon We should ask Jake to set that up then [20:55] Clg Pity he's not here [20:55] Phinbart Why doesn't Jake join our IRC meetings? [20:55] Cook879 when does he get back? [20:55] AleWi I have noticed that the language versions and Fanon has no advertising, should they do not have it? [20:55] Solar_Dragon Don't know [20:55] Solar_Dragon I never noticed [20:56] Solar_Dragon AdBlock plus [20:56] Phinbart Jake was back YESTE [20:56] Phinbart RDAY [20:56] Phinbart Jake was back yesterday. [20:57] Phinbart I dropped a note on how the article number of statistics on Simpsons Fanon doesn't match the actual number of articles. [20:57] Phinbart He responded yesterday. [20:57] Clg Ok [20:58] Phinbart Next topic? [20:58] Phinbart New namespaces. [20:59] Phinbart Hi, cjc! [20:59] cjc hi [20:59] Cook879 Start using them! [21:00] Clg Everyone happy with them [21:00] Phinbart Watching Sky, 9pm came on there, when it was still 8:59pm on my computer. [21:02] AleWi The new namespaces seen not used very much yet. [21:03] Cook879 which is why we need to start using them [21:03] Clg News: and Dictionary: [21:04] |<-- Cook879 has left irc.shoutwiki.com (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [21:04] -->| Cook879 (50c30ccb@ircip2.mibbit.com) has joined #wikisimpsons [21:04] Clg next topic [21:04] Phinbart New bullet points. [21:04] =-= Mode #wikisimpsons +o Cook879 by ChanServ [21:04] Phinbart I like them. [21:04] Clg Everyone happy with them? [21:05] Phinbart They were different before. [21:05] Cook879 Yeah - only place they don't work is the drop down with move and stuff on it [21:05] AleWi Yes, Drop down is the only problem. [21:06] Clg Is that a bug?