Wikisimpsons:Editor meetings/April 9th 2012
Wikisimpsons - The Simpsons Wiki
[20:10] <Phinbart> Right, let's start the meeting. [20:10] <Phinbart> ... [20:10] <@Solar_Dragon> First topic then Phinbart? [20:11] <Phinbart> First topic: New main page design [20:11] <supergeeky1> I bid you all Darth Greetings. [20:11] <Phinbart> FatHomer's basically put the new design (fourth) on the main page, [20:11] <WebkinzMania> I really like it. [20:11] <@Solar_Dragon> Let's get this over with quickly so I can get back to wanking. [20:11] <Phinbart> shall we still discuss it. [20:11] <@Solar_Dragon> That's because that won Phinbart [20:11] <WebkinzMania> However, if we had to do anything else with this, I think we should add a "Did You Know?" section with interesting tidbits and facts that not everyone knows about. :p [20:11] <@Solar_Dragon> WebkinzMania, there's no where for that to go [20:12] <Phinbart> Right, so we're done with that topic? [20:12] <@Solar_Dragon> One problem I have found is that with longer On this day...s, it will still stretch out [20:12] <@Solar_Dragon> Which means we have to either expand the area, which will look bad for shorter on this days [20:13] <Phinbart> On my iPod, there's a big blank space between the right bar and the simpsons wiki network...table. [20:13] <@Solar_Dragon> Or add in a <choice> tag or whatever it is [20:13] <@Solar_Dragon> That's because the wiki isn't supposed to be viewed on screens that small Phinbart [20:14] <AleWi> We have talking about a mobile version [20:14] <Phinbart> And that's why I asked Jake to make the mobile main page Randomno created be placed on the main page on all mobile devices. [20:15] <Phinbart> Solar, can you change the sitenotice to show "There's an editor meeting NOW" [20:15] <AleWi> http://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Main_Page&useformat=mobile [20:15] <YourDaddy> Title: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.m.wikipedia.org) [20:16] <Phinbart> So, anything else about the mobile site/main page. [20:17] <Phinbart> ? [20:17] <Phinbart> "There will be an editor meeting NOW." [20:17] <Phinbart> "There is an editor meeting NOW" [20:18] <Phinbart> ^ Solar [20:18] <AleWi> 20:16 - http://simpsonswiki.net/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Sitenotice&curid=25&diff=343669&oldid=343438 [20:18] <YourDaddy> Title: MediaWiki:Sitenotice - Wikisimpsons, the Simpsons Wiki (at simpsonswiki.net) [20:18] <@Solar_Dragon> Does it really matter? [20:19] <Phinbart> Not really. [20:19] <Phinbart> OK...change topic! [20:19] <Phinbart> Second topic: A leaderboard-type thing similar to the one on Wikia [20:19] <WebkinzMania> Yes, please. [20:19] <@Cook879> How would it work? [20:19] <Phinbart> It would be a good way to gain users. [20:19] <WebkinzMania> ... No idea. xD [20:19] <WebkinzMania> But we can have awards like [20:19] <WebkinzMania> Um... [20:20] <WebkinzMania> Appearance Pages - add galleries and fix the appearance pages [20:20] <WebkinzMania> Character Pages - add more info to the character pages [20:20] <WebkinzMania> etc. [20:20] <Phinbart> And we could bring back the Bart Award for obtaining the most points at the end of the week. [20:20] <Phinbart> Not the LEADER of most points - (we know that would be Solar ALL the time) [20:20] <@Cook879> but we need to have a system first [20:21] <WebkinzMania> Well. [20:21] <WebkinzMania> We could have a Bart and Lisa award. [20:21] <WebkinzMania> Bart - most points at the end of the week [20:21] <WebkinzMania> Lisa - most points overall [20:21] <WebkinzMania> But we need to figure out how to do this. [20:21] <supergeeky1> I think you're talking about the User Levels feature in SocialProfile [20:21] <Phinbart> Solar would win the Lisa award every week though. [20:22] <WebkinzMania> Okay. [20:22] <Phinbart> No, I mean something like the actual leaderboard on Wikia. [20:22] <WebkinzMania> Maybe most points at the end of the month? [20:22] <supergeeky1> Do you have a link? [20:22] <Phinbart> http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Leaderboard [20:22] <supergeeky1> I honestly haven't been keeping up with Wikia enough to know about their leaderboard. [20:22] <YourDaddy> Title: Noiseland Video Arcade Contest! - Simpsons Wiki (at simpsons.wikia.com) [20:22] <WebkinzMania> http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Leaderboard [20:23] <supergeeky1> Oh. [20:23] <@Cook879> But how would we do it? [20:23] <Phinbart> Not sure. [20:23] <Phinbart> Solar! [20:23] <@Solar_Dragon> What? [20:24] <Phinbart> Second topic: A leaderboard-type thing similar to the one on Wikia [20:24] <AleWi> Lisa - Creating most article under an month [20:24] <AleWi> Bart - most points at the end of the week [20:24] <Phinbart> What do you think about the leaderboard-thing [20:24] <supergeeky1> Again, it's an extension that has to be installed. [20:24] <Phinbart> I would think Bart would be - most points GAINED at the end of the week. [20:24] <WebkinzMania> ^ [20:25] <WebkinzMania> As do I. [20:25] <@Solar_Dragon> Phinbart, we can't get a leaderboard like that [20:25] <WebkinzMania> And I think Lisa for end of the mo-- [20:25] <Phinbart> If we do most points at the end of the week, Solar would win it EVERY week. [20:25] <WebkinzMania> Aw, that sucks. [20:25] <supergeeky1> More than likely, it was written by Wikia. That would cause some problems, considering they choose not to share a good amount of their extensions. [20:25] <@Solar_Dragon> I would exempt myself from it [20:25] <Phinbart> I did say "similar" [20:25] <@Solar_Dragon> Yeah, Jake had a play around with it and couldn't get it to work [20:25] <WebkinzMania> What's the site you guys look for extensions? [20:26] <Phinbart> MediaWiki [20:26] <supergeeky1> MediaWiki. [20:26] <AleWi> http://www.mediawiki.org [20:26] <YourDaddy> Title: MediaWiki (at www.mediawiki.org) [20:26] <Phinbart> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki [20:26] <YourDaddy> Title: MediaWiki (at www.mediawiki.org) [20:26] <supergeeky1> From the perspective of an editor, I'm against the idea of a leaderboard anyway. It seems incredibly counter-productive. [20:26] <Phinbart> Just thought it could be a way to get more users to edit and stuff. [20:27] <WebkinzMania> i honestly am all for that idea. [20:27] <Phinbart> So, vote on the leaderboard thing: [20:28] <Phinbart> All supporting the leaderboard-like thing: [20:28] <Phinbart> I [20:28] <@Solar_Dragon> No [20:28] <supergeeky1> In my experience with such extensions, it simply promotes poor editing to further self-elitism. [20:28] <AleWi> Not today [20:28] <Phinbart> OK. Shall we discuss it more next meeting? [20:29] <WebkinzMania> If you want, but if we can't find the extensions, we can't. [20:30] <Phinbart> OK, shall we move topic then? [20:30] <WebkinzMania> Sure [20:30] <Phinbart> Third topic: Bronze Homer image [20:31] <Phinbart> We should really have a Bronze Homer image. [20:31] <@Solar_Dragon> Doesn't really matter [20:31] <Phinbart> We currently use the Golden Homer image. [20:31] <@Solar_Dragon> The image seems either gold or bronze [20:31] <@Solar_Dragon> Depending on how you look at it [20:31] <Phinbart> I've done two prototypes for the Bronze Homer image. [20:31] <WebkinzMania> Just make another one for bronze. [20:32] <WebkinzMania> Honestly, IDC about one for it though. :p [20:32] <supergeeky1> I'll throw something together, if you'd like. [20:32] <supergeeky1> Something like that only takes a few seconds in Photoshop/GIMP. [20:32] <Phinbart> Would you like for me to upload the prototypes? [20:32] <AleWi> Yes [20:33] <@Solar_Dragon> Yeah, sure [20:34] <Phinbart> http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/File:Bronze_Homer_prototypes.png [20:34] <YourDaddy> Title: File:Bronze Homer prototypes.png - Wikisimpsons, the Simpsons Wiki (at simpsonswiki.net) [20:34] <supergeeky1> No to both, from me. [20:34] <@Cook879> Should be the same as gold and silver [20:35] <AleWi> jerk [20:35] <supergeeky1> Precisely what I'm editing at the moment. [20:36] <Phinbart> So, is it a good prototype. [20:36] <Phinbart> ? [20:36] <@Solar_Dragon> No Phinbart [20:36] <@Cook879> no [20:36] <AleWi> no [20:37] <Phinbart> So, what about the Golden Homer image? [20:37] <Phinbart> I mean Bronze Homer image. [20:37] <supergeeky1> If you'd like to come back to it in a few minutes, I'll have a more consistent image ready. [20:37] <Phinbart> Who else is willing to upload another prototype we could agree with [20:38] <@Cook879> i think supergeeky1's will be good [20:38] <Phinbart> I like my 2nd prototype. It is more "bronze". [20:39] <supergeeky1> Honestly, the Golden and Silver Homer images could use some work, as well. They both contain white remnants. [20:40] <Phinbart> I think we should leave the Bronze Homer image until next meeting...should we? [20:40] <@Cook879> I think it can be handled out of meeting [20:40] <Phinbart> OK [20:40] <Phinbart> Next topic, then? [20:41] <Phinbart> Reviews [20:41] <Phinbart> Review of the Week/Month [20:41] <@Solar_Dragon> Urm... what? [20:41] <Phinbart> This topic is sorta similar to a Review topic further down in the list, so let's do them together. [20:41] == Tux [~tux@tropicalwikis/Frozen-Wind] has joined #wikisimpsons [20:42] <AleWi> Why are you here, Tux? [20:42] <Phinbart> I was thinking we could incorporate a Review page, where users could review the episode, then at the end, put a rating out of 5 or 10. [20:42] <Tux> Why does the garbage disposal sound like Chewbacca taking a shit? [20:42] <Phinbart> Then, the best review of any episode could be featured at the end of the week/month. [20:43] <Phinbart> What do you think? [20:43] <AleWi> It's not a wiki, it's a social function [20:43] <supergeeky1> Again, it seems rather counter-productive. [20:43] <WebkinzMania> Sounds like the newsletter honestly [20:43] <WebkinzMania> without all the sections [20:43] <Phinbart> I think it's a good idea. [20:43] <WebkinzMania> just the review [20:44] <WebkinzMania> Didn't it get cancelled after like, three editions? [20:44] <@Solar_Dragon> Maybe once we're complete as a wiki, then we can go onto things like that :P [20:44] <WebkinzMania> I agree [20:44] <supergeeky1> There's plenty of other websites in existence that offer said reviews. [20:44] <Phinbart> Like "Bart the Genius/Reviews". Sections: "Review by Cook879", "Review by Phinbart" ect. [20:44] <supergeeky1> The whole point of Simpsons Wiki is that it's precisely that: a wiki. [20:44] <@Cook879> I doubt i'll be reviewing [20:44] <Phinbart> It's just an example. [20:45] <@Solar_Dragon> If we manage to get a full wiki full of everything possible about The Simpsons and the show gets cancelled meaning no more information can be gathered, then we can do that [20:45] <Phinbart> OK. [20:45] <supergeeky1> If such page were to be incorporated, I could easily see how cluttered something like that could be. [20:45] <@Solar_Dragon> But we should focus on the information side of things [20:45] <supergeeky1> It makes more sense to do reviews on user sub-pages. [20:45] <@Solar_Dragon> As we are a wiki [20:46] <@Solar_Dragon> Or the forums [20:46] <@Solar_Dragon> Reviews can go in our forum [20:46] <Phinbart> Next topic then: Switching short titles to short titles from Simpsons World episode guide. [20:46] <@Solar_Dragon> Agree with that [20:46] <AleWi> Yheeeeeeaaaaa [20:46] <@Solar_Dragon> Simpsons World is an official source [20:46] <WebkinzMania> kk sure [20:46] <Phinbart> Simpsons World titles here: http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/User:Phinbart/Cut_short_scenes [20:47] <YourDaddy> Title: User:Phinbart/Cut short scenes - Wikisimpsons, the Simpsons Wiki (at simpsonswiki.net) [20:47] <@Solar_Dragon> And if I notice a title discrepancy with episodes, I change it to what Simpsons World says [20:47] <Phinbart> Yes. [20:47] <Phinbart> Next topic, then? [20:48] <Phinbart> Topic: How to improve the forum and make it more active [20:49] <Phinbart> How do we do that? [20:49] <@Solar_Dragon> No idea [20:49] <Phinbart> Solar's already put something on the anonnotice about the forums. [20:50] <supergeeky1> I could see where episode reviews /might/ help with boosting forum activity, actually. [20:50] <supergeeky1> Perhaps make a sub-forum for reviews. [20:51] <Phinbart> I think that's a good idea! [20:51] <WebkinzMania> Or rankings/reviews [20:51] <WebkinzMania> as another board [20:51] <WebkinzMania> Questions for another one [20:52] <Phinbart> Anything else to improve the forums? [20:53] <AleWi> Move http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/Wikisimpsons:Wiki_discussion to the forum [20:53] <YourDaddy> Title: Wikisimpsons:Wiki discussion - Wikisimpsons, the Simpsons Wiki (at simpsonswiki.net) [20:53] <@Solar_Dragon> No, that is on-wiki discussion about the wiki [20:53] <@Solar_Dragon> And no one replies to it even though they're fairly important discussions... [20:54] <Phinbart> OK, so next topic? [20:54] <@Cook879> Oh yeah, iwas gonna do something about that [20:55] <Phinbart> What? [20:55] <@Cook879> post on talk pages each week the discussions people haven't contributed too [20:55] <@Cook879> *to [20:55] <Phinbart> OK. [20:56] <Phinbart> Good idea. [20:56] <@Cook879> I'm full of them ;) [20:56] <Phinbart> Does anyone know how to use the Col templates I copied from Wikia last week? [20:56] <@Cook879> Nope [20:56] <Phinbart> I'll make a page. [20:56] <@Cook879> Not that i've tried [20:57] <@Solar_Dragon> What I wouldn't mind is trying to do something like Wikia do/did where you get a talk page message which is actually a dismissable message. No idea how we would do that though. [20:58] <Phinbart> Yeah. [20:58] <supergeeky1> Solar_Dragon: You mean a talk page notice? [20:59] <supergeeky1> Sent by staff. [20:59] <@Solar_Dragon> Yeah [20:59] == UnknownFork [~UnknownFo@cpe-024-163-067-169.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #wikisimpsons [20:59] <supergeeky1> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SiteWideMessages [20:59] <YourDaddy> Title: Extension:SiteWideMessages - MediaWiki (at www.mediawiki.org) [20:59] <Phinbart> Hi, UnknownFork. [20:59] <AleWi> Hi UnknownFork! [20:59] <Phinbart> You're a bit late to the meeting. [20:59] <UnknownFork> Hi [20:59] <supergeeky1> "This extension is written for Wikia, and only works on Wikia." [20:59] <supergeeky1> Sadly. [21:00] <Phinbart> Only one topic left: QR code for the wiki [21:00] <@Solar_Dragon> Oh, dang [21:00] <supergeeky1> I'm sure it could be modified. [21:00] == UnknownFork [~UnknownFo@cpe-024-163-067-169.nc.res.rr.com] has quit [Changing host] [21:00] == UnknownFork [~UnknownFo@unaffiliated/unknownfork] has joined #wikisimpsons [21:00] <supergeeky1> It's some technical error involving sub-wikis. If you can get around that, then it should work successfully. [21:00] <AleWi> Why should we have QR codes? [21:01] <Phinbart> Well, I created a QR code that links to the wiki a few days ago using a QR code generator on the internet. [21:01] <@Cook879> I'm sure we had one made ages ago [21:01] <@Solar_Dragon> Why would we need them? [21:01] <AleWi> We are only onlne [21:01] <AleWi> *online [21:02] <AleWi> You can not find us on a paper [21:02] <Phinbart> Should I upload the QR code so you can see that it links to the wiki? [21:02] <@Cook879> unless you want to pay for advertising Phinbart *hint hint* [21:02] <Phinbart> It works on my iPod. [21:02] <Phinbart> -__ [21:02] <Phinbart> -_- [21:02] <@Solar_Dragon> We don't need a QR code >_> [21:02] <Phinbart> Shall I upload it anyway? [21:03] <Phinbart> And when did we have a QR code made before? [21:03] <@Solar_Dragon> What are we gonna do, go: "Hey, Fox, can you stick this on some of your merchandise?" [21:03] <@Solar_Dragon> And no Phinbart, don't bother [21:03] <Phinbart> OK. [21:03] <Phinbart> But if anyone wants me to upload it, I can. [21:03] <@Cook879> http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/File:Wikisimpsons_QR_code.png [21:03] <YourDaddy> Title: File:Wikisimpsons QR code.png - Wikisimpsons, the Simpsons Wiki (at simpsonswiki.net) [21:05] <supergeeky1> Am I correct in assuming that QR code simply links to Wikisimpsons? [21:05] <Phinbart> That's basically the same as the QR code I downloaded. [21:05] <AleWi> it was upload 03:39, 21 February 2011 [21:05] <AleWi> It's not to simpsonswiki.net [21:05] <supergeeky1> I don't see the point in a QR code linking to the wiki if it's only going to be used /on the wiki/. [21:05] <Phinbart> Just uploaded a bigger version. [21:06] <supergeeky1> Though considering I don't even own any sort of QR scanner, I'm a bit biased. [21:06] <@Solar_Dragon> Okay, let me say this one last time: [21:06] <@Solar_Dragon> WE DON'T NEED A BLOODY QR CODE!!! [21:06] <Phinbart> It now links to a 500 Internet Server Error! [21:06] <@Cook879> but it's no use without somehwere else displaying [21:06] == Doh5678 [56869aae@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikisimpsons [21:06] <Phinbart> Hi, Doh, bit late to the meeting. [21:07] <supergeeky1> Per Cook879. [21:07] <AleWi> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG8o5uInjiE [21:07] <YourDaddy> Title: Pet Shop Boys - Integral (JCRZ - QR Code Video Remix) - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) [21:07] <Doh5678> It's Monday [21:07] <AleWi> Hi Doh5678 [21:07] <Phinbart> Just scanned the QR code (the one in my download folder) and it goes to Wikisimpsons. [21:07] <@Cook879> Yes, it is Monday [21:07] <Phinbart> OK, when shall the next meeting be? [21:07] <Phinbart> 28th? [21:07] <supergeeky1> Okay, I take that back. I support on the condition that each QR code we use links to the Pet Shop Boys. [21:07] <@Cook879> me no care [21:08] <AleWi> 31 April [21:08] <@Solar_Dragon> Phinbart, it will be when we get a long enough list again [21:08] <Phinbart> OK then. [21:08] <Phinbart> MEETING CLOSED