Wikisimpsons:Chris Ledesma interview
Wikisimpsons - The Simpsons Wiki
Chris Ledesma came onto the Wikisimpsons IRC on October 19, 2011 at 6:05pm (BST) and left at 7:02pm.
[18:05] == Chris_Ledesma [62971b18@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikisimpsons [18:05] <Phinbart> Hi! [18:05] <Cook879> Hello Chris_Ledesma [18:06] <Phinbart> The user that contacted you, Doh5678, is currently having his dinner! [18:07] <Phinbart> Would you mind answering some questions that Doh prepared for the interview? [18:08] <Chris_Ledesma> Sure [18:08] == Doh5678|Dinner has changed nick to Doh5678 [18:08] <Phinbart> Hi, Doh! Chris_Ledesma's here. [18:08] <Doh5678> Hi Chris_Ledesma [18:08] <Chris_Ledesma> Hello! [18:08] <Phinbart> First question, What made you start working for The Simpsons? [18:09] <Chris_Ledesma> First, thanks for having me. [18:09] <Cook879> Thanks for joining us :) [18:09] <Phinbart> You're welcome. [18:09] <Chris_Ledesma> Next, I don't want to sluff off every answer to my blog, but just to remind you, I'm sure some of the questions can be answered there. [18:10] <Phinbart> It's an honour to have a member of the staff of the Simpsons to come on here. [18:10] <Cook879> Like this one :P [18:10] <Phinbart> OK. [18:10] <Chris_Ledesma> I started working on SIMSPONS because I was music editor for TRACEY ULLMAN SHOW and when TRACEY finished, I was offered the chance to continue on SIMPSONS [18:11] <Phinbart> Next question, if you want to answer it here, How did you feel when you heard The Simpsons' had been extended for 2 more series? [18:11] <Doh5678> Who offered you the job? [18:11] <Chris_Ledesma> Amazed and relieved [18:12] <Chris_Ledesma> If you believe everything you read in the press, it wasn't a for sure thing that the show would continue [18:12] <Doh5678> Were you worried? [18:12] <Phinbart> Yeah, it was on the news here. [18:12] <Chris_Ledesma> On the Friday deadline, Al Jean told us not to believe everything and that he was more optimistic than pessimistic [18:12] <Doh5678> The UK if you don't know [18:13] <Chris_Ledesma> I DO know! [18:13] <Chris_Ledesma> We know that the UK has some of our most loyal fans [18:13] <Phinbart> Doh, you gave him a clue when you said "2 more series?" in the second question. [18:14] <Phinbart> Third question, again if you want to answer it here, How long does it take to do an average song? [18:14] <Cook879> Well all four of us on here are from the UK, so I guess we are :) [18:14] <Chris_Ledesma> By "song" do you mean one of the musical numbers where everybody sings? [18:15] <Doh5678> Yeah [18:15] <Chris_Ledesma> OK, much more detail on the blog, but nuts & bolts here [18:15] <Chris_Ledesma> It takes about 9 months from start to finish [18:15] <Chris_Ledesma> Alf receives the lyrics from the writers, then composes the tune [18:15] <Doh5678> O_O [18:16] <Chris_Ledesma> then we record the song with a small quartet and studio singers [18:16] <Phinbart> For 9 months, how long would the song be? [18:16] <Chris_Ledesma> then I go into the studio and teach the song to the cast and/or guest stars [18:16] <Chris_Ledesma> the cast vocals and the quartet music are sent off to animation and we don't hear about it again for about 6-8 months [18:17] <Phinbart> Ah. [18:17] <Chris_Ledesma> then we see the animated version, go into the studio and replace the quartet with the full orchestra [18:17] <Chris_Ledesma> and that's it! [18:17] == Solar_Dragon|AFK has changed nick to Solar_Dragon [18:17] <Phinbart> Hi, Solar! [18:17] <@Solar_Dragon> I'm back. [18:17] <Cook879> Do you every forget about the song by the time you re-record it? [18:17] <@Solar_Dragon> Hello Chris_Ledesma, nice to see you here :) [18:17] <Chris_Ledesma> hello dragon [18:18] <Phinbart> This is Solar Dragon, the official head of the wiki. [18:18] <Phinbart> But not the sub-wikis. [18:18] <Chris_Ledesma> Not usually. I try to follow its progress thru the animation phase, but it is a long time [18:18] <Phinbart> OK, would you like to answer another question? [18:18] <Chris_Ledesma> sure [18:18] <Phinbart> Which guest stars have you met? Which was your favorite? [18:19] <Chris_Ledesma> I've been so lucky ... many, many, many [18:19] <Chris_Ledesma> U2, Dixie Chicks, Smothers Brothers, Kelsey Grammar [18:19] <Chris_Ledesma> David Byrne, Weird Al, Bryan Cranston [18:19] <Chris_Ledesma> I enjoy working with Kelsey Grammar [18:20] <Chris_Ledesma> He loves the absurdity of Sideshow Bob and is always very gracious taking direction from me during singing [18:20] <Phinbart> Another question? [18:20] <@Solar_Dragon> Did you meet Chris Martin as well then? Sorry, I'm a big Coldplay fan :P [18:20] <Chris_Ledesma> Also on the blog: NOT Michael Jackson - he didn't sing his songs in the episode [18:21] <Chris_Ledesma> He did not sing for the show. He did lines and we used their CD for the little bit of music [18:21] <@Solar_Dragon> Yeah, we know about the stand-in he had to sing for him. :) [18:21] <@Solar_Dragon> Oh, that's news to us [18:21] <Doh5678> Kipp Lennon wasn't it? [18:21] <Chris_Ledesma> Yes, Kipp Lennon [18:22] <Chris_Ledesma> Chris Martin did not sing for the show. He did lines and we used their CD for the little bit of music [18:22] <Chris_Ledesma> I only get to meet the stars when they have singing to do [18:22] <Cook879> Well I know all about Tony Bennett's appearance - very informative blog that one :) [18:23] <Chris_Ledesma> Thanks. He was our first big "get" [18:23] <Phinbart> Next question? [18:23] <Chris_Ledesma> fire away [18:23] <Phinbart> What's your favorite episode? Least favorite? [18:23] <Cook879> Need to catch up with your latest blogs - college has made me fall behind with my music pages [18:24] <Chris_Ledesma> We've done 490 eps now. Hard to rank a #1 and a #490. [18:24] <Chris_Ledesma> "Bart Sells His Soul" is a fave [18:24] <Chris_Ledesma> "Lisa' [18:24] <Chris_Ledesma> "Lisa's Pony" is a fave [18:25] <Cook879> Haven't watched them in ages - remember watching "Bart Sells His Soul" loads of times on video when I was younger [18:25] <Chris_Ledesma> Really enjoyed "Behind the Laughter" - had the real music and real narrator from the real series [18:25] <@Solar_Dragon> I loved that episode too :D [18:25] <Phinbart> "Replaceable You" is the 490th episode...just figured that out. [18:26] <Chris_Ledesma> Alf is composing that one right now - we record music on Monday and finsih dubbing on Tuesday [18:26] == Jedimca0 [~Jedimca2@unaffiliated/jedimca0] has joined #wikisimpsons [18:26] <@Solar_Dragon> Hey Jedimca0 [18:26] <Phinbart> Hi, Jedimca0! [18:27] <Phinbart> This is a member from ShoutWiki, our former host, Chris. [18:27] <Chris_Ledesma> Hello, welcome [18:27] <Phinbart> Why do you compose the music so close to the airdate? [18:27] <Cook879> Do all the baseball games and what not effect your production schedule? [18:27] <Jedimca0> and a bit of a simpsons fan too :P [18:28] <Chris_Ledesma> The schedule is tight because animation is so time & labor intensive. Sometimes all the pieces aren't in place until 3 or 4 days before air [18:28] <Chris_Ledesma> Ever since FOX started airing post-season baseball, it has affected our October schedule. [18:28] <Phinbart> Interesting. [18:28] <Chris_Ledesma> This year, though, the Halloween show will be on BEFORE Halloween. Woo-Hoo! [18:28] <@Solar_Dragon> Have you ever ran out of time and had to postpone episodes then due to music not being ready? [18:29] <Chris_Ledesma> Haven't missed an airdate yet [18:30] <Phinbart> Next question? [18:30] <Chris_Ledesma> ready [18:31] <Phinbart> Do you own any Simpsons merchandise? [18:31] <Chris_Ledesma> Lots. Not as much as some of the diehard fans, but quite a bit. My family buys some for me, I collect some and I have exclusives that have been given to cast & crew over the years [18:32] <Chris_Ledesma> I plan to do a blog post about the cast & crew gifts [18:32] <@Solar_Dragon> That'll be great! We could incorporate that into our merchandise wiki :) [18:32] <Phinbart> I was about to say that... [18:32] <Doh5678> Make #sure you put pictures in [18:32] <Chris_Ledesma> Wouldn't be any fun without pix [18:33] <Jedimca0> hehe [18:33] <Phinbart> Next question? [18:34] <Doh5678> The next question is by Solar_Dragon [18:34] <@Solar_Dragon> Hehehe [18:34] <Phinbart> I'll re-word this. [18:34] <Phinbart> Do you think you can put more Coldplay music into future episodes? [18:34] <Cook879> Personally I think more Sinatra needs to be in there :P [18:35] <Chris_Ledesma> Unfortunatley, my pay grade is too low to be making those calls. I put in what I'm TOLD to put it ;-) [18:35] <@Solar_Dragon> Nawww... :P [18:35] <Chris_Ledesma> We've done a few Sinatra sound-alikes over the years. Micheal Dess does a FANTASTIC Sinatra impersonation and has sung for us 3 or 4 times [18:36] <@Solar_Dragon> Well, as long as no Justin Bieber or N Dubz comes into The Simpsons, I'll be happy :P [18:36] <Cook879> We'll have to interview one of the fellow Music Spotters then :P [18:36] <Chris_Ledesma> Michael Dees - sorry for the typo [18:36] <Cook879> Cool, I wondered who the impersonator was - I'll add that to the wiki later. [18:36] <Chris_Ledesma> He gets credit in the End Credits roll [18:37] <Phinbart> So, no Coldplay... [18:37] <Phinbart> Next? [18:37] <Cook879> If its one thing we need to complete its our credits [18:37] <@Solar_Dragon> Oh, something we've been trying to work out for some time, the Sirens from "Tales from the Public Domain", who provided the singing voice for them? [18:37] <Chris_Ledesma> That was the song to the tune of "Copacabana" right? [18:37] <@Solar_Dragon> Yes [18:38] <Chris_Ledesma> It was our usual group of studio singers led by the amazing Sally Stevens [18:38] <Phinbart> Next question? [18:38] <Cook879> I'm sure I said Sally Stevens - I win :) [18:38] <@Solar_Dragon> We guessed it was her. Weren't 100% sure though. Thanks :) [18:38] <Chris_Ledesma> Sally does most of our lead female vocal singing, though ofetn her voice gets replaced by a cast member [18:38] <Chris_Ledesma> but when we don't replace, then her voice stays in. [18:39] <Chris_Ledesma> Other females that sing for us regularly are Edie Lehmann Boddiker and Susie Stevens [18:40] <Cook879> It was a while ago but I'm pretty sure I read that Sally runs some sort of vocal contracting - are they the main studio singers? [18:40] <Chris_Ledesma> Yes. Sally does our vocal contracting and she hires them often [18:40] <Cook879> Cool - thanks - I'll find somewhere to add that as well :) [18:41] <Doh5678> Next? [18:41] <Cook879> Chris, as i haven't kept track of your blog that well recently, have you completed all the steps of msuic production yet? [18:42] <Chris_Ledesma> Yes. And I've added at tab at the top of the post page labeled "Music Editing 101" where you can get it all in one place. [18:42] <Phinbart> Is Roz (Jane Lynch) singing in "Replaceable You"? [18:42] <Chris_Ledesma> Nope, no singing for her. [18:43] <Cook879> Ok, I'll be sure to try and get them done over half-term. I only have 1-3 on our page at the moment. [18:43] <Doh5678> Next question then? [18:43] <Phinbart> So, is everyone ready to move onto the next question? [18:44] <Phinbart> Solar, I've got the latest SW update before you have! [18:44] <Chris_Ledesma> BTW, I can continue til 11AM my time (about 15 more minutes) then back to the grind! [18:44] <Doh5678> Any secret previews for new episodes? [18:44] <Phinbart> That you're allowed to give us? [18:45] <Chris_Ledesma> Well, everybody knows about Lady Gaga by now [18:45] <Phinbart> Yeah... [18:45] <Chris_Ledesma> But there are 2 songs in the show with her & Lisa [18:45] <Phinbart> http://www.foxflash.com/div.php/main/page?aID=1z2z2z176z5z5 - There's even a promo! [18:45] <Doh5678> Which are? [18:45] <Chris_Ledesma> They are original songs written by Gaga's team just for us [18:46] <Chris_Ledesma> I just directed Anika Noni Rose in a duet with Grampa for an ep that will either air later this spring or early next fall [18:46] <Phinbart> Grampa? We thought it was Homer. [18:46] <Chris_Ledesma> Anika plays a love interest from Grampa's past and happens to be a night club singer [18:47] <Cook879> Suppose you think Dan and first character you go to is Krusty. [18:47] <Cook879> *Homer [18:47] == Jedimca0 [~Jedimca2@unaffiliated/jedimca0] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] [18:47] <Cook879> I was thinking of Krusty thrid :P [18:48] == Jedimca0 [~Jedimca2@unaffiliated/jedimca0] has joined #wikisimpsons [18:48] <@Solar_Dragon> Internet fail Jedimca0? :P [18:49] <Doh5678> Next question? [18:49] <Phinbart> First, any other previews you can give us about upcoming eps? Perhaps the 500th? [18:49] <Jedimca0> no idea [18:50] <Chris_Ledesma> I'm still sorting thru scripts. This far in advance I focus on music needs for each episode and, as far as I know, no songs or special numbers in the 500th. [18:50] <Chris_Ledesma> So what you've heard about the ep on the 'net is pretty much what's out there [18:51] <Phinbart> OK, next question? [18:51] <Cook879> No big musical number where everyone declares they hate the Simpsons :( Thinking about it that would have been cool [18:51] <Phinbart> Would you mind if I put a transcript of this interview on the wiki, Chris? [18:51] <Chris_Ledesma> That's fine [18:51] <Phinbart> OK, [18:51] <Phinbart> What do you think of Wikisimpsons? [18:52] <Chris_Ledesma> I like it. It's so vast (like the show) I haven't explored every nook & cranny yet [18:52] <Chris_Ledesma> What do YOU think of it? [18:53] <Phinbart> We all think it's great! [18:53] <Cook879> We haven't made every nook and cranny yet! [18:53] <@Solar_Dragon> Always room for improvement of course. Although we're a lot better than our biggest competitor though too :P [18:53] <Phinbart> simpsons.wikia.com [18:54] <Chris_Ledesma> Well, between you guys and SNPP I can look up anything that I can't find in my own personal database [18:54] <@Solar_Dragon> We strive to be better than SNPP too at some point :P [18:54] <Doh5678> Thanks :) [18:54] <Phinbart> SNPP, I think, is one of the best Simpsons sites out there. [18:54] <@Solar_Dragon> Then you'll only need us ;) [18:54] <Cook879> They just need newer episodes on there [18:55] <Chris_Ledesma> Yeah, well I read somewhere that the guys were in their late teens when they started [18:55] <Chris_Ledesma> and never expected to be still running the site in their 30s and 40s [18:56] <Cook879> I bet you weren't expecting to be still working for the show either [18:56] <Chris_Ledesma> I guess it's a lower priority for them now [18:56] <Chris_Ledesma> That's for sure. [18:56] <Cook879> Yeah - Also its a lot of work if there's only a small team [18:56] <@Solar_Dragon> At least for us, anyone can edit and help out:) [18:56] <@Solar_Dragon> * :) [18:57] <Doh5678> Ok, so for however long we have left, anyone can ask any question they like to Chris [18:57] <Cook879> Can i play guess the episode your working on right now? [18:57] <Chris_Ledesma> well, I think I gave that away a few minutes ago [18:58] <Cook879> In hindisght yes you did :P [18:58] <Cook879> I would say THOH fits the 9 day rule but if I remember correctly you already did that [18:58] <Chris_Ledesma> you can play "what episode is Chris starting on Friday?" [18:58] <Cook879> The Food Wife is next right? [18:58] <Doh5678> The Food Wife? [18:58] <Chris_Ledesma> THOH 22 is IN THE CAN, BABY! [18:58] <Cook879> Then The Book Job? [18:59] <Chris_Ledesma> Food wife is IN THE CAN, BABY! [18:59] <Doh5678> Book Job? [19:00] <Phinbart> :) [19:00] <Phinbart> We've been given the full plot now, so no need for preview. [19:01] <Chris_Ledesma> And with that, I have prep work that I must do for "Replaceable You" [19:01] <@Solar_Dragon> Okay, it was great talking to you :) [19:01] <Cook879> Enjoy - thanks for stopping by :D [19:01] <@Solar_Dragon> Thanks for giving us this opportunity :) [19:01] <Doh5678> Thanks for the interview [19:01] <Chris_Ledesma> My pleasure. We can do it again after the 500th [19:01] <@Solar_Dragon> That would be awesome :) [19:02] <Chris_Ledesma> Bye! [19:02] <@Solar_Dragon> Bye! [19:02] <Doh5678> Bye [19:02] <Phinbart> See ya later! [19:02] <Cook879> bye [19:02] == Chris_Ledesma [62971b18@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikisimpsons []