The Diversity Kittens on Meltingpot Mountain
The Diversity Kittens on Meltingpot Mountain
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Movie Information
The Diversity Kittens on Meltingpot Mountain is a kids' movie. It is a sequel to The Diversity Kittens.
Homer had bought it to keep his kids happy on the raft trip. However, he got it mixed up with Drunk Girls Who Signed Waivers, which he bought for the nuclear regulators. Homer didn't notice the mixup until he saw the inspectors' disgust with Diversity Kittens. He quickly ejected the DVD and swam with it to his own boat, where Bart was watching Drunk Girls Who Signed Waivers. Homer then took it from him and swapped it for The Diversity Kittens on Meltingpot Mountain.
A Jewish cat talks about playing with a ball of yarn with all the colors in. A cat in a wheelchair then comes along and states that yarn should be allowed to marry dental floss. A series of paired objects then go through the "Tunnel of Tolerance", like a Tunnel of Love.