Orange Is the New Yellow/Quotes
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596 "Orange Is the New Yellow"
- Lenny Leonard: Quitting time!
- Carl Carlson: Quitting time!
- Homer: Thank God it's Friday.
- Lenny: Thursday.
- Homer: Same thing. See you Monday!
- Homer: [on a phone call with Marge] Marge, baby, I'm out the door.
- Marge: Are you sure? Because sometimes people say they're out the door when they really haven't left yet.
- Homer: Those people are horrible, horrible liars. See you soon! [hangs up the phone]
- Mr. Burns: Simpson! Not so fast. Hold up one end of this poster! [Homer and Smithers hold a "Safety first, last and always" poster] Now use it to conceal this. [they close a leak with the poster] Excellent. Now, let me just crank up the plumb bob to determine the vertical marvel, we'll have this poster level in under three hours!
- Lisa: [dressed as a seahorse] Mom! Mom! My costume for the science play is all wrong!
- Marge: You said you were a seahorse!
- Lisa: A male seahorse, with a pouch!
- Marge: Males have pouches?
- Lisa: Male seahorses' nurturing is one of the wonders of the world. You said you read the script!
- Marge: Bart gave me a synopsis, I... [realizes Bart made up the synopsis] Oh boy.
- [Maggie spills her carrots and peas on Marge]
- Bart: Mom, I'll clean that up for you.
- Marge: Oh, thank God, some help.
- Bart: Where's the mop?
- Marge: In the mop closet.
- Bart: Where's the bucket?
- Marge: Under the mop! [Bart opens a closet] Other closet! [he opens the second closet and some things fall from it]
- Bart: There's stuff in front of it. [Marge groans] Let me help! [grabs a box and two bottles fall from it and start crossing the floor] Ay caramba! Hey, there's wood underneath this linoleum.
- Marge: Oh! Just go play outside.
- Bart: Outside? Your loss.
- Bart: Hey, Martin.
- Martin Prince: Bartholomew! This playground has safely stimulated my imagination.
- Bart: What the hell are you talking about?
- Gloria Prince: Martin! [chuckles] Who's your new friend?
- Martin: [whispering] Mother, don't blow this for me!
- Gloria Prince: Fine, I'll just go sit and talk to his mother. Where is she?
- Bart: I'm here by myself. But I have a safety number! [calls a number on his phone]
- Moe Szyslak: Moe's Tavern. Homer ain't here, and for once, that's the truth. [Gloria Prince calls the police]
- Chief Wiggum: Simpson, are you here unsupervised?
- Bart: Yeah, and so what?
- Chief Wiggum: I'd lose the attitude, "Sylvester Alone"! [Lou chuckles] Finally, a laugh out of Lou! Son, kids aren't allowed on their own anymore, now who said you could come here?
- Bart: My mom.
- Chief Wiggum: Ugh. Always the mom.