Lo, There Shall Come a Bookend Sequence!/Quotes
Wikisimpsons - The Simpsons Wiki
- Comic Book Guy: Greetings, oh patrons of the sequential arts, and welcome! Today you are as lucky as the proverbial one-eyed sailor in a spinach processing plant! As you know, the Android's Dungeon carries the finest in pop culture entertainment and gaming memorabilira. What you are most certainly unware of, however, is that I have been quietly commissioning cartoonists for years to record their observations of Springfield on regulation-size comic page art boards. I have lured some comicdom's greatest creators to my store using no more than the promise of autograph seeking sychophants and a complimentary beverage. Luminaries such as Flip Shipley, the arist behind "Scibs N' Scrabs," and Pauly Hambritata, author of "The Fugedaboudits" and "My Little Jabrony." both were happy to oblige me once I locked the store nad began expounding upon the socialst undertones in "Marmaduke." Behold the fruits of this herculoidian effrort and come with me if you want to live! Live in the world of the Android's Dungeon's first ever... double page spread-tacular! There you ahve it. A cacophany of cartoonery the likes before have never been seen! And today it can all be yours! Let the acution begin! I see you're not the rabble who usually visits my store. Bidding beings at ten thousand dollars... and I do accept bitcoin.
- Cletus Spuckler: Well, thes is nice and all, but we thought this here was a cattle auction. Our back-home heifer is feelin' a mite.... lonely if'n ya gets my drift. Still, I reckon we could use us some more outhouse readin'. How 'bouts I gve ya two jugs a' possum squeezin's and a suitcase full a' confederate bills fer the whole lot?
- Comic Book Guy: To paraphrase Matt Burdock, I certainly should have sene this coming. [SIGH] All right, throw in some bathtub moonshine and you've got a deal.
- Cletus: Hot dog! Bestest cattle auction ever!