List of episodes rated 12 by the BBFC
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Most episodes are rated PG, but some are given a 12 which brings up the rating of the season box set they're in . The earliest 12-rated episode was "Homer Badman" (which was originally a PG).
Season 6[edit]
Season 7[edit]
Season 8[edit]
- "Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious"
- "Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment"
- "Grade School Confidential"
- "The Canine Mutiny"
Season 9[edit]
Season 10[edit]
Season 11[edit]
- "Treehouse of Horror X"
- "Take My Wife, Sleaze"
- "Missionary: Impossible"
- "Pygmoelian"
- "Bart to the Future"
- "Kill the Alligator and Run"
- "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge"
Season 12[edit]
Season 13[edit]
- "The Parent Rap"
- "A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love"
- "The Blunder Years"
- "Brawl in the Family"
- "Sweets and Sour Marge"
- "Jaws Wired Shut"
- "Half-Decent Proposal"
- "The Bart Wants What It Wants"
- "The Lastest Gun in the West"
- "The Old Man and the Key"
- "Tales from the Public Domain"
- "Weekend at Burnsie's"
- "Gump Roast"
- "The Sweetest Apu"
- "The Frying Game"
Season 14[edit]
- "Treehouse of Horror XIII"
- "How I Spent My Strummer Vacation"
- "The Great Louse Detective"
- "Special Edna"
- "The Strong Arms of the Ma"
- "I'm Spelling as Fast as I Can"
- "A Star Is Born Again"
- "C.E. D'oh"
- "'Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky"
- "Three Gays of the Condo"
Season 15[edit]
- "Treehouse of Horror XIV"
- "The President Wore Pearls"
- "Today I Am a Clown"
- "'Tis the Fifteenth Season"
- "Diatribe of a Mad Housewife"
- "Margical History Tour"
- "Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore"
- "The Ziff Who Came to Dinner"
- "Co-Dependent's Day"
- "My Big Fat Geek Wedding"
- "Catch 'Em If You Can"
- "Simple Simpson"
- "Bart-Mangled Banner"
- "Fraudcast News"