
Lisa and Janey's Patty Cake Rhyme

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"Lisa and Janey's Patty Cake Rhyme"
Lisa and Janey's Patty Cake Rhyme.png
Song Information
Singers: Yeardley Smith
Pamela Hayden
Characters: Janey
Appearance(s): "Fat Man and Little Boy"

Lisa and Janey's Patty Cake Rhyme is a song sung by Lisa and Janey.


In the back yard of the Simpson home, Lisa and Janey played a Patty Cake game, singing as they clapped. Unbeknownst to the girls, Homer listened as they sang. At the end of each verse, it sounded like there was about to be a naughty word. Homer then gasped in shock, only to sigh in relief as the song continued with a non-naughty word. At the third "nearly naughty" occurrence, however, Homer gasped and passed out. The girls then began a fourth verse, only to be interrupted when Bart shot Lisa in the arm with a spitball.


[Homer watches Lisa and Janey's Patty Cake game. They do not see him.]
Lisa and Janey:
Miss Lucy had a steamboat.
The steamboat had a bell.
Miss Lucy went to Heaven
And the steamboat went to...
[Homer gasps.]
Lisa and Janey:
Hell-o operator...
[Homer gives a sigh of relief.]
Lisa and Janey:
Get me Number Nine,
And if you disconnect me
I'll chop off your be...
[Homer gasps again, more worried than before.]
Lisa and Janey:
'Hind the 'frigerator...
[Homer again sighs in relief, this time also wiping his brow.]
Lisa and Janey:
There was a piece of glass
Miss Lucy sat upon it,
And it cut her big fat...
[Homer gasps and passes out.]
Lisa and Janey:
Ass-k me no more questions.
I'll tell you no more-
[A spitball, shot by Bart, hits Lisa in the arm.]
[The girls stop singing and take cover as Bart unleashes a barrage of spitballs.]

Behind the Laughter[edit]

The song is a cover of "Miss Susie".

This gag seems to be a hold over from Season 3. It is discussed in the commentary for season 3's "When Flanders Failed". They mention that couldn't get the timing to work so they cut it from the episode.

Another variant of Miss Susie was sung by Sherri and Terri in "Bart Sells His Soul".
