Infinite Annihilation of the Heroes
Infinite Annihilation of the Heroes
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Comic Information
Infinite Annihilation of the Heroes is a superhero comic book
The Sciencester tried to take inspiration from the comic book so he could stop Bartman. The Sciencester told Kid Queasy the plot of the comic and deduced that they needed to use amnesia stones on Bartman.
In the comic, the Avenging Legion discovered that Gold Diamond's wife, Deb Drabble, was secretly their arch-enemy, The Assistant. Deb used amnesia stones to wipe the memory of Sponge Devil's infant daughter, who was accelerated into adulthood and became known as Fireblonde, and imprisoned her in a secret sweatshop where Fireblonde was forced to sew supervillain costumes. Sponge Devil then decided to go to his dead partner, The Escalator, who lived on as the all-powerful Haunter and demanded that he restore Fireblonde's memory and wreak deadly vengeance on Deb. However, Sponge Devil arrived at Haunter's Haunting Haunt and found that Gold Diamond was already there and was pleading with Haunter to spare Deb's life.
Gold Diamond and Sponge Devil then fought and Haunter goes to stop them. However, Haunter's daughter, Spy Haunter, told him that using all-power for violence would mean that he is no better than the living. Haunter then destroyed and remade Earth-Positive so that Deb never became The Assistant and that no comic book published since 1986 ever happened.