Honeymoon Mountain
Honeymoon Mountain
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Location Information
Honeymoon Mountain is a large mountain in Springfield.
Bart and Lisa pressured Homer and Marge into going to The Saffron Togetherness Center on Honeymoon Mountain for a romantic getaway. Whilst in the car on the way there, they realize that neither of them wanted to go. When Homer went to turn around, the car skidded on the ice and went off the edge of the road and into a partially frozen river. When Homer and Marge got out of the car and onto land, they found that they were lost in the wilderness with no idea how to get back to civilization.
When Marge climbed a tree, she noticed a shiny red object that seemed man-made. Thinking that this was their only hope, the two of them, now naked, went towards the object. They found it was a bathtub in the remains of The Cabins at Honeymoon Mountain, a honeymoon resort. The couple created a makeshift shack and lived there for a while.
Eventually, Homer spotted a park ranger on a snowmobile. Homer and Marge followed the tracks to a ranger station and got to safety.