Halloween of Horror/References
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Cultural references[edit]
- The three horrifying tales Homer was telling the following week were going to be:
- Psycho, with Principal Skinner and Agnes.
- The Muppets' Wizard of Oz, where Homer would be a "Scarecrow-Fozzie".
- One where furniture gets smart and takes over the world, a reference to an AI takeover scenario.
- Marge wants to buy a Yoda costume for Santa's Little Helper.

Restaurant Meat Clown and Striped Hamburger Thief are parodies of McDonald's' advertising mascots Ronald McDonald and Hamburglar
- Among the costumes Apu has for sale at Official Halloween Headquarters are Restaurant Meat Clown and Striped Hamburger Thief, references to McDonald's' advertising mascots Ronald McDonald and Hamburglar, respectively.
- The "Señor Skeletinos" found at the Halloween store are dressed as Mariachi.
- The entrance of the Krustyland attraction is very similar to the real-life entrance of The Simpsons Ride at Universal Studios.
- The Krustyland event "Halloween Horror Night" is a likely reference to Universal Studios' Halloween Horror Nights events which are done at Universal's theme parks in Orlando, Hollywood, Singapore, and at Osaka, Japan.
- The house on the hill in the background at Krustyland is the house from Psycho.
- The monster Cthulhu appears behind Lisa when Homer is trying to calm her.
- The evil baby in the carriage is a reference to the 1974 film It's Alive.
- The chestbuster creature from Alien attacks Lisa from the inside of a security guard. This is a reference to the franchise films Alien and Alien 3.
- Kids are dressed as:
- Sherri and Terri as aliens.
- Uter as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters.
- Janey as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz.
- Database as Minecraft protagonist.
- Bart as a pirate.
- Lewis Clark as Austin Powers.
- Martin Prince as Bender.
- Lisa as a zombie version of Frida Kahlo.
- A kid is dressed as a roman.
- Lisa mentions the domestic cat types tabby and calico.
- The three employees wear a Scream mask, a Carrie mask and a It mask.
- Marge gives Raphael a "Zip Line Adventure" Groupon.
- The attraction "Alien Will Say Your Name" at Pine Hills has E.T. repeating anything the kids say.
- Homer whistles the theme song from the 1978 horror movie Halloween, referring to it as a "happy tune".
- The song can also be heard during the credits when Maggie is facing forward.
- The song "NC-17 Halloween" that the adults sing is a parody of the "Time Warp" song from The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
- To drive home the parody, Sideshow Mel dresses as Riff-Raff.
- Adults can be seen dressed as popular characters:
- There is a box in The Simpsons attic that says Festivus. It is both a parody and a secular holiday from the American sitcom Seinfeld.
- The song "Halloween is so bueno" is a parody of the Mexican song "Cielito lindo".
- A person dressed as Cthulhu appears in Krustyland. ("Treehouse of Horror XXIV")
- A Pumpkin House decoration appears. ("Treehouse of Horror XI")
- Lenny and Carl are dressed as Kang and Kodos. ("Treehouse of Horror")
- Ned asks Homer if they're they're heading up to the treehouse, to tell three horrifying tales? and Homer answers they're doing it next week, referencing to the following week episode "Treehouse of Horror XXVI". ("Treehouse of Horror series")
- Reverend Lovejoy and Helen Lovejoy are dressed in the same costumes they wore when they disguised themselves at a casino for a card counting operation. ("Sky Police")
- Agnes Skinner and Willie hook up again. ("My Fair Laddy")
- As do Sea Captain and Lindsey Naegle. ("Ned 'n Edna's Blend Agenda")
- According to Al Jean, this was a canon Halloween episode making it the first of its kind and aired in addition to "Treehouse of Horror XXVI" but aired in a different week.[1]
- The production code TABF22 is on the Groupon for a zip line adventure.
- This episode has yet to air in the UK however this might have been done due to its higher rating.
- During the "Adult Halloween" musical number, Sideshow Mel is drawn too tall in some shots.
- Professor Frink's glasses change throughout the "Adult Halloween" scene.
- When Homer sits on the couch to calm Lisa down, he puts a popcorn bowl beside her, but when the three employees ring the doorbell, the bowl disappears and Homer places a puzzle box on its place.
- The products at Apu's Official Halloween Headquarters change places between scenes.
- After Lisa plugs in the decorations, when Homer cries for help, his mouth doesn't move.
- Bernice costume switches from white to purple when Marge returns home.
- When Homer and Lisa are running upstairs from the invaders, Tailee disappears from Lisa's hand and reappears when they are upstairs.
- ↑ Al Jean's Twitter (account closed)