Give Me Merchandising or Give Me Death!/Quotes
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- Marge: You broke school rules, Bart Smpson! Now go to your room and dodn't come out until the convention's over!
- Bart: [SIGH] Yes, ma'am. I guess she's right. I mean whoever heard of a guy becoming a millionaire because he created a silly cartoon character, anyway?!
- Milhouse: Bart, I'm not so sure I'm ready to look at comics yet. I'm still kind of de-pressed!
- Bart: Don't sweat it, Milhouse! Those guys from Boffo were right. The Oyster-irzer was a stupid idea. Let's just foreget it ever hap-pened! Uh-oh!
- Milhouse: Bart, am I seeing things?!
- Bart: Same char-acter... different name! Milhouse they stole our idea!!
- Bart: It's like this, Hutz. Milhouse and I thought up the Pearl, drew the Pearl, and showed the Pearl to Boffo a few months ago! Now they're rich and we're not!
- Lionel Hutz: Darn Cube! It's been teasing my brain for twenty years, Make it stop!!
- Bart: [pounding on Hutz's desk] We demand justice and compensation! A little recognition! Our piece of the mega-moola pie!!
- Lionel Hutz: Hey watch the oak formica! Let me get this straight. You expect me to belive that you two little pip-squeaks created the biggest superhereo in the history of entertaniment merchandising?!
- Milhouse: Yessir!
- Lionel Hutz: I refuse to turn this office into a den of lie tellin' guys and decit-mongers! Now, get out!!
- [Throws Bart and Milhouse out the door]
- Lionel Hutz: And STAY OUT!!!!
- Milhouse: I don't think he believed us, Bart!
- Bart: That's the last time I watch his infomercials!
- Lionel Hutz: Who do those kids think I am, a moron?!
- Lisa: You mean, that crummy comic book you used to work on is actually the Pearl?! Bart, this time even I'm impressed!!!
- Bart: I know it's hard to believe, sis, but it's true. Boffo stole it from right under our noses! Now they're blackmailing us into working for them or they'll have Mr. Burns fire dad!!
- Milhouse: That's where you come in, Lisa!
- Lisa: Since you can't go public yourself, you have no choice but to plant a secret message in an upcoming issue. Accusing leach of plagiarism and slimy business practices! But how?!
- Bart: I have an idea!!
- Dave Shutton: Arnold Leach... Dave Shutton, Eye for an Eye! Is it true you stole the idea for the pearl? Who's the rightful heir to the pearl fortune?!
- Arnold Leach: Who the...?
- Bart: Woo-hoo! Go get him, Dave!!
- Joel Binx: It's a lie! I came up with the clam guy myself! I was wolfin' down some fish sticks when it came to me a dream! So, some kid at a con-vention had the idea first... prove it!!
- Arnold Leach: Shut up, you idiot!
- Bart: We did it, Milhouse!!