Edna Krabappoly
Edna Krabappoly is a board game. It is a version of Monopoly with a picture of Edna Krabappel on the cover.
The cover of the game shows Edna posing provocatively, sitting on "GO" and holding a cigar. She is wearing a risqué and androgynous outfit consisting of a top hat, a bowtie, a bare-midriff top showing her cleavage, tight shorts, fishnet stockings and stilettos.
When acid rain melted the television antenna, Marge said that the family didn't need TV to have fun, and suggested that they play Monopoly. Lisa asked "Which version?" and looked through several editions of Monopoly in the family's game closet, in the process coming across Edna Krabappoly. Marge said they should stick to the original, and Lisa put the other editions away.
It is unknown why or when Edna Krabbopoly was made.
- The other Monopoly editions Lisa finds in the closet include the original version, Star Wars Monopoly, Rasta-Mon-opoly and Galip-olopoly. The latter two refer to Jamaicans and their accents and to the Battle of Gallipoli during World War I, respectively.
- In real life, there are a large number of localized and theme-based versions of Monopoly, including editions based on Star Wars and The Simpsons.