Chairman of the Bored
Tapped Out Quest Information
Chairman of the Bored is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Summer Games 2020 content update. It requires the Summer Games Chairman to be obtained.
After tapping on the Summer Games Chairman's exclamation mark
Maybe the world no longer has a place for a person whose existence revolves around people briefly caring about international sports every four years.
I watched the games! You were the head guy, weren't you?
Yeah, but that doesn't mean a lick around here.
Well, it does to me. You might be the only person in Springfield that actually knows how to wear a suit.
Instead of selling major cities on hosting expensive games, how 'bout selling house hunters on expensive property?!
Hmm, are any of them international house hunters?
Task: "Make Summer Games Chairman Balk at His Real Estate Bus Bench Ad". The job takes place at Red Blazer Realty or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
I just don't get the point of adding the cowboy hat to my photo.
Trust me, cowboys sell houses.
I thought you hired me for my eloquence and sophistication?
I did! That's why in Waverly Hills I dropped off bottles of champagne with your face on them.
That gets people to buy houses?
Not necessarily. But if you do at least fifty gimmicks, one is bound to work!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on the Summer Games Chairman's exclamation mark
Real Estate is so boring. It's like a thousand emails back and forth about listings that are free to look at on Zillow.
If you're so bored doing real estate, Mr. Summer Chairman, our youth hockey league could use some help organizing a tournament.
Hockey? That's a winter sport. I deal exclusively in summer sports.
Winter? Summer? Isn't organizing just organizing?
Ha! Organizing a sporting event is a sacred art. There are rules! Arbitrary rules!
Ignore the rules. We need your expertise!
Man, you'd think people would take it easy with all the sports right now.
But I'll do it, if you let me coach.
Okay, great! Chief Wiggum, you're fired.
Is it because I made Ralph the starting goalie?
I'm the Great Zamboni.
Task: "Make Summer Games Chairman Coach Lisa's Youth Hockey League". The job takes place at the Practice Rink, Springfield Elementary, or a Brown House and takes 6 hours.
Here you go, kid. Just cover these expenses and then we can get started on scheduling the tournament.
We're just kids. The only money we have are checks from our grandparents, which we don't know how to cash because checks are old-fashioned.
No money? But-but, this is sports!! Can't you just charge the city a random fee or something?
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Lisa's exclamation mark
Mr. Summer Chairman, I know your background is in the money-laundering bribe machine that is international sports, but youth sports isn't about money.
Youth sports are about giving young people an opportunity to learn how to trust one another and play together as a team.
That's not what it's about! It's a way for parents to get rid of their kids for a few hours so they can eat all the good food out of the fridge and leave us with the scraps!
I think that's just Dad, but yeah.
Look, Mr. Summer Chairman, if hockey isn't your thing, there are lots of other youth sports in Springfield you could help organize.
Hmm, all of Springfield's sports...
Task: "Make Summer Games Chairman Examine Sports Equipment". The job takes 60 minutes.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on the Summer Games Chairman's exclamation mark
The basketball hoops are square, the volleyball court's upside down, and the track spells out the name "Mr. Burns".
The "S" is a dollar sign.
And look at these footballs. They're all deflated. Who's your equipment manager? Tom Brady?
No, his name is Groundskeeper Willie. But I wouldn't mess with him. He has a shotgun mounted to his tractor.
This is a mockery! How are people supposed to play sports without the proper equipment?
Summon every Springfielder you can find!
What are you going to do?
What I do best, child. What I do best...
Task: "Make Summer Games Chairman Chair a Meeting". The job takes 8 hours.
Ugh, a meeting about basketball hoops needing to be round...this is so boring.
He does look really happy.
Sports do weird things to adults.
Wanna learn another TikTok dance?
Okay, but I get to choose!
*dancing* This one I'm calling the "Van Houten Shuffle". Let me teach you!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on the Summer Games Chairman's exclamation mark
Thank you for helping, Lisa, but I'm afraid Springfielders don't really care about quality sports facilities and equipment.
I'm sorry, but I'm sure there must be some place in Springfield where you'd fit in.
I guess I could go back to being a real estate agent.
Hey, top seller!
I sold something?!
Your ad with the cowboy hat is working wonders! I've sold twenty houses just because I put the cowboy version of you on the listings!
Twenty houses?!
Now all you have to do is change out of your fancy suit and put on this cowboy hat!
Task: "Make Summer Games Chairman Win Gold in the Real Estate Game". The job takes place at Red Blazer Realty or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 200 and 20