Bucks Given
Tapped Out Quest Information
Bucks Given is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the No Bucks Given content update. It requires Buck Mitchell to be obtained.
After tapping on Buck Mitchell's exclamation mark
Look, Buck. I know you're happily married again, but that doesn't mean you can't be a happy home run hitter too.
I'm sorry, Homer. I think I caught a bad case of the yips on my honeymoon!
And how long do these "yips" tend to last?
It depends: sometimes a week, sometimes forever. Man, I can barely swing a bat.
You must find balance, Buck. The Isotopes need you. I need you.
Task: "Make Homer Convince Buck Mitchell to Step His Game Up". The job takes place at the Isotope Stadium or a Brown House and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Buck Mitchell Try to Have the Best of Both Worlds". The job takes place at the Isotope Stadium or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
I have to find a way to get a competitive advantage. Ugh, I wish I played for one of those Boston teams -- they all know how to cheat.
Isn't cheating wrong though?
Baseball is all about cheating. It's one big fat cheating fest.
Maybe you should just work harder in practice?
Practice? You wanna talk about practice? Practice? Practice?!
Yeah, practice.
Okay, sure. I'll practice.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Buck Mitchell's exclamation mark
Look, Buck. To get over your bad play you have to drown out the boos and heckles. Just ignore all the haters.
I have haters?
Oh, tons! So many.
It won't work. I didn't even know I had haters, and I was still playing bad before.
Okay, new approach: you have to eat tons of crazy sugary junk food!
Eating junk food to improve your athletic performance? Seems backwards.
Trust me. Every super athlete is hopped up on Skittles, donuts, and you name it! They only call it "junk food" to mislead the public.
I guess I do kind of like donuts...
Task: "Make Buck Mitchell Eat His Weight in Donuts". The job takes place at Lard Lad Donuts or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
After all these donuts, I just feel super bloated and gross.
Once you get out there, you'll be hitting home runs at every at-bat.
I don't know. These donuts aren't sitting well. *throws up*
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Buck Mitchell's exclamation mark
That makes it eighteen straight losses for the Springfield Isotopes. I'm not one to point fingers, but if I was I would be pointing straight at Buck Mitchell. He's washed up!
He's right. I am washed up.
You're not washed up, Buck. Could I have your autograph?
That's nice, kid. At least I still have one fan.
Ew, no. I'm not your fan. You just signed a petition to officially ban you from baseball.
Don't listen to him, Buck. You have tons of fans. Look over there, they're cheering for you!
Those are all fans of the opposing team!
Task: "Make Buck Mitchell Sign Autographs While Unamused". The job takes place at the Isotope Stadium or a Brown House and takes 12 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Buck Mitchell's exclamation mark
You're not supposed to be in here! This is the men's locker room.
Oh, relax! Your terrible baseball slump is messing up my home life, so I need you to get it together, Buck.
Marge, I'm retiring from baseball!
Okay, I didn't want to do this, but Bart stole all the pitcher's signs. And we have a video camera with a live feed.
If you hear one air horn then it's a fastball. Two air horns: a changeup, and three: a slider...
Are you in?
Task: "Make Buck Mitchell Steal Pitches". The job takes place at the Isotope Stadium or a Brown House and takes 60 minutes.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Buck Mitchell's exclamation mark
And it's another home run! The Springfield Isotopes take the lead after three straight Buck Mitchell bombers!
I can't believe it! Knowing exactly what the pitcher is going to throw really gives you an advantage.
It all comes down to this. It's full count in the bottom of the ninth with two outs. If Buck Mitchell hits a home run, the Isotopes will keep their World Series hopes alive.
*air horn*
Okay, one air horn. That means he's throwing a strike.
Oh, crap! The air horn's out of air. It's a curveball! A curveball!
And Buck Mitchell has swung and missed! The Isotopes' season is over!
I should've never tried to cheat. I guess now I'll have to do a bunch of my superstitious rituals and repent to the baseball gods...
Task: "Make Buck Mitchell Conduct Superstitious Rituals". The job takes place at the Isotope Stadium or a Brown House and takes 4 hours.
I'm sorry, Buck. I tried my best at cheating, but the air horn ran out of air!
It's okay, kid. I'm still rich.
Your life's just one long seventh inning stretch, isn't it?
*singing* "Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack, I don't care if I never get"--
Leave the singing to your pop star wife.
Quest reward: 200 and 20