Medal of Homer
Medal of Homer is a level in The Simpsons Game.
Homer and Bart receive their mission information from Admiral Abe Simpson, then wind up in a small French town. There, they see Uter throw a rock at one house. Almost immediately, 20 white flags pop up in surrender. Admiral Simpson tells Homer and Bart to get those white flags before the French have a chance to kiss German butt. Private C. Montgomery Burns suggests that they take the paintings for "safe-keeping". After Homer and Bart take all the white flags, Admiral Simpson gives word that Private Burns and he had managed to procure the paintings and are on a convoy route in North Africa, and they request that Homer and Bart escort them safely from enemy fire. Along the way, Private Burns and Admiral Simpson are bickering over what is going to happen, leading Admiral Simpson to conclude that Private Burns seemed to care more about the paintings rather than the mission's success. After the transport truck containing the paintings manages to get through the canyon safely, Private Burns lets slip that he intends to sell the paintings so he can have a nice car, before correcting himself by stating that they should donate them to a museum. Admiral Simpson then reveals in a debriefing that Private Burns stabbed them in the back and is retreating with the paintings on his own airship carrier, the U.S.S. Real Crazy. There, Homer and Bart have to reach the top of the carrier where Private Burns is, planting C4 explosives where necessary (to which Homer and Bart have infinite C4 explosives). Eventually, using Bart's gliding and Homer's helium ability, they reach the top and take Private Burns into custody. As thanks, the mayor of the village rewards Homer with one of their prize paintings--which conveniently has the Hellfish key card!
This level, in name and how the title looks, is a clear reference to the hit "Medal of Honor" series of WWII first person shooters.