The Man from G.R.A.M.P.A./Quotes
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< The Man from G.R.A.M.P.A.
Revision as of 09:50, May 18, 2021 by Solar Dragon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{TabQ|nogags}} {{EpisodePrevNextQuo|Mother and Child Reunion|The Last Barfighter}} {{qf|Head of MI5}} Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce our youngest and brightest star. H...")
- Head of MI5: Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce our youngest and brightest star. He was very helpful during our recent operation in Prague. Only 11 dead.
- Terrance: I am on the hunt for a turned American now working for Russia code-named Grey Fox. In World War II, he served with the fabled Flying Hellfish, the only unit that served in the Pacific, European and Grauman's Chinese Theatres.
- Jasper Beardsley: Oh, my God. That's Louise's room.
- Olive: Yes, it's terrible.
- Jasper: Uh, did she...?
- Olive: Her family took her back home to live with them. I hate to lose them that way.
- Grampa: I sure am gonna miss Louise. She had a great smile.
- Old folks: Oh, yeah, I loved her smile. Yeah, she sure did.
- Jasper: She had a great room.
- Old folks: Oh, what a room! That was the best.
- Grampa: It has a window!
- Old woman: That opens.
- Old Jewish man: Her call button actually works! I want it, I want it, I want it.
- Grampa: She was my friend! I should get it.
- Jasper: Louise hated your guts.
- Grampa: She hated your guts.
- Olive: Now, now, she hated all your guts.
- Grampa: What's my greatest fear?
- Homer: Cocktail olives and fascism.
- Grampa: Everyone's afraid of that. Those olives look like eyes.
- Terrance: And I know who you are. You work at the nuclear plant, are married to Marge and have three children.
- Homer: No, I only have tw... Wait a minute, you're right.
- Terrance: Uh, I'll buy you a drink for your troubles.
- Barney Gumble: Aw, I'm calling my sponsor. [on the phone] Get over here. They're giving out free drinks.
- Terrance's father: Sir, I've figured out how the Russians have stayed one step ahead of us: lucky guesses.
- Head of MI5: You fool. They've planted a mole at the top of our secret service.
- Terrance's father: Not possible. I've asked everyone if they were a mole, and they all said no.
- Lenny Leonard: Wow. A real-life spy. You must know your way around women and, uh, disillusionment.
- Terrance: Ah, yes, I certainly do. Always the same. She saves your life, you fall in love, you hold her in your arms, then some bugger shoots her dead. You hunt the killer, you track him down, he captures you, he tortures you, you kill the killer. And round and round you go, boys.
- Marge: Oh. Homer, this is the nicest man you've ever gotten sloppy drunk with.
- Moe Szyslak: Every time you sing a song, it's $5,000 in damage.
- Terrance: [about Grampa] Does he hate this country?
- Homer: Well, he doesn't like any of our political parties, he says "Grand Canyon" sarcastically, he thinks "The Star-Spangled Banner" is impossible to sing, he calls Uncle Sam "Uncle Scam," and he doesn't like people who are different, so I'd say he's as American as Apple Watches.
- Homer: What if Grampa's not the man I think he is? What if his name isn't Grampa at all?
- Groundskeeper Willie: Hey, why is that woman talkin' like a bloody Englishman?
- Terrance: [female voice] I'm not English. I'm Scottish. And if you say different, I'll rouge your fat behind!
- Willie: Oh! You sound just like me ma.
- Terrance: [female voice] Well, why don't you mind your own business, you red-haired baboon?
- Willie: Oh, it's like a letter from home. God bless ya.
- Homer: My dad would not spy for money. He would only do it because he hated his country.
- Homer: You don't have to lie to me anymore. I know who you really are.
- Grampa: That's good. Who am I?
- Herman Hermann: Gun delivery for Crazy Terrance. Didn't give a last name. Just said he was workin' for a foreign government.
- Lisa: What about the waiting period?
- Herman: Oh, I waited for him to hand me cash. Period.
- Chief Wiggum: Well, this is a wild goose chase. There's no one in the car.
- Marge: Open the trunk.
- Chief Wiggum: Well, I'll be. I solved a case. How did I do this?
- Hazel: I tracked my father with my cell phone.
- Marge: Homer, why don't you ride back with Terrance?
- Homer: Okay. [goes to get into the trunk]
- Marge: No, no. Up front.
- Homer: Up front! Like a grown-up!