Springfield's oldest redwood tree
The Springfield's oldest redwood tree was the oldest and tallest redwood tree in Springfield.
"Dirt First" group discovered the tree was on sale at an auction. Mr. Thai offered $50,000 to turn it in Thai menus, but it was sold to The Rich Texan for $100,000. Jesse Grass asked someone to climb and camp on the tree to keep the loggers away, and Lisa volunteered to do so. She stayed on top of the tree for a long time, until one night she went to her house for one moment, just to come back the next morning and discover the tree was struck by lighting. People thought Lisa was dead and the Rich Texan promised to turn the forest into a nature preserve. The next day, he said Lisa appeared in a dream and told him to turn the forest into an amusement park called "Lisa-Land". Angry Jesse cut down the log, which had been turned into a post with a big Lisa head on top, and it rolled down a hill. The log destroyed everything on its way, but it was never stopped and continued to roll around many places, including San Francisco's Lombard Street and a long journey into the sea.