Twist of Fate
Tapped Out Quest Information
Twist of Fate is a questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Superheroes 2 content update. It requires Stretch Dude to be obtained.
Pt. 1
After tapping on Stretch Dude's exclamation mark
Hey Milhouse, with my stretch powers back, it's time to PULL some pranks!
Oooh, you could slap Nelson from across the room!
Nelson is small potatoes, especially when I've got a big dumb russet in Skinner.
Task: "Make Stretch Dude Bart Prank Skinner". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary and takes 4 hours.
WWho wrote "Skinner smells like re-refried beans coming out of a donkey's butt?"
Bart, I know you got your stretch powers back. Do you really want to use them on such a weak target?
And yes, by "weak" I realize I'm talking about myself.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on Stretch Dude's exclamation mark
You know what Milhouse, Skinner has inspired me to do more with my powers.
Stretching to snag drumsticks from Homer and fooling friends with shoulder taps is beneath me.
Hold that thought. Someone's tapping my shoulder... maybe a new friend!
Sorry, old habit... but starting now, I promise to use my powers to make money!
Task: "Make Stretch Dude Bart Create a Superpower Business". The job takes place at Bart's Tree House and takes 8 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After tapping on Stretch Dude's exclamation mark
Are you lacking a ladder? Do you need a human bridge, umbrella, or parachute? Hire Stretch Dude now!
Oh Stretch diddly-Dude, I could make use of your powers!
I can't reach Rod and Todd's new curtain rod. Think you could hold it high for this neighbourly guy?
That'll be fifty bucks!
Task: "Make Stretch Dude Bart Install a Curtain Rod". The job takes place at Flanders House and takes 12 hours.
What a wonderful job! The curtain rod's on the level and so are you, Stretch Dude!
I'm gonna spread the good word about your good work!
Glad I could unburden some of your wallet weight, sir!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 4
After tapping on Stretch Dude's exclamation mark
Stretch Dude! I need you to help us install more ornate stained glass into the church ceiling!
I think your stretchy powers could make for a great radiation catcher at the reactor.
Bart! You have non-superhero chores to do at home!
Arrgh! Enough! I can only stretch in 5, maybe 6 directions!
That's it. My prices have doubled. Mom, I'll give you the family discount.
Task: "Make Stretch Dude Bart Provide Stretchy Services" (x3). The job takes place at the First Church of Springfield and takes 12 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 5
After tapping on Stretch Dude's exclamation mark
Since Stretch Dude Inc. went into business I haven't sold a single ladder. Yes, Kwik-E-Mart sells ladders!
Stretch Dude has levelled my ladder sales! I haven't sold a single step this week!
Task: "Make Apu Confront Stretch Dude Inc.". The job takes place at Bart's Tree House and takes 24 hours.
Stretch Dude, you are stretching my patience. Please stop your fantastic elastic business.
Nothing a little money can't fix.
You can pay me to stop stretching... for a hefty sum of course.
My business will surely rebound! Thanks to the corporate bribery that I have grown accustomed to.
Quest reward: 200 and 20