Info Bores
Tapped Out Quest Information
Info Bores is a questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in The Buck Stops Here content update. It requires Birch Barlow to be obtained.
Pt. 1
After tapping on Birch Barlow's exclamation mark
I can't believe my radio show was canceled just because I said we should nuke Tax-achusetts and dump the ashes in Holly-good-riddance, Cali-won't-mourn-ia.
Those Politically Corr-wrecked Dumb-ocrats are so thin-skinned!
Your unfiltered, tortured-wordplay-ridden ramblings are just what I'm looking for to start my radio production company!
Whoa, there. I'm not about to bow down to some tea-bagging British sponsors.
I'm talking about satellite radio -- no advertisers, no censorship!
You mean I'd be able to say whatever I want? You won't sic the PC Police on me?
No! I want your unfettered madness infecting our listeners. Nothing gets more subscribers than an extremist! How do you think Bob Ross got so popular?
You have a deal.
Task: "Make Birch Barlow Prepare for Radio Show". The job takes place at the Capital City Capitol Building, Capital City Plaza Hotel, or Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on Birch Barlow's exclamation mark
Good morning, freedom-likers. Birch Barlow, the fourth branch of government the fifty-first state, is back on the air.
Today we are going to cover the proceedings on Bill HB-0101, a measure that would make False Flag burning illegal.
But first, I know what you're thinking: "Birch, how is it that Spend-o-Crats keep spending"? And that's something that I'd like to know, too.
We keep getting duped by a party who cannot align on which areas they are corrupt in spending? Call now, and let's talk.
Task: "Make Birch Barlow Take Callers". The job takes place at the Capital City Plaza Hotel or Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Hey, Birch, longtime listener, first time use-my-one-phone-call-er. My question for you is, how many times are these Fib-erals going to--
"Fib-erals"?! What the hell does that mean? You're talking jibberish; you aren't making any sense.
Sounds to me like maybe you're a guest at the Greybar Hotel because you're another one of those Liberal Lefties who packed his peace-pipe full of Wacky-Tobacky! Next caller!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After tapping on Birch Barlow's exclamation mark
Good morning again, freedom-lovers. Let's go ahead and jump right into it. The Capital City politicians are corrupt.
I'm here on the inside, watching the way they work, like the little toy scuba diver in the fishbowl, surrounded by vicious clownfish. First caller!
Uh, yeah, it sounds like there's a lot of colludin' going on behind our backs, under our noses, and in those hard-to-reach places I can never get to with floss.
Is it safe to say that the Democrats have been lying to us this whole time? Did the moon landing not happen? Are they sulfur people from hell?
*chuckles* My friend, you have a wild imagination...but you are absolutely right! We are dealing with SULFUR PEOPLE!
Task: "Make Birch Barlow Spin Conspiracy Theories". The job takes place at the Capital City Plaza Hotel or Brown House and takes 6 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 4
After tapping on Birch Barlow's exclamation mark
Good morning, Americans. Today, I must announce to you that we are at war.
The Dumb-ocrats are at it again. They think my show perpetuates "LIES" and incites "VIOLENCE". Well, you know what I think? If it's American to LIE to get your point across, then call me Bend-the-Truth Franklin!
They set their demo-dog Mayor Joe Quimby on me. He's attempting to organize a boycott. Well the only thing my listeners boycott...are FACTS!
Task: "Make Birch Barlow Spin Lies Against Quimby". The job takes place at the Capital City Plaza Hotel or Brown House and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 5
After tapping on Birch Barlow's exclamation mark
Whew. All this hateful rhetoric is really starting to take a toll on my health. *eats donuts* I don't think I can keep this up much longer, I'm running out of faux outrage.
Birchy, baby! There's my little Republican-do. Your ratings are through the roof, and you have the most callers of any show I've ever produced.
I want you to keep on spouting your Conserva-nonsense until you're red in the face. Well, REDDER in the face. How about signing a long-term contract?
I get to keep manufacturing rage while you pay me top dollar?
You've got yourself a deal. It's a pleasure doing business with you.
Now get out of here, you job-stealing foreigner!
Task: "Make Birch Barlow Go Haywire". The job takes place at the Capital City Capitol Building, Capital City Plaza Hotel, or Brown House and takes 8 hours.
Quest reward: 200 and 20
Behind the Laughter
The quest name is a reference to the far-right conspiracy theory and fake news website InfoWars.