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TV Show Information
Friends is a television sitcom that aired from 1994-2004.
When Mr. Burns cancelled the power plant's prescription drug program, Homer decided to take a second job. He wondered if the guys on Friends needed another friend, but Lisa told him that that show had gone off the air. Disappointed, Homer said that he would've been perfect as Rachel's Irish cousin.
When the family ordered satellite TV, Bart got hooked on the Japanese version of Friends. It included a Japanese Rachel, who calls the Japanese Ross "the Emperor of last year" for his "Frankie Say Relax" T-shirt.[1]
When Homer said in his dream that his hair is living in his memory, Marge told him that he is thinking of Jennifer Aniston's hair from Friends. Homer responds that is she is exactly like Chandler: always criticizing.[2]
In "...Six Degrees of Homer Simpson ...sort of!" Homer connected U2 to Marcel:
- "I spoke at a U2 concert when I ran for the office of Springfield Sanitation Commissioner."
- "U2 is from Ireland."
- "Ireland is famous for exporting Lucky Charms cereal..."
- "...which are hoarded by a leprechaun, similar to the one from Leprechaun: The Movie"
- "Leprechaun: The Movie starred Jennifer Aniston."
- "Jennifer Aniston co-starred in Friends with Marcel the monkey."[3]
Behind the Laughter
- Friends was a real TV show.
- Hank Azaria played David in Friends.
- Dan Castellaneta guest starred in the episode "The One After the Superbowl: Part 1" as a zoo keeper.
- Harry Shearer guest stared as Dr. Baldharan in "The One With The Fake Monica".
- Friends cast members Lisa Kudrow and Matthew Perry guest starred respectively as Alex Whitney in "Lard of the Dance" and Ultrahouse 3000's Matthew Perry voice in "Treehouse of Horror XII".
Episode – "Midnight Rx" (mentioned)
Episode – "Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade" (Japanese version)
Episode – "Homer the Father" (mentioned)
Episode – "How I Wet Your Mother" (mentioned)
Episode – "Teenage Mutant Milk-Caused Hurdles" (mentioned)
Episode – "Bart's Birthday"
Book – The Homer Book (mentioned)