
The Simpsons: Tapped Out Level 34 content update

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Revision as of 12:20, August 31, 2013 by Lucas.ejwertz (talk | contribs) (Gameplay)

Template:Semi The The Simpsons: Tapped Out Level 34 content update is an content update which added Superintendent Chalmers, Sherri and Terri along with a building and several decorations. It was released on August 29, 2013.

Level Up Message

Its level up is message is spoken by Cookie Kwan

Level Up Message


Image Name Unlock message
100px Superintendent Chalmers Tapped Out Chalmers New Character.png
150px Sherri & Terri Tapped Out Sherri Terri New Character.png


Image Name Building time Costs Task Character(s) unlocked when built Level required
Springfield High School Tapped Out.png Springfield High School 24h Cash232,500 Superintendent Chalmers 34
Springfield Knowledgeum Tapped Out.png Springfield Knowledgeum 1d 12h Cash379,500 34


Image Name Costs Character(s) unlocked when built Level required
Tapped Out Chalmer's 1979 onda.png Chalmer's 1979 _onda Cash9,800 34
Tapped Out Minnow Pond.png Minnow Pond Cash4,500 34
File:Tapped Out Campfire 2.png Camp Fire Cash2,600 34
Tapped Out Robby the Automaton.png Robby The Automaton Donut40
Tapped Out World's Largest Zirconia.png World's Largest Zirconia Cash5,000,000 5


Level 34


After tapping on Lisa's exclamation mark
Lisa Principal Skinner? Have you ever thought about what comes after all this?
Skinner Do you mean the afterlife? Yes, I've got it all figured out.
Skinner Heaven will be me and mother sitting in comfy recliners, and I have control of the TV remote.
Skinner Hell is the same, but she gets to pick the shows.
Lisa No, I meant what comes after we kids graduate from Springfield Elementary. We need a high school!
The player receives ""SKINNERRR?!" Pt. 1" which is to "Build Springfield High School". It takes 24 hours and the player receives total Cash100 and XP10 in reward.
Build Springfield High School Tapped Out.png
New Character Tapped Out Chalmers New Character.png


After tapping on Skinner's exclamation mark
Skinner When you have only one school in town, you only need a principal to run it.
Skinner But with two schools, we'll need a... a... superintendent.
Chalmers And poof, like magic, here I am.
The player receives ""SKINNERRR?!" Pt. 2" which is to "Make Chalmers Shout at "SKINNERRRR!"". It takes 60 minutes and the player receives total Cash170 and XP27 in reward.


After tapping on Chalmers's exclamation mark
Chalmers Well, Seymour, I see you're performing your duties to your usual high standard of sickening incompetence.
Skinner Thank you, sir. As you can see, we still only have a handful of students at Springfield Elementary. It's lovely.
Chalmers Yes. I'd almost forgotten how peaceful it is when the entire student body gets blown to Kingdom Come. We'll have to do it more often.
Chalmers But for now, let's roll up our sleeves and get educating!
Chalmers We'll start with the foundation of any strong liberal art education -- standardized test-taking.
The player receives ""SKINNERRR?!" Pt. 3" which is to "Make Chalmers Administer a Sience Test". It takes 4 hours and the player receives total Cash275 and XP55 in reward.
Chalmers Seymour, these test scores are abominable! In science, we got the lowest aggregate score ever recorded!
Skinner It could be argued that, by establishing a new worst, we have in fact made a major contribution to science.
Chalmers It could be so argued by an idiot.
Skinner But my point stands.
Chalmers This is unacceptable, Skinner! Get out of my office while I think on what to do about this!

Night At The Knowledgeum Pt. 1

After tapping on Skinner's exclamation mark
Skinner It's not my fault these idiot kids don't know the difference between the decay rate of a top quark and a W boson.
Skinner I've provided them with the hands-off rote memorization of atomic numbers that young brains crave. And still, they don't learn!
Lisa Maybe we could try something a little more interactive. Do you remember the Springfield Knowledgeum?
Skinner How could I forget it?
Skinner I once dropped a twenty dollar bill there, and I couldn't find it. It was one of the formative experiences of my adult life.
The player receives "Night At The Knowledgeum Pt. 1" which is to "Build Springfield Knowledgeum". It takes 1 day 12 hours and the player receives total Cash100 and XP10 in reward.
Build Springfield Knowledgeum Tapped Out.png

Night At The Knowledgeum Pt. 2

After tapping on Lisa's exclamation mark
Lisa This is truly amazing. I feel like I am surrounded by knowledge, cradled in the bosom of learning!
Skinner I would echo your sentiment, but if I say the word "bosom" around a child, I could lose my job.
Lisa Let's split up. Remember -- we're looking for ways to make science fun for kids.
Skinner Or, barring that, some sort of kid-shaped automaton that is good at science tests.
Skinner Or, barring that, let's try to determine if there are any job openings in their janitorial team.
Skinner And if so, if they'd be interested in someone like me.
The player receives "Night At The Knowledgeum Pt. 2" which is to "Make Lisa Spend the Night at the Knowledgeum" and "Make Skinner Spend the Night at the Knowledgeum". It takes 12 hours and the player receives total Cash640 and XP210 in reward.

Night At The Knowledgeum Pt. 3

After tapping on Lisa's exclamation mark
Lisa I think I know how to revitalize the science curriculum. Let's do what this place does, and show that science is fun!
Skinner Whoa, whoa, whoa, Lisa. "Science is fun?" I have Masters in Education, young lady.
Skinner And one of the things I learned in graduate school is that science is boring and, to use a technical term, sucky.
Skinner Even Einstein knew science was a total snooze-fest! Probably, I mean, he was super-smart, so he must've known that.
Lisa I'm telling you -- follow my advice, and Springfield Elementary will be filled with budding scientists in no time.
The player receives "Night At The Knowledgeum Pt. 3" which is to "Make Lisa Fix the Science Curriculum" and "Make Skinner Fix the Science Curriculum". It takes 12 hours and the player receives total Cash640 and XP210 in reward.


After tapping on Skinner's exclamation mark
Skinner Um, Superintendent Chalmers?
Chalmers Can't you see I'm busy? I'm trying to determine the most painful, humiliating way to fire you.
Chalmers What I have so far is good, but it doesn't really "sing" yet, you know?
Skinner Yes, of course. But I think the children should be retested now that they've learned how fun science can be.
Chalmers "Science is fun?" The very notion goes against centuries of Western thought. I'll admit it -- I'm intrigued.
The player receives ""SKINNERRR?!" Pt. 4" which is to "Make Chalmers Administer a Sience Test". It takes 4 hours and the player receives total Cash275 and XP55 in reward.
Chalmers Well, look at that. The kids' test scores are up. Way up! I'm talking "satisfactory" up! Well done, Seymour!
Skinner Thank you, sir. Although I have to admit, I had help.
Chalmers Yes, yes, we all assumed that.

High School Low Pt. 1

After tapping on Chalmers's exclamation mark
Chalmers Look at this! The improved test scores have earned me a citation from Town Hall, "in recognition of exemplary performance."
Chalmers You did all the work, Skinner, and I got all the credit! It's every bureaucrat's dream!
Skinner And it's every toadying lickspittle's dream to make his boss's dream come true! Congratulations!
The player receives "High School Low Pt. 1" which is to "Make Chalmers Visit Town Hall". It takes 8 hours and the player receives total Cash375 and XP80 in reward.

High School Low Pt. 2

After tapping on Quimby's exclamation mark
Quimby In recognition of your fine work turning around Springfield Elementary, Superintendent Chalmers, you are hereby promoted to Intendent of Springfield High School.
Chalmers Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Two questions: one, how is going from "Superintendent" to "Intendent" a promotion; and two, are you aware that Intendent is a made-up word?
Quimby I oughta be, I made it up!
Quimby It means a "principal," but when the town doesn't have the money to hire a principal because of widespread corruption that is in no way the mayor's fault.
Chalmers I got into education because I wanted to cut art budgets, not having contact with children! I won't last a day!
The player receives "High School Low Pt. 2" which is to "Make Chalmers Intend Springfield High School". It takes 12 hours and the player receives total Cash520 and XP110 in reward.

High School Low Pt. 3

After tapping on Chalmers's exclamation mark
Chalmers Great Scott, Skinner! I had no idea the students of today had grown so soft. They're like pampered veal calves, but with an even less promising future.
Chalmers Heads always buried in their smartphones and tablets... What could they possibly be doing?
Skinner They generally use them to play time-wasting, potential-draining "freemium" video games.
Skinner Or at least they did until that fateful day when the game they were playing asked them how old they were, and they all had to stop.
Chalmers I won't stand for it! I'm going to turn these kids into rugged, won't-take-no-for-an-answer individualists if it kills me!
Chalmers We'll start with mandatory, 5:00 AM calisthenics!
The player receives "High School Low Pt. 3" which is to "Build the All Night Gym" and "Make Chalmers Lead Calisthenics". It takes 4 hours and the player receives total Cash275 and XP55 in reward.

High School Low Pt. 4

After tapping on Chalmers's exclamation mark
Chalmers Participation in my morning calisthenics program is at 0%.
Skinner Look on the bright side. That's a lot higher than any of us expected, sir.
Skinner "Any of us" being people educated in Springfield public schools, who due to years of poor math instruction, don't understand how percentages work.
Chalmers I've got to think of something. I always do my best thinking when I'm in the wilderness, honing my manly skills by surviving off the land.
The player receives "High School Low Pt. 4" which is to "Place a Camp Fire" and "Make Chalmers Survive Off the Land". It takes 24 hours and the player receives total Cash700 and XP155 in reward.

High School Low Pt. 5

After tapping on Chalmers's exclamation mark
Chalmers Did you realize, Seymour, that physical education in this school includes classes in "Badminton" and "Golf?"
Chalmers No wonder these children are blobs of goo.
Skinner The kids do enjoy badminton. They get to say "shuttlecock" a lot.
Chalmers You're not supposed to enjoy sports!
Chalmers Sports should push you to the brink of death, leave you utterly spent, heaving desperate gasps between blood-speckled coughs, asking yourself "Why, God, why am I so weak?"
Chalmers From now on, the only sport here is Greco-Roman wrestling! Now, matches don't stop until both students are crying!
The player receives "High School Low Pt. 5" which is to "Make Chalmers Intend Springfield High School". It takes 12 hours and the player receives total Cash520 and XP110 in reward.

High School Low Pt. 6

After tapping on Chalmers's exclamation mark
Chalmers Starting today, all Springfield High School students will participate in the following classes:
Chalmers Leadership, Mountaineering, Rough-Riding, Big Game Hunting, Celestial Navigation...
Chalmers ...Tourniquet Making, Foraging, Trust Busting, Manliness...
Chalmers ...Orienteering, Bare-Knuckle Brawling, Big Game Hunting II: Perspectives in Taxidermy, Chivalry...
Chalmers ...American Expansionism, Knife Shaprpening, Knife Making, Knife Throwing, and Deep Jungle Exploration.
Chalmers If you have any questions, keep them to yourself. That is all!
The player receives "High School Low Pt. 6" which is to "Make Chalmers Intend Springfield High School". It takes 12 hours and the player receives total Cash520 and XP110 in reward.

High School Low Pt. 7

After tapping on Chalmers's exclamation mark
Chalmers Groundskeeper Willie! I wonder if you'd have time to build a caber-toss field at Springfield High.
Willie But the noble Scottish sport of caber tossing was banned in Springfield years ago, on account of its being incredibly hazardous and generally pointless.
Chalmers We're bringing it back!
Chalmers I'll not send a single student off to college who isn't adept at heaving a tree trunk end-over-end so that it lands as close to a "twelve o'clock" position as possible.
Chalmers It would be un-American to do so!
Willie I think I'm going to cry...
The player receives "High School Low Pt. 7" which is to "Make Willie Build a Caber Toss Field". It takes 4 hours and the player receives total Cash275 and XP55 in reward.

High School Low Pt. 8

After tapping on Chalmers's exclamation mark
Chalmers Corpulent Anthony!
Fat Tony Yes?
Chalmers My students are cowards!
Chalmers I want you to send some of your toughest enforces into my school, and push them around until they learn to stand up for themselves.
Chalmers You're welcome to keep any lunch money that the weaker ones fork over.
Fat Tony What a shockingly wrong-headed educational initiative. However, no grown-up bully can say "no" to lunch money.
The player receives "High School Low Pt. 8" which is to "Make Legs Intimidate Students" and "Make Louie Intimidate Students". It takes 24 hours and the player receives total Cash1,300 and XP310 in reward.

High School Low Pt. 9

After tapping on Chalmers's exclamation mark
Chalmers I've done it. I've molded these blubber-wrapped vidiots into capable young Americans.
Chalmers Who are shockingly ignorant of literature, but still.
Chalmers I think I should reward myself with a little "me time."
The player receives "High School Low Pt. 3" which is to "Make Chalmers Lead Calisthenics". It takes 4 hours and the player receives total Cash275 and XP55 in reward.

High School Low Pt. 10

After tapping on Chalmers's exclamation mark
Chalmers I've got another invitation to Town Hall. Wonder what it could be for this time?
Chalmers Maybe they've got a special commendation for me!
The player receives "High School Low Pt. 10" which is to "Make Chalmers Visit Town Hall". It takes 8 hours and the player receives total Cash375 and XP80 in reward.
Quimby You idiot! You've transformed this town's kids into self-reliant, confident individualists. What do you have to say for yourself?
Chalmers Uh... you're welcome?
Quimby No! You don't get it, do you?
Quimby Do you think I've allowed this town's schools to fall apart by accident? That I didn't INTEND for every class to receive a poorer education than the one before?
Chalmers But why would you do that?
Quimby Because stupid people vote for incumbents!
Quimby You start churning out free thinkers, me and every other incumbent in this declining country is doomed! THEN where will we all be?
Quimby You are hereby demoted from Intendent to Superintendent. Now get out of my sight!

High School Low Pt. 11

After tapping on Chalmers's exclamation mark
Chalmers I've failed. And relegated the children of Springfield to a life of ignorance and laziness.
Chalmers It's times like this when the only thing that can cheer me up is partaking in an activity that is a playful pun on my belobed catchphrase.
The player receives "High School Low Pt. 11" which is to "Place a Minnow Pond" and "Make Chalmers Catch Some "DINNERRRR?!"". It takes 8 hours and the player receives total Cash375 and XP80 in reward, ending the level 34-questline.

Sherri & Terri

The Trouble With Twins Pt. 1

After tapping on Sherri & Terri's exclamation mark
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png I love that in New Springfield, we're premium characters.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png Check out these lame, non-premium characters.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png How I pity their easy affordability. Could they cost fewer donuts? The answer is no, because they cost zero donuts.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png To cost less, they'd have to cost negative donuts, which there's no such thing as.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png You can't bake a negative donut. And even if you could never glaze it. Because glaze is positive. Poor, poor boys.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png Let's moch them some more, shall we? But using our secret, unbreakable code language so they won't understand what we say.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png Switching to secret code language.... now. B-come bin b-Terri. B-do b-you b-read b-me, b-Terri?
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png B-loud band b-clear, b-secret b-code blangaguge b-buddy!
The player receives "The Trouble With Twins Pt. 1" which is to "Make Sherri and Terri use Their Secret Language". It takes 4 hours and the player receives total Cash360 and XP80 in reward.

The Trouble With Twins Pt. 2

After tapping on Sherri & Terri's exclamation mark
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png Bi- b-wonder bif b-Milhouse's b-cooties b-have b-blue b-eyebrows b-too?
Milhouse I can tell you're talking about me. But why are you using that secret, unbreakable code language?
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png B-Milhouse b-thinks b-we're b-talking babout b-him. B-That's b-so b-sad.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png B-even b-though b-he's b-correct, bit's b-sad b-he'd b-think b-so.
Milhouse It's no fair to exclude other people. All the TV cartoons agree. So I'm going to put a stop to this!
The player receives "The Trouble With Twins Pt. 2" which is to "Make Sherri and Terri use Their Secret Language". It takes 4 hours and the player receives total Cash360 and XP80 in reward.

The Trouble With Twins Pt. 3

After tapping on Milhouse exclamation mark
Milhouse Principal Skinner, the twins are using a secret language that the rest of us can't understand.
Skinner Son, I realize schoolyard politics can be difficult. But dealing with difficult social situations is how we grow.
Skinner If I step in now, I'm doing you a disservice.
Milhouse I see. Maybe I'll just a register a complaint with Superintendent Chalmers.
Skinner A complaint?! Attention, children! Effective immediately, all secret languages are banned on school property!
Skinner Any kindergarteners babbling incoherently will be assumed to be speaking a secret language, and will be expelled.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png You ratted on us, Milhouse. And now you will recevie the worst punishment we can dish out.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png The super-creeepy, super-intense Sherri/Terri double stare of death.
Milhouse No, please! Anything but that It's off-putting! Off-puttiinnnnnggggg...
The player receives "The Trouble With Twins Pt. 3" which is to "Make Sherri and Terri Do the Creepy Twin Stare". It takes 12 hours and the player receives total Cash700 and XP160 in reward.

The Trouble With Twins Pt. 4

After tapping on Milhouse exclamation mark
Milhouse Lisa, save me from Terri and Sherri! Their eyes are swirling pools of liquid hate.
Milhouse The kind of hate only found in Magnetos, Emperors Palpatine and little girls!
Lisa I won't help you! You got our secret languauge banned!
Milhouse Wait a second -- you speak it too? But I thought it was a twin language between Sherri and Terri.
Lisa No, it's a secret language all the girls at this school speak. We'll explain why in a few quests.
Lisa But right now, you're to come with me. They want an explanation...
Milhouse No! I can't! I don't know how to talk to girls yet!
The player receives "The Trouble With Twins Pt. 4" which is to "Have a Shrub" and "Make Milhouse Hide From Girls". It takes 60 minutes and the player receives total Cash170 and XP27 in reward.

The Trouble With Twins Pt. 5

After tapping on Milhouse exclamation mark
Milhouse Help, I'm being pursued by women! It's every guy's nightmare!
Bart Milhouse, follow me. I don't know what you did, but you pissed off boykind's natural enemy, the girl, and we're eternally grateful.
Martin We hereby grant you asylum in the only place no female can ever reach you -- the boys' bathroom.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png Attention, boys! The girls demand immediate extradition of Milhouse Van Houten.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png His actions have compromised the safety of everyone at this school, and he must answer for his crimes.
Nelson Not a chance. Boy Power!
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png Then you leave us no choice. Time to pull out our ultimate weapon. Just try to resist this!
The player receives "The Trouble With Twins Pt. 5" which is to "Make Sherri and Terri Cry to Get What They Want". It takes 16 hours and the player receives total Cash850 and XP210 in reward.

The Trouble With Twins Pt. 6

After tapping on Sherri & Terri's exclamation mark
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png We demand you hand over Milhouse at once! He is a known tattletale and a convicted Knockout cheat.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png And by harboring him, you seriously jeopardize historically fragile boy-girl reletions.
Bart Uh, listen. I don't think he'll leave the bathroom. He seems to really love it.
Milhouse Bathroom life is sweet! There's so much to do! Sink showering, mirror staring, smell smelling...
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png Ew, I could never spend my nights sleeping on the couch in the girls' bathroom.
Bart You have a couch in there? I knew it! I knew the girls' bathroom was nicer than ours!
The player receives "The Trouble With Twins Pt. 6" which is to "Make Sherri and Terri Torment Bart". It takes 8 hours and the player receives total Cash520 and XP115 in reward.

The Trouble With Twins Pt. 7

After tapping on Bart's exclamation mark
Bart What's so important about protecting your secret girl language anyway? I can't imagine even girls care about the dumb things girls say.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png For your FYI, we use our secret language to protect you.
Bart Oh my OMG, what kind of an idiot do you think I am? You seriously expect me to believe that you talk in code to protect boys?
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png In the truth. You see-- wait, was that the recess bell I just heard? Can we pick this up later?
Bart Of course. We may hate each other, and that's a wonderful thing, but nothing is more important than recess.
The player receives "The Trouble With Twins Pt. 7" which is to "Make Sherri and Terri Play Kickball" and "Make Kids Play Kickball (x4)". It takes 60 minutes and the player receives total Cash445 and XP121 in reward.

The Trouble With Twins Pt. 8

After tapping on Bart's exclamation mark
Bart And we're back. Good game, by the way.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png GG, Bart! Now, I was explaining how our secret language protects you. It's very simple -- you aren't prepared to hear what girls say about you.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png You see, we girls grow up faster than you. We understand fashion, social cues, music, trends, etc., at a level far, far superior to your own.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png We could verbally rip you to shreds any time we please. But that would destroy you.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png And then come middle school, we would have no one date.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png So you see, our having a secret language is really the best thing for everybody.
Bart That's crazy! Why would I ever care what a girl thinks about me?
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png Then you leave us no choice. I'm sorry, Bart. I'd hoped we could avoid this.
The player receives "The Trouble With Twins Pt. 8" which is to "Make Sherri and Terri Mock Others". It takes 60 minutes and the player receives total Cash205 and XP36 in reward.

The Trouble With Twins Pt. 9

After tapping on Bart's exclamation mark
Bart Wait a second! Where do you girls get off calling my look "so 1989."
Bart I wasn't even born then! And I certainly wasn't a ten year old boy in 1989. I would have aged by now!
Nelson Bart, the girls say my vest doesn't flatter my shape. Tell me that's not true! It'd ruin me!
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png What's wrong, Bart? Can't handle a little constructive criticism?
Bart When you said you'd bag on the boys, I never dreamt you meant me. Everyone knows my moves are the freshest and my threads are the dopest!
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png This can end anytime you want. Just give us Milhouse.
Bart Never!
The player receives "The Trouble With Twins Pt. 9" which is to "Make Sherri and Terri Mock Others". It takes 60 minutes and the player receives total Cash205 and XP36 in reward.

The Trouble With Twins Pt. 10

After tapping on Martin's exclamation mark
Martin Bart, the girls can tell I have a crush on the art teacher. How is this possible?!
Nelson They're calling me "uncouth!" Make it stop!
Bart Don't listen to them, men! Don't let the girls win!
The player receives "The Trouble With Twins Pt. 10" which is to "Make Sherri and Terri Mock Others". It takes 60 minutes and the player receives total Cash205 and XP36 in reward.

The Trouble With Twins Pt. 11

After tapping on Bart's exclamation mark
Bart Augh! I don't want to understand another awful word from you terrible, horrible creatures.
Bart Ladies, take Milhouse. He's yours. Just bring back your secret language!
Milhouse No, you have to protect me. I'm a whistleblower! I was performing a public service! Don't let the twins have me!
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png You belong to us now, Milhouse.
Tapped Out Sherri Terri Icon.png Come here. Come here and accept your punishment.
The player receives "The Trouble With Twins Pt. 11" which is to "Make Sherri and Terri Do the Creepy Twin Stare". It takes 12 hours and the player receives total Cash700 and XP160 in reward, ending the Sherri & Terri quest-line.
