Treehouse of Horror VI
"Treehouse of Horror VI" is the sixth episode of The Simpsons' seventh season, as well as the sixth Halloween episode.
Opening sequence
Krusty is the Headless Horseman from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, holding his laughing head, and hurling it at the camera, which makes "The Simpsons Halloween Special VI" appear on screen in blood. We hear Krusty do his trademark groan.
Attack of the 50ft eyesores
When Homer goes to Lard Lad Donuts to get a "Colossal Donut", he denounces their advertising when he realizes that the "colossal donuts" aren't very colossal. So, in revenge, he steals the Lard Lad's donut, and in the midst of a freak storm, Lard Lad, and other giant advertising statues come to life to terrorize Springfield. Homer eventually returns the donut, but Lard Lad and his friends simply keep right on destroying. Finally, Lisa goes to an ad agency, and an executive suggests not to look at the monsters. He tries to write a song, but suggests it would actually sound better coming out of Paul Anka, who performs a song with Lisa. The citizens of Springfield do not look at the monsters, who lose their powers and become lifeless.
In a comical twist of the typical scenario of a tempter portrayed as a "devil on your shoulder", the segment shows a devil's statue destroying Springfield Elementary School, while being tempted by Bart on its shoulder.
Nightmare on Evergreen Terrace
Bart has a nightmare that Groundskeeper Willie is out to kill him. He is slashed with a rake, and the scratches are still on his body after he wakes up. Many other people at Springfield Elementary School also say they were terrorized by Willie in their nightmares, and what he did actually affected them. When the students take a test, Martin falls asleep and is killed by Willie. Martin dies in class, and Bart and Lisa tell Marge about the monster. She says that Willie was killed in a furnace explosion in the school's basement on the thirteenth hour of the thirteenth day of the thirteen month (Homer is later heard complaining about the "lousy Smarch weather", with Smarch being a misprint on the calendars), and burned to death while the parents of the students looked on and did nothing, and that he told the parents he would get his revenge by killing the children in their dreams. Bart decides that he's going to go to sleep and dream of fighting Willie. Lisa is supposed to stay awake and wake him up if he seems to be in trouble. Bart appears in his dream and attempts to get Willie, who can also transform into other things. Willie turns into a bagpipe spider and is about to kill Bart, when Lisa enters, trying to wake him up. But since she's in the dream, that means she has also fallen asleep. They're about to lose the battle when Maggie appears and uses her pacifier to seal the vent on the spider, causing Willie to explode. Now Bart and Lisa hope they are free of Willie forever, but they were wrong. He does show up again, but just as a normal person with no dream-powers, much to the children's relief. This segment is an obvious parody of Nightmare On Elm Street with Willie playing the part of Freddy Krueger. Nightmare on Elmstreet was parodied earlier in Cape Feare.
When Homer desperately tries to avoid Patty and Selma during a visit, he hides behind a bookcase and stumbles upon a gateway to the third dimension. Homer explores the peculiar area while searching for a method to escape it. Marge calls around Ned Flanders, Reverend Lovejoy, Professor Frink, Chief Wiggum and Dr. Hibbert to help Homer get out of the dimension. Because of an accident involving one of the many cones flying around, the third dimension starts to collapse into a black hole, taking Homer closer to it with increasing force, while Professor Frink outside explains to the others that Homer was in the third dimension. Chief Wiggum, enraged, shoots the wall that Homer passed into when entering the 3-D universe, but the bullets just get sucked into the black hole after narrowly missing Homer. Bart goes into the dimension to save him. Homer leaps for Bart, but falls short and into the singularity. Bart ends up back in the house thanks to his safety rope after the third dimension passed away. Bart tells the truth about what happened, much to Marge's dismay. At that rate, Lovejoy says to her that Homer will end up in a good place. Homer finds himself in an even more terrifying place: the 'real world'. He then sees a shop named "Erotic Cakes" and he forgets his troubles.