Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire
This is the first episode of The Simpsons.
It's Christmas stime in Springfield. Marge is saving up all her money for Christmas shopping. Bart thinks a good gift for her would be a tattoo that says "MOTHER". BAr gets one and Mrage takes him out of the palro before the tattoo artist could finish, making it say "MOTH". MRage has to spend all of the Christmas money to get it removed, but sh's confindent the Homer's Christmas bounus from the power plant will bring the money back. At work, Homer and his workers find out they don't get a Christmas bonus this year. Homer thinks that Christmas is ruined. Barney tells HOmer about him becoming a store Santa. Homer tries to be one, but gets fiered from it. He and Bart head down to the Dog Race Track to bet on a dog to earn some money. The dog he bets on looses. When they leave, a dog trainer throws out his dgo, saying he's a horrible racing diog. Homer takes him into the family and Mrage think's he's the best Christmas gift ever.
- Bart: "One "Mother", please."
- Tattoo Artist: "How old are you?"
- Bart: "21, sir."
- Tattoo Artist: "Okay, get in the chair."