"One Angry Lisa"
Episode Information
"One Angry Lisa" is the second episode of season 34 of The Simpsons and the seven-hundred and thirtieth episode overall. It originally aired on October 2, 2022. The episode was written by Jessica Conrad and directed by Matthew Nastuk. It guest stars Jane Kaczmarek as Constance Harm and Joe Mantegna as Fat Tony.
- "Lisa gets called for jury duty while Marge becomes obsessed with her exercise bike."
Marge is watching TV, where a commercial for an exercise bike by Pedalon is seen and she asks Homer to buy one, but he refuses her idea. When Marge starts crying and Homer settles on buying it and anything else that comes on TV. When the TV starts showing a car, a yacht and a giraffe, Homer attacks it bringing it down to the ground, before going to a Pedalon shop and buying it, though really expensive.
After having it brought home, with big difficulties, Homer starts assembling it, getting no help from Bart when he gets stuck in it, with him stealing his wallet. After Bart gets back from Itchy & Scratchy Land, Homer has fallen asleep and wakes up to Marge assembling it. Marge starts the lessons after selecting a good looking instructor, Jesse.
After the first lesson, the kids get back home and Lisa gets a jury summon in her name, she tries to throw it away but it says if she does it she'd go in prison for six months. Marge keeps on exercising all day, getting Homer more upset, while Lisa goes to the prospective juror room, where she gets denied on avoiding jury duty by the officer after her looks and use of correct language.
In bed, Marge is exercising during sleep and Homer wakes her up, concerned, and the concern grows bigger when she starts saying Jesse's name over his, and goes to Moe's for beers and consult and finds the other husbands complaining to. On trial, Lisa is sitting besides others of the jury getting selected by Judge Harm.
Jesse invites Marge on a private ride in the Cool Down Lounge where he takes her around the world and she accepts paying $299, to Maggie's disapproval. In the tribunal, Chief Wiggum is making a fool of himself in the witness chair while Lisa complains on the joke of the fact. Meanwhile, Marge starts the private ride on the Great Wall of China, when Homer gets home with some roses and gets furious at the scene and goes back to Moe's.
At Moe's he proposes to take him down and Reverend Lovejoy gives him his location. In court, defender attorney Gil makes a fool of himself and Lisa protests to the judge, but she finds her remarks offensive and find her in contempt of court and the trial goes in mistrial and the defendant go free, to Lisa's rage.
At Jesse's home, his multiple private rides get interrupted by a knock on the door. Homer is at the door and punches him and they start fighting in front of the camera, Marge gets on Lisa's bike to go save him. She saves him pushing Jesse down the Great Wall's side, after finding out his fake private ride, and they go back home on the bike.
During the ride they pass through Lard Lad Donuts buying donuts, while Kirk burns down the now out of business Pedalon shop. In the end, Lindsey Naegle goes to a Pedalon shop and buys one bike, but Jesse is stopped from selling it to her by Gil that has become a worker there.
International airdates
September 19, 2023
Italia Uno
In other languages
"La parola alla giurata Lisa"
Juror Lisa has the floor
Removal from airing
This episode is banned in Hong Kong on Disney+ for the dialogue "Behold the wonders of China. Bitcoin mines, forced labor camps where children make smartphones, and romance.".
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